Friday, July 28, 2023

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 68: Pink Hair Lady Speaks! #journaling...

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 68: Pink Hair Lady Speaks! #journaling #relivemychildhood
In this episode, I share some prose that lends itself to a conversation about owning and belonging to yourself, diving deeper into the real purpose of life, seeking answers within and without, which causes me to detour about how my open-minded 17 year old self would find myself some ten years later brainwashed by a mainstream church cult....

National Suicide Prevention Hotline (24 hours):


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If you are struggling with your mental health, you and your life matter.

Contact NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) at:


TimeSick, the continuing TimeKeys Doctor Who Fan-Fic Series on the @TimeKeys Youtube channel: TimeSick Playlist:

Thursday, July 27, 2023

You Can Leave CW: #domesticviolence #intimatepartnerviolence #dv #ipv

"If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, YOU CAN LEAVE, no matter what your abuser says or does, YOU CAN LEAVE".

So, that's out of the way.  Let's talk about abuse, how it looks, how it happens, and how the abused can leave.  First, let's understand that all genders can be both abuser and abused.   I have known many a male that has come out of an abusive relationship as female, I support and applaud each for taking the steps needed for their freedom and recovery.  Second, the word used for 'abuser' is often simplified to "narcissist" or merely "narc".  This word comes from the official diagnosis of "narcissistic personality disorder" and is often misunderstood.  This word is thrown around even when a person does something that may seem to the outside as egoistical.  Rather the clinical definition of "narcissistic personality disorder is as follows: "is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a delusional sense of status, diminished ability or unwillingness to empathize with others' feelings, and interpersonally exploitative behavior. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders.  It is often comorbid with other mental disorders and associated with significant functional impairment and psychosocial disability."  Using the word "narcissist" or "narc" can both oversimplify or vilify the abuser.  That said, there are other reasons why a person can be an abuser ranging from such diagnoses as Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath) to Psychopath to the aforementioned Narcissistic Personality Disorder down the line to an addiction problem and/or yet untreated mental and emotional disorders.  For myself personally, I have had a myriad of types of abuser from former partners to friends to bosses with a mixture of reasoning or diagnoses as to why they abuse, such as mental disorders like schizophrenia, drug addiction, and, yes, NPD.  Notably, I myself have been an abuser and know personally that it be a result of my mental health diagnoses of Bipolar and CPTSD.  Finally, I want to make it clear that I am not a certified therapist or psychiatrist so cannot officially diagnosis, thus for my part and for the purposes of this article, I use the word "abuser" no matter the reasoning.  In the end, the reasoning or diagnosis of abuser does not matter, only that the abused admit the crime afflicted upon them, realize their need to separate, and the actions done to be free.

Thus, we began.  Again:

"If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, YOU CAN LEAVE, no matter what your abuser says or does, YOU CAN LEAVE".

Maybe as you read this, you are still doubting whether you are in some form of relationship with abuser, you feel a sense of shame to admit, or may have no idea what you would do upon leaving or even how to do such.  The years of targeted abuse dealt upon you most likely has broken down your self esteem to such that there is an inability to see clearly.  For your benefit, let's lay out the tactics an abuser uses to control, manipulate, dominate.  

The first stage of an abusive relationship begins with love bombing wherein the abuser finds their next victim and overwhelms them with praise, adulation, and love.  The victim is made to feel special, as if they are the one that the abuser has been waiting for, the fairy tale romance.  At this stage, although red flags may be present, it is difficult for the victim to see otherwise, no matter how an outsider may try.  Once locked in, the abuser can begin their stages of control, thus becoming Jekyll & Hyde in their interactions.  They can be both abuser and victim, blaming you for their anger and insults.  Almost immediately, they can be once again the sweet and loving person you met, only to have that shift again.  Gaslighting is the act of causing you to question and doubt your words, your actions, your perceptions, your very self.  They will tell you something, then deny saying it, they will hide something and ask where you put it, they will tell you to do something, then ask why you did it, all examples but there are other ways as well.  Their overall goal is to break down your will so you do not question, you do not retaliate, they have total control of which they celebrate.  Often these tactics, among others, are used as precursors of any physical violence as well continued to use alongside.  
(This article references 'sociopath' but I feel the tactics described can be used for any type of abuser:   (Another useful article for more information: 

While in the relationship, the abuse may follow certain stages, however, not always in this order and at times there may be overlap.  The honeymoon or calm phase may suddenly shift to a building up of tension erupting into explosion followed by the feelings of remorse, then back to the honeymoon.  Does this spark a feeling of familiarity to your own life?  

