Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How To Adult. V.2


When I grow up I'll be stable
When I grow up I'll turn the tables

Trying hard to fit among you
Floating out to wonderland

On June 29th of this year, I posted a blog article entited: Adulting Ain't Hard.  In it, I downplayed the reality that adulting is not a burden, examined the very real idea that our child-like selves longed for adulthood whereas now we desire to return to our innocence, and shared a little about how I have found joy in the art of growing up.  In today's entry, I would like to reflect further on this notion of adulting, growing up, and to offer some insights that have helped shape my self growth during this season of my life.

As a reminder:

In honor of one of my all-time favorite comedians, David Letterman, I will now list the top ten tips for the best way to #adult.  In addition, I will share further insights on each point directly below their numerical level.

10.) Set Daily Schedule
    ---In no way does this schedule have to be the same everyday nor is it set in stone.  For my part, living the life of an entrepreneur with a myriad of normie jobs, as it were, my daily schedule changes every day, based on the employment and needs of the day.  I make a list daily, sometimes the night before, of what I would like to accomplish for the day, but try my best to not berate myself if I do not accomplish, simply make the point to take care of it on the adjoining days to follow.  I am known to carry about with me in my large knapsack style purse (given to me by my good friend, Erin Rose), not one but two paper planners (yes, I still use that style in this age of abundant technology!).  In those, I record necessary appointments, work engagements, and make notes when I complete a certain task significant for my financial gain. 

9.) Meditate, Exercise, & Eat Right.
---This may be triggering to some, as these activities seem to fall by the way side when we become busy with the variety of adult-life, especially our day jobs.  But, as one with a very busy multi-normie job life, I have found that when I set these as part of the daily tasks they become part of the routine and have even found a deep craving from inward for exercise, meditation, and healthy diet that propels me to continue.  Once again, I actively do my best not to berate myself if I find myself lacking in these areas on certain days because I have found that is the first step onto the slippery slope that leads to giving up and becoming over indulgent in low self worth beliefs.  

8.) Define Intentions, Not Goals
---At first glance, these two may seem one and the same.  But, from one who has done monthly vision intention boards, I can say that the difference between is vast.  Goals feel to me a bit more concrete and therefore seem more earth shattering if not reached and obtained.  Intentions are mind-set focuses that help motivate how time is best spent to more forward.  For example, setting the goal that one will raise X amount of money by a certain deadline may or may not come to pass and if it doesn't will result in feelings of failure.  However, setting the intention of raising the funds motivates to accomplish but provides the mindset that circumstances of life may not bring about that desired end result at such and such time.  Life is uncertain, we can never know what may arise around the bend, thus intentions help provide the flexibility to ride the wave of change and maintain the focus to reach desired outcome regardless of whatever may befall.  As my Grandpa Walt used to quote, "Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first."

7.) Life is cyclical.  
---All of life mirrors that of the natural world, both inner and outer, yet when you really think about it, it's all inner, right? I mean, the catchphrase on this blog is "What You Visualize Becomes Your Reality", thus the inner motivations and thought patterns manifests the outer reality.  As we travel through the varied experiences of our existence, we find that each intention set is reached in the appropriate time it was meant to be, the cycle of that accomplishes, lessons learned based on these cycles.  Too often we see pitfalls as weaknesses and a means to destroy our psyche and self worth, whereas we celebrate with great magnitude the high highs.  Our stability then is a rocky boat on a stormy ocean as we based the conditions of our reality on the outward.  Our inner peace is lacking because we base our worth on what we achieve and how we feel we are perceived by others.  Seeming to fail gives us reason to give up, to not try, and not as lessons to persevere, adapt, and grow more into ourselves.  The emphasis here to is to celebrate all that life brings forward, both the highs and the lows.

6.) Success is today, not in the future.
---This may seem contradictory as I mentioned earlier about setting intentions for our own forward movement.  But, no this is an essential truth in the overall picture of our mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  For, however regardless if we choose to set goals or intentions, once we reach our desired destinies we simply won't be able to feel the pride and joy from such accomplishments if we do not carry within that peace and joy in our present reality.  Success, then, is truly of the mind and an inner based reality, not based on anything external.

5.) Continue always in your own self-work and healing.
---Basically, seek to not fear, run from, or hide from your own feelings, in all their variety, as well as your inner demons and darkness.  This is hard work and I can attest is often fraught.  The road to such is spent with much falling back and rising again, in each there are lessons to be learned and much healing is found in the falling down.  As mentioned in #5, lots of times the greatest lessons to our inner growth is found in the darkest times, for what we learn in those valleys is the key to overcoming the battles of our inner darkness.  So to, pushing through and moving into the light of true peace, brings about the true feeling of accomplishment and success, not found in the material.

