Thursday, December 22, 2011

DayTwenty-Day Twenty-Two

                                                Day Twenty-Day Twenty-Two

                          "In him we have obtained an inheritance"--Ephesians 1:11

Yes, I must admit I may seem a little lax on my daily writing, and yes what it has it been three days have passed and so much has happened.  Mainly a lot of answers to prayers for finances, my husband rededicating his life to the Lord, and family visits, and much love from friends and family faraway.  And with this love and blessings,  I must remember to give thanks to the God our Father for supplying all our need.  And, yes, my husband and I can say, that as we both pray for our faith to increase (as we both are now), that little advances of his provisions seem to come our way.

But,truly the promises come from heaven and what, as always, when I am given an blessing or gift from a friend or family member, yes, I should not only thank them but thank God as well, but what I should, and you should too, always be thankful for is the inheritance that was given to us the moment we were conceived into God's family.  We are going to heaven, to start out with, we have our final resting place, not just resting place, but place of eternal rest, peace, and joy secured for us.  We no longer have to worry about what comes next, for if you think about it, this world has enough of that.  So, strike your eternal destination worries out of your head, unless of course, you aren't right with God.  (If that's the case, say a little prayer to Jesus right now, no pressure, just a suggestion!)  But, also we got Jesus.  Today, tomorrow, the next day.  We get to be in fellowship with him every day of our lives, because of our once and for all commitment to him.  For an extreme blessing, He is with us through every single thing we go through, and will stay there when all else abandons.

So, rest in God's promise of his inheritance.  You are rich in your relationship with God, and oh so many gifts, he has for this Christmas and this year.

If you don't have a church, I encourage you to find one this year, for Christmas Eve service and for the rest of the year, but ultimately know that the path to God lies in your hands, whether you decide to turn toward him and away from the darkness, or run away into the darkness that, yes, is fast approaching.

And, then be blessed with the inheritance of a holy, eternal relationship that gives out so much, in fact, has even given you the gift of life.

Merry Christmas, rest in His love for you tonight and the days to come.

"But now in Christ Jesus you who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
 Ephesians 2:13

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