In addition, as shown above, there are types of abuse, physical to financial and a myriad in between, that can be used solely or be combined, which is often the case.  Remember, the goal of the abuser is to control and all means will be taken to do such.  (For further information on types of abuse: 

Perhaps now you see yourself and your abuser in the above paragraphs and are questioning how "you can leave".  No doubt, your abuser has slung words of hate at you about what would happen should you attempt to leave.  From my past abusers, I was told such phrases as "No one will ever love you like me" to simply "You can't leave".  Do these sound familiar?  Perhaps your abuser has declared that they will make your life a miserable hell if you attempt to depart, so afraid are they of losing control.  They may have tried to question how exactly you would even live successfully without them.  What it all comes back to, aren't you in enough hell with them?  As an experienced abuse survivor, now thriver, I can tell you any hell you may experience without is by far better than any hell within.  Thus, the reality is, no matter what they say, you can leave, you can survive, you can thrive.

It is important to note that they will do several abusive tactics once you have removed yourself, with the attempt to gain control again.  At first, they may appear to discard you hoping their loss from your life will bring you back.  If this is not successful, they will hoover, like a vacuum, returning to your life doing what they can to suck you back to their control.  If neither of this works, I applaud you, but beware the "flying monkeys", those friends of theirs that will fly about you in aid of your abuser to confuse or undermine your beliefs about the abuse that occurred.  If at all possible, you may have to completely disengage and apply "NO CONTACT" furthermore.  In the event this not possible, due to children or during the divorce proceedings, do what you can legally and personally to protect yourself from your abuser's further targets.

"If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, YOU CAN LEAVE, no matter what your abuser says or does, YOU CAN LEAVE".

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

Thursday, July 20, 2023

As Intended. #mindfulness #meditation

During the lockdown of 2020, I started taking yoga seriously, as well as other aspects of my health.  All aspects of health are important in the overall wellbeing, like spokes in a wheel, if one area is out of whack the others suffer.  I wasn't sure what to expect with yoga just that I had been told it had a lot of health benefits holistically and that it felt really good within my body.   I also downloaded "Serenity", a monthly meditation app aimed at helping others learn the art of mindful meditation.  Admittedly, I'm not as faithful with the Serenity app as I am with the yoga, after all, we can only do so much during a day.  Yet, the effects of the yoga have been surprisingly pleasant on my outlook on the daily grievances, highs and lows of life occurrences.  Now, I don't mean for this to be a commercial for Yoga or Meditation, rather, the effects that I have discovered therein.  In addition, Fundie, if you do Yoga, demons will not overtake you, leaving you walking away strangely spouting off Hindu and wanting to color strange symbols.  

We all face those daily annoyances, or weekly, monthly, whatever they will be.  Recently, my partner and I faced a myriad of such, like the 'Summer of Car' where not one but the majority of our vehicles ended up with some kind of maintenance or the kitchen sink being backed up for a week, the electricity bill climbing high, the well spraying water profusely but not where it is needed.  In each of these scenarios, there is a choice.  To bitch or not to bitch.  Now, feeling upset, frustrated, angry over an annoyance is natural, I am not degrading any for feeling such.  I have experienced and revealed my fair share of angry outbursts over frustrations in life.  No judgment here, friend.  But, rather, what I have discovered whilst doing Yoga is I find in myself the ability to recognize, this is what it is for now, not forever, it, too, shall pass.  

Therein, the lessons in these grievances may not be something altogether grand, maybe just maybe its in the simplicity of mindful acceptance.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 66: Will The One-Eyed Owl Please Stand...

Content Warning! In this episode, I continue through the journal sharing my early struggles with depression & suicidal ideation after several major heart breaks and losses for my younger self. I share how feeling that I had to minimize and hide my pain led to larger issues with mental illness as I grew and the path I took towards recovery, including sharing this journal. If you are struggling with your mental health, you and your life matter. Contact NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) at: Merchandise: Watch TimeSick, the continuing TimeKeys Doctor Who Fan-Fic Series on the @TimeKeys Youtube channel

TimeSick, Ep. 4: Shattered Hearts Twisted #doctorwho #timekeys #keyoftim...