4.) Reframe, reframe, reframe!
---As I talked about in my July 14th article entitled: Reframing, the pathway to shifting our reality is to change our thinking.  In my early days of recovery, when my days were spent in the deepest of depression, one notion that was taught to me by my therapist and self-help books was "Change the Scene".  The idea being that when feeling overwhelmed with the pangs of depression, change your current mindset by actively changing your activity and environment.  This may not be something entirely drastic, it can be the simple act of turning off the television, getting up, and sitting outside in the sunlight.  This idea has been the framework that has been the enhancement of my overall life and has morphed from the simple to the profound.  My life expanded into the realm of possibility when I simply began the process of reframing, realizing how much my beliefs of lack of self worth or undeserving of love (stemming from years of abuse) shaped my external choices and actions, was the first step to making the change to eliminate the toxic element both inner and outer.  If I had not made the simple decisions way back in the times of intense depression of 2007-2008, to simply change the scene, I would not have the wherewithal to reframe my thinking, making a complete overhaul of my beliefs by eliminating that which was holding me back, in fact, dragging me downward, in all truth, the toxic.  

3.) Be mindful.
---This is a process and comes about once the above 7 are firmly in place.  Mindfulness is a state of being, of taking each step with deliberate focus, each thought one patiently after the other, not judging or degrading, but simply being. 

2.) Always seek inner validation, not external.
---As I discussed in the entry, Do You Validate?, so much of our wellbeing is based on others' approval  and most of our interactions is through social media.  Thus, I coined the term "social media validation", the constant seeking approval for any goings-on in our lives, whether positive or negative, seeking guidance outward rather than to try on your own, and attempting to escape from one's own inner darkness.  I'm not saying that connection with another human is in itself bad, in fact, its absolutely necessary.  But if we seek out friendships for our own sense of wellbeing and approval, then the relationship is not valid nor true, rather one-sided and not coming from a place of unconditional love.  This discovery of true connection in relationship is a continuous lesson in all of our self-growth, and one of which I find myself on as well.

1.) Be child-like in your #adulting
---First, let me emphasize, "child-like", not "childish".  That's right, there is a difference.  I don't emphasize crybaby meltdowns in attempts to get out of your adult requirements and duties, those are acts of manipulations and lessons that should have been overcome in your younger years.  In all honesty, as a woman living with the mental health condition of Bipolar Type 2, I can openly admit that I struggled with and still at times struggle with these seemingly childish outbursts.  However, as mentioned in #5, I am increasingly learning to view my emotions not with fear or weaknesses, but am allowing myself to truly feel, explore, and heal through them.  
That said, I believe this be the #1 pathway to #adulting, that of seeing everything we have to do as "grown-ups" with the child-like wonderment and joy at its newness.  In short, view each task as a sort of game.  When I was actively working as a nanny, the young girl often left me with marvel at the wonder she saw in each moment and the excitement over what I find mundane.  I would often joke about how I should mimic how she runs from place to place in my daily errands and duties around town.  This influenced my overall mindset developed from her insights that life can be a game and I, too, can view each moment with that wonderment.  In truth, I found the pathway to truly growing up, healing and re-parenting, in reliving and truly embodying that child-like wonder once again.

Oh darling don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple

So, these above are my insights on how to #adult without fear or wanting to escape.  Got your own top ten? Feel free to share below.

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a media production company with the emphasis of showing how we thrive, not merely survive.  Support us at: www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fair Is Foul, Foul Is Fair #macbeth #modernday #williamshakespeare

Another election is upon us!!! Watch "Fair Is Foul, Foul Is Fair" to see what good ol' Shakespeare had to say about all this politic-shmolitics! #macbeth #modernday #williamshakespeare https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGOU8yQsa5RG39RLapEe2gfnr2TXh2CGB via @YouTube

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

An Open Letter To The New Family Residing At 23537 Vineyard Road

“Once upon a time we all walked on the golden road. It was a fair highway, through the Land of Lost Delight; shadow and sunshine were blessedly mingled, and every turn and dip revealed a fresh charm and a new loveliness to eager hearts and unspoiled eyes.

On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances aerial and sweet as a May mist; we were rich in gossamer fancies and iris hopes; our hearts sought and found the boon of dreams; the years waited beyond and they were very fair; life was a rose-lipped comrade with purple flowers dripping from her fingers.

