Day Six
"even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world"
Ephesians 1:4
Well, yesterday, we talked about praising God and blessing God in our storm and I would encourage us to continue to do that. Actually, to make that a daily thing, no matter what the mood, to praise God and bless God for who he is in our lives, for what he has done, will do, is doing, or for just the greatness of who he is. And then, remember, we get blessed, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us and was going to bless us anyway.
Well, today, I want to show you one way he blesses us with spiritual blessings, in that, He chose you. Yes, no matter what anyone has told you, what religiousity you have fallen into, God loves you and knew you before the creation of the earth, and before the fall of man, He chose you to become his child. He knew that Jesus would have to pay for your sins, and even knew that you would turn your back on him, but He chose you before the creation of the universe.
Why? Because He loves you and desires to have a real and lasting relationship with him. And for that, you can praise him, for that you can rejoice. In that, knowing how much he loves you, I pray you can find healing today.
Be blessed in the knowledge of his love and care for you, that spans before time or creation began, and remember to praise him from the depths of your heart.
In your journal, write what it means to you to know that you were chosen to be God's son or daughter, prince or princess, before the dawn of creation, despite your sin. Then, spend sometime just sitting before the Lord and think about how much he loves you, let that wash over you and carry you through the day.
"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." Col. 3:2
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