In this episode, adapting to their new lives on earth may be hard but normalcy is not in the cards for our time lords now humans, a mysterious person invites Dr. J. Smith, Margie Smyth, & Russ Smyth into an interesting turn of events, Jane struggles to find herself, The Doctor, on his way to overcome Lord Nimon, gets distracted by the arrival of a new companion, & "Theresa" meets a new old friend. Merchandise:  

Friday, July 7, 2023

TimeSick Episode Three: The Gathering by Lia Liz Rose Dugal & Roan D. Ba...

TimeSick, Episode Three: The Gathering Written by Lia Liz Rose Dugal & Roan D. Barney Rassilon reigns in power, The Rani & The Master scheme behind his back, The Lackey follows orders & joins the quest, a shadowy figure from a far away place visits Gallifrey with a proposition for the three, The Fool finds herself in a bit of a pickle, & The Doctor attempts to save the day! Merchandise:

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Purity Culture Survivor to Life Model Thriver #exvangelical #exfundie #purityculture #artmodel


First, I find it important to express that the society of the United States has long been one governed by a patriarchal and even a puritanical worldview, stemming from the country's origins and history.  It is a battle continuously fought against this day by feminist and allies alike.  However, this underlying theme has influenced one of the most popular of world religions to manifest in ways, although on the surface seem positive, hold a controlling element of demeaning toxicity.  I speak that of the Fundamentalist Christian or Mainstream Christian Right's emphasis on 'purity' in all things, such as modesty in clothing and attire, guarding one's virginity towards marriage, and remaining pure in one's overall conduct so as to be 'above reproach'.  

Although a long held belief by Christian Extremists, the Purity Culture truly took root and began to flourish in the 1990s.  With the backdrop of the AIDs epidemic, Christian leaders and parents saw that as an opportunity to sharply condemn sex outside of marriage as a reasoning for the reality of sin's destruction.  As I type, I find myself wanting to share something positive about the overall Purity Culture, in order to not to seem bias.  Yet, all I can recognize is that the need to protect one's children from the horrors of disease or other outside troubles is at its core understandably noble in its own way.  But, as the years went by, the AIDs epidemic became less of a threat, yet the Purity Culture and the Christian leadership ramped up its vitriolic control, in the guise of love, the effect of which left those taught with an ample supply of body and sexual fear, shame, and guilt.  

And, thus was I.  This is my story.

I wasn't raised Christian, or of any faith, for that matter.  Although in my early years of childhood, I had some belief of 'God', like the cartoons pictured him in a long white bearded dude, in a white gown, floating around in the clouds.  Later on, in high school, I spent summers pouring through books on Buddhism and most notably Wiccan and Paganism.  My pathway towards Christianity was marked with an overall interest in being a seeker of 'something else' coupled with an increasing degree of unresolved pain from lifelong abuse and feelings of neglect.  Constantly seeking outside for some connection, a savior to rescue whether a boyfriend or something else, I found myself falling into the organized religion of Christianity in the brand of my college's town local branch of 'Calvary Chapel'.  On par with my need for outward protection and love, my not good at all college boyfriend dragged me to the church and then proudly proclaimed how he 'led me to the lord' to all we knew.  I don't want to give an overall 'testimony' of the highs and lows of my journey through Calvary's form of Christianity and its effects, I have done so in previous blog entries, but I do feel it of import for this entry to state that as much as I sought outwardly for some rescuer, I pushed all authentic connection far from me out of my own fearful insecurities of letting others into an already damaged heart.

In short, I was ripe for the teachings of the 'purity culture'  and its weaponized usage of the teachings of Jesus.  And, thus it did.  When I became a Christian at age 22, give or take, I had already committed the act of premarital sex a few times, rather, I was not a virgin.  Indeed, the not good at all college boyfriend and I continued to have a sex during the time while he professed outward purity to his Christian friends, in addition to his rampant alcohol and drug abuse, inability to hold a job, manipulation, emotional abuse and control, etc, etc, etc.  Furthermore, my dress was that of what was popular in society at the time for young ladies my age, not over all sexual or immodest, but short shirts, shorts, skirts that showed just the slightest bit of skin or even cleavage and was hitherto seen as scandalous.  I must add, that since the development of puberty my body has always been that of 'Barbie-Doll like', large breasts, no waist, nothing else.  Increasingly, I was taught that my body was a trap for men and boys, that I had to be responsible for their weakness, and that they could  not control themselves.