We may long have left the golden road behind, but its memories are the dearest of our eternal possessions; and those who cherish them as such may haply find a pleasure in the pages of this book, whose people are pilgrims on the golden road of youth.”
― L.M. Montgomery, The Golden Road

I remember the days, of just keeping time
Of hanging around in sleepy towns, forever
Back roads empty for miles
Well you can't have a dream and cut it to fit
But when I saw you I knew, we'd go together
Like a wink and a smile

The home where I spent the formative years of my existence, my childhood home, has been released from the hold of my family.  A new family will take up residence.  The reality of that has been swirling through my mind.  For many years now, I have recognized the existence of home as not a material, but that of within.  However, with the advent of Covid-19 and the need to quarantine, to lock ourselves within the buildings of our houses, as it were, it has given pause to reflect on the natural of the physical building of which I reside, both today and in the past.  

Whatever the place, whether I walk within or just recall in my mind's eye, it as if the voices of the memory ring off the very walls, a myriad of emotions fill those echoes of times past.  This is a reality in so much of my past, however the duration I have resided or spent within the confines of those walls.  The memory of the place clings within me as my memory clings within it.  Is it a real possibility that the physical manifestation of home is more than just a material object but a true living embodiment of our soul's and heart's cry?

I am beginning to realize the answer is a positive.  

So, to the family who takes over my childhood home, I now speak.  My heart is filled with hope and gratitude for your journey within those walls, thankful for the time I spent, the reality that all that partake within is a truth that has shaped my existence and will never cease to be, will always be a part of my being.

I wish the same for each of you.  I do hope that the memories of that residence which cling to the walls, echoing off with ringing tones throughout the landscape, happily fill your days.  I hope with every fibre of my being that your residing there is filled with the plethora of emotion I leave within and move forward beyond in my life.  

In those walls are infused, the memory of little children's feet, both mine, my siblings, and their children, running down the hallways, noisily happy and sometimes not so, chattering through the rooms.  The feet of the children were followed lovingly and loyally by an assortment of beloved furry friends, pets whose spirits remain on the property.  These spirits, although left behind by me, welcome you with open hearts with wishes to show you the delights they still hold dear in their departed life.  Allow them to guide as the purity of their animal hearts is beyond that of the humans that inhabited it.  As most animals of all variety, they wish no ill will upon you.  

Top L to R, me with kitten Calvin & Hobbes, my cat, Jamocha Almond Fudge, 
Ollie (who looks dangerous but isn't), Calvin & Hobbes again.  Bottom: me with my side-kick and world's best doggie ever, Ollie!

There were Christmas holidays spent in the living room, bursting over with the excitement of Santa's visits and then in the elder years, the cherished memories of mimosas, muffins, and family gatherings.  Birthday parties, slumber parties, late night giggle sessions and all night computer sessions in online chat rooms (a good part of my youth was spent in the nineties), sneaking out for midnight meet-ups with friends, long hikes in the woods and hills, dips in the coolness of the lake, whether clothed or not.  

Playing at the beach, slumber birthday parties, & school fun!

We were hired as babysitters, took care of neighbors' horses and cats, tended gardens for a little extra money.  We were freely allowed to roam the neighborhood at all times of the year without any fears of our parents.  In my teenage years, I longed for the intrigue and busyness of the city life but today I am grateful in a wide plethora of ways for the freedom I was allowed in my youth time in that neighborhood.  To this day, I still hold strong connection to the friends' I grew up alongside, memories of moonlit walks, sail boat rides, the 4th of July games, the Halloween parties and trick or treating.  

Corinne & I, after our original choreographed piece of Cats

My best friend, Corinne, more of a sister than any other, who I cherish in so many ways was one of the strongest allies during the emotional upheaval of middle school life and through the fate of life we were brought back together in our twenties as we faced these demons at therapist office's next door to each other.  The growth of our emotional health has been a universal journey we share side by side, and would be non-existent without our formative years growing up in the same neighborhood.

Me with my first boyfriend, Monte Weatherby (deceased), on our way to my first prom!

Sophomore Year Prom!!  L to R, Me, my boyfriend, Matt, my best friend, John, and his girl
friend, Janiene (also my best friend)

me with my soul sister, Silvia!  (exchange student from Switzerland)

My siblings and I named several of the landmarks on our property we leave behind.  The little creek by my playhouse (lovingly crafted by my father and grand-father, when I was in first grade ( I still have those memories of it being built), was named Lost Canoe Creek, so named for the plastic toy canoe my brother lost in it around age ten (found later in his early twenties, however, "Found Canoe Creek" never had the same ring to it).  The mystical grove of pine trees surrounding the stone rock seemingly a perch for the fairies to hold their mysterious rituals called "Simgale" by my eldest brother.  In the old days, hammocks were hung and summers were spent by me reading leisurely for hours or I played in the coolness of the shade.

In My Room!
My kitty, Jamocha (not so happy at the moment) and I.
I am particularly proud of the Beverly Hills, 90210 actresses behind me.  
I was quite the fan-girl indeed!

There is so much more I could say, too much to list here.  It is enough to recall that each moment, although not able to be listed, is a valuable asset upon my soul.  Beloved tv shows whose cast members are still loved today (Night Court, Beverly Hills 90210, Seinfeld, to name a few), my bedroom walls plastered with their images, movie nights with pizza for dinner....so many many moments...you might find a sticker still fixed upon one of the bedroom windows, if my parents' missed it in the cleaning (hopefully so), it's my gift left for you, a physical manifestation of my child soul still residing there with yours. 

So, too, new residents I wish for you to build upon and form these new memories, with gratitude for the foundation that shaped me and the lessons that inspired my eternal emotional growth, I release this home to your loving and capable hands.  

I ask as I entrust her to you that you cherish and nurture her well as I know she will do the very same for you.

I can see your face
In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday (the dream)
Those are words I'll never say (I'll never say)
This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy
This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me

So, what did you think? Got something to say? Feel free to comment below and I will respond.

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company with the sole purpose of benefiting the world for the better.  Support us at: www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Special COVID-19 Meditation. Feel free to join! #meditate #thrivingar...

Thriving Isn't Always Pretty


Human Race

The human race
I'm sick of running
Sick of running
Sick of running
The human race
The human race

I don't belong here
Not in this atmosphere
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I don't belong here
Not in this atmosphere
I don't belong here
Not in this atmosphere
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

One of the arenas of being an entrepreneur has been trying to find the focus, theme, and brand of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, not just in our media projects, both online and off, but in the overall business as a viable and active part of the community, both locally and globally.  
Little did I know, that the brand of Cafe-Girl had been and is a part of me and has been active via social media and my blog for more than when Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc was established.  
I think perhaps since about 2014, I have had an online Facebook group entitled "Artist Thriving Network".  (Feel free to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/artthrivestogether/)

In addition, I actively have a blog that is entitled "The Thriving Artist".  The idea behind that despite our circumstance, even if we do not have overwhelming material success and fame, we can still be thriving artists.  I decided then to marry the The Thriving Artist and Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, only to discover that they were already married.
Being a thriving artist means we actively pursue our artistic passions despite our circumstance, whether internal or external.  With the "new" brand focus of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, I will increasingly allow myself to be vulnerable, raw, and real.  I will be me, not just hold the business-woman mindset.  The following paragraphs detail my connection to my local theatre scene and the effects therein, my admitting why I have stepped back.  However, for those that are not local, I share this as well, with a hope to help those who read find their own healing and peace, as well as to bring openness and ability to share their stories.  
Together, we thrive beyond our circumstances.
Much Love,

For at least 3 plus years, I have stepped back from a considerable amount of activity in the Rogue Valley Theatre Scene. At the time, I referenced to a heavy workload both with my multiple normie jobs as well as Cafe-Girl. But, the truth of the matter is, I have PTSD and relationship trauma issues. An element of the theatre scene around here has become increasingly toxic to me, triggering to my emotional sense, and has led me feeling unsafe emotionally in certain theatres or around certain people. Honestly, it has led me to feel so emotionally despondent and upset that I am not "doing what is required of me" that I have contemplated suicide.
I have not felt the ability or freedom to express this, but with the change of 2020 that it is put upon us, it is now that I express myself.
I will no longer be made to feel bad if I don't attend a certain theatre event. If I do not feel emotionally safe in an environment or an event feels triggering to me, I need to take care of myself. I am in therapy now and have been working on this aspect of my life.
Relationships are give and take, but I feel too much of this element is giving with conditions. They give so they may receive, and if I don't give according to their desires, even if I give unconditionally in a different way, that isn't good enough. I will no longer support those that partake in this toxic practice. It is not good for me nor is it good for others, as well as those that are engaging in such activity. A way to change a behavior is to have a consequence. This is that consequence.
I am openly expressing myself, my pain, my trauma issues, not to shame anyone but to bring openness and understanding.
The truth of the matter is, I do support the local theatre and artistic community in a myriad of fashion. I attend events when I feel it is coming from a place of unconditional love on my part, as well as the receiver, that they will love me no matter if I attend or not, not "unfriend me" because I didn't attend. Yes, that has happened. Now, you all know why, not out of spite, but due to my PTSD. I share this, not to belittle, shame, or anger, but to open up the conversation and bring understanding.
I love you all and wish you healing, with hopes that you have and will take the enormity of the intensity of 2020 to reflect, process, prioritize, and make the changes necessary in you to become a healthy person and truly thriving artist.