A few years into this, I attended a Purity Conference with a high/middle school youth group of which I was a counselor.  At one point, the boys were ushered off to another room while the girls and women were lectured by a twentysomething junior pastor about why they should dress modestly, comparing our cleavage to a boy's loose pants signifiying how his butt crack seemingly would be as distracting as our revealing shirts.  We all laughed together as much as I cringe today.  Later, back together, we all bowed in prayer, asking God for help to remain pure for ourselves but mostly for others.  As the years tumbled forth and I became deeper in my mental health woes, my body felt like a weapon against my battle to remain pure, I at fault for every time a man 'stumbled' into sexual sin or lust.  As I progressed I developed body dysmorphia and anorexia, I began dieting and exercising excessively with the attempt to stem off the pain and reduce my body to a size more like a child then a sexual object, for my protection as well as the men of whom I had become a Jezebel.

Added to that, I continuously found myself engaging in relationships with men that were controlling, thus enter my husband, he of the worst of abusive past relationships.  Breaking up with him, kicking him out of my life, was the first brick to crumble away from those that sought to minimize and control.  During my marriage and then increasingly after, I began my long held dream of 'nude modeling'.  It was a dare at first, could I do it?

In the early days of modeling, I faced a bit of a backlash, not just from the former Fundie world I had newly emerged, but from society at large.  Nudity and posing nude in our society at large is likened to 'sex-work', although being an art model is so far removed from anything related to sex that they are all barely in the same category.  The reality that a 'nude' art model whether for fine art or photography is seen as sexual or even scandalous is a mark against this country.  With the Hollywood enforced ideal 'beauty', shame is felt for those who don't measure up, whether realized outward or felt inward, and thus the inability to feel comfortable in one's skin, let alone nude in front of an artist and random assortment of strangers in an art class.  (I ask you, how do you think the women in the paintings you love to view at a museum even got there, did they just come out of the painter's imagination?)

Thus, in the early days of my modeling career alongside my deconstructing from fundamentalist Christianity and the effects of such, I doubled down against those who scandalized and sexualized art modeling.  Buying clothing that were too revealing or sexual, for no other reason, than both that I liked it and that it could be possibly used for this career, the latter having no use for such attire.  Yet, as I continued to work, I began to find joy in hearing how the art is crafted, see the similarity of a fine artist preparation and that of an actor or writer, and along the way I built some special connections and friendships between the students and the teachers.  

Re-entering therapy during the time of quarantine, I began taking the space to heal, to prioritize, and found myself diving deep into my own art therapy journey.  Purchasing all sorts of paints, crafts, brushes, markers, crayons, colored pencils, a sketch book, and canvases, I began playing around with art for my own self.  Additionally, the modeling work began to flourish as my loyalty to the job had paid off in my relationship with the teachers.  Exercising and eating right became not about striving towards some unattainable perfection but more about being able to have stamina and longtivity in holding positions, as well as a myriad of other health benefits.  In class, I began to listen intently to the ways art was taught and think about how I could apply it in my own learning.  I started thinking about past models in history, who where they, and why weren't there any art history classes about models.  This led to a web search wherein a plethora of art models from the 1800s onward came flooding into my life, followed by reading book after book about them and their lives.  

Through all of this, I have realized that in and of itself nudity is not scandalous or sexual and that art is necessary for healing and connection for us all.  My desire to try out 'nude modeling' led me into the career I was meant to occupy, which led to my deepest of healing from the damages of toxic purity culture and society's implied beauty rules to feeling healthy and secure, positive about who I am within and without.

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 65: Thankful for Good Friends (Content...

First in this episode, Content Warning. I discuss my first break with real depression & share a poem/prose/short story that deals with the issue of suicide ideation, all stemming from the loss of three I thought loved me, who really mistreated me, & the effect left me so hurting with folks who told me to just "get over it" basically minimizing my pain. Yet all in all, I reflect upon the reality that I survived and found my thrive because of those dear souls whose love never failed. Merchandise: Watch TimeSick, the continuing TimeKeys Doctor Who Fan-Fic Series on the @TimeKeysYoutube channel