And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

If you care to support, http://www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions
You are under no obligation to support Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc financially by following this blog or any of our social media sites. 
Your support is felt beyond the financial. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

My Life, My Choice


My Life--Dido

What I choose to do is of no concern to you and your friends
Where I lay my hat may not be my home, but I will last on my own
'Cause it's me, and my life, it's my life, it's my life
Oh the world has sat in the palm of my hand not that you'd see
And I'm tired and bored of waiting for you and all those things you never do
'Cause it's me, and my life, it's my life, it's my life.

I fully recognize how this year 2020 has been one of the most trying for all of us, not just in the United States but throughout the whole world.  I get it, but I also believe that it can inspire a mindshift that is possible to bring about a reality change, both personally and globally.  

That said, in the very early hours of 2020, I set an intention for the year, a goal as it were, that this would be a year of health and clarity, vision.  Setting that intention allowed me the freedom to be flexible as the changing tides of the crazy set in last March and I remained in that place of stability and security despite the upheaval that continued in its enormity this year.  

Being forced to slow down and step back from the daily grind and rat race that I was prone to in the years prior to 2020 gave me the ability to prioritize and set clear intentions for my life personally, my mental wellness, as well as my career and business ventures.  Taking this time to slow down allowed me to find balance which enabled me to find security, stability, and my sense of self worth and validation increasingly within and not without. This afforded me to not only find healing and freedom from past toxic relationships but openly and continually evaluate what I want and value in an interpersonal connection.

That said, there is a tendency in today's society to view relationship as a means to increase our value personally without realizing the importance another person has for themselves.  We, as a whole, tend to look outward from a variety of purposes, for acceptance and a sense of self worth.  Connecting with another becomes less about truly finding union and more about what can I gain from another in order to feel secure within and without.  Yes, relationships are transactional, a give and take, as it were, but too many times I feel we focus on the take and give in order to take more.  This year I have been focusing my energy on giving where it is indeed received freely and not necessarily for my own gain if only for the benefit of maintaining a true and definite soul connection with that other person, seeing their face light up with the fullness of being treasured in their heart by another is truly a gift worthy.

Too many times in recent years, I have witnessed this degree of anxiety in myself that I am not doing enough to win the approval of another.  This year I have realized that the connections that enforce this sense of duty upon me are not truly friends, not deserving of my energy or time for there will never be any real reciprocation of true soul connection, and, in the true fullness of the word, are, in fact, toxic. 

Without pointing fingers, I have realized this in an element of my personal community, that of my local theatre scene.  There is a high propensity in recent years in the theatre community that goes beyond the competitive and political, and is venturing increasingly into the arena of toxic manipulation and abuse.  Too much of the connection is based on what another can gain from me and not an enduring soul connection.  A quid pro pro, I give so I can take, not truly from a lasting place of wanting to freely give and connect.  I realize that this may stem from all of our inner feelings of lack of self worth and needing to find that validation outward to increase our inner calm and reduce the sense of dis-ease.  Regardless, it is a toxic way of life that is no longer beneficial. 

In years prior to 2020, before the slowing down and stepping back of quarantine, I have felt increasing anxiety of never feeling 'good enough' or 'worthy' based on this heightened abusive transactional relationship.  It has increased in me the fears of relationship, abandonment and avoidance issues, and brought further into my consciousness that of my past trauma issues.  This time of stepping back has allowed me to realize the nature of the outward connection, how it relates to my inner tranquility or lack thereof, and what a true soul connection truly means.

That said, I have decided hereto that I will no longer engage either directly or indirectly with those connections which are toxic and know wholeheartedly this will not affect me on a negative level, whether personally or in a career fashion, but know that it will and has brought about a peace of mind, enabled me to strengthen my sense of self worth, and infused me with a new degree of wanting to freely give where I know it will be received without judgment.  

For those that I step back from, please know this is not an attack on you personally and know that I do care deeply for you, your inner self.  This is an attack on a practice, that of toxicity and abuse, that are no longer service to myself, to you, or to the community and world.  I hope for all of us that this year has been more than just outwardly yelling the "Fuck You 2020" but a time of change and re-evaluation of what is indeed important and finding the healing to increase our sense of worth without looking outward.

I don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore this is my life
Go ahead with your own life leave me alone
I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong
Don't get me wrong
And you can speak your mind
But not on my time

If you have thoughts on what you read above, I welcome your response.  Please comment below. THe Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc.  Support us at: www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions