Monday, July 27, 2020

My Take On The Johnny Depp Libel Case, By A Domestic Abuse 'Thriver'

I have been following the Johnny Depp libel case the last few weeks, wherein he is suing the British newspaper, The Sun, for its op-ed penned by his ex-wife, Amber Heard.  As a victim of domestic abuse and a myriad of other abusive situations, this story got my attention.

I do need to pause a bit.  I have a great affinity for Johnny Depp as I grew up watching him in such a plethora of roles and have always admired his work as an actor and artist.  He is an original, when all is said in done, there is none like Johnny nor has ever been, nor will ever been.  In truth, just looking at the above photo brings a warm feeling to my celebrity crush heart.  I think we can all relate to that feeling of "that face" that happens when we are reared up watching the likes of certain celebrities.  

In addition to that,  I think it's very important, especially for a female victim of domestic abuse as myself, to set aside the unspoken belief that women are always the victims, men the perpetrators of domestic violence.  I have several male friends that can attest to their victimhood and from whom I can see glimpses of how the domestic abuse from a woman to man differs from that of man to woman.  

That said, I cannot at once proclaim that Amber Heard is the abuser and Johnny Depp the victim.  What I can see firstly is that the nature of the relationship was tumultuous.  

However, from what I have gleaned from the news on the trial, is that Amber Heard's allegations are just that and also should be considered hearsay.  I say this, knowing full well my affinity for Mr. Depp as well as my position as a survivor of domestic abuse.  For a good degree of her claims have been backed up by accurate representations not to be refuted by Johnny Depp's side.  Such as, the famous poop in the bed scenario, the bruises on Amber's face that were there and then weren't there (make-up? another perp that wasn't Johnny?), that leaves the whole business a mess of confusion.

From what I can see, my non-legal minded viewpoint, Johnny Depp is not necessarily innocent, but is generally not the one with the abusive inclinations.  I hope that the jury will take that into consideration, not based on his fame, but based on the reality that men are not always the perpetrators.  I have seen videos of Johnny Depp angrily slamming cabinets, banging dishes, with Amber whining off screen, "what happened? you were so sweet this morning?"  and my first thought wasn't, "oh poor Amber" but rather, "Yeah, a symptom of abuse".  

It is said that there are 7 tactics abusers use upon their victims, whether that be a partner, a friend, or a co-worker (a side note: I am a victim of all three, and more!).  Provided here is a link to this article about these 7 tactics:  7 Emotional Abuse Tactics In Relationships That Can Seem Innocent At First.  It is my belief that Amber Heard used these not only in her relationship with Johnny Depp but also in her other relationships, be it romantic, familial, or other.  

As far as the above video regarding Amber Heard's sister, I can understand the notion of wanting to protect one's family relations and secrets.  I have been in similar situations in my life.  I know now on the other side of it all, that living in the truth is far better than trying to protect those victimizing, whomever they may be.  Even at the loss of supposed special relationships, living in the freedom of the truth brings true peace.  I suspect this is the case of Whitney Heard.

It is evident from these documents that Amber Heard has abused in the past, so it can be assumed that she acted similarly in her relationship with Johnny Depp.  Thus follows, she is not the innocent victim that she claims to be.  It can be assumed that she will abuse again, that this is a pattern of hers and continually she finds a way to manipulate and hide any evidence of wrongdoing.  

So, what of Mr. Johnny Depp? Am I playing favorites because of my long-standing viewing of his films and respect?  Possibility, a little, but I am trying my best to not do that.  But, from the research I have done including watching a video leaked of him (filmed by Ms. Heard) of him angrily hitting cabinets and such, it leads me back to the belief that he was a victim of domestic abuse. 

How can I explain these behaviors that were not seen in his previous romantic relationships?  Well, first of all, the allegations of violence are just that allegations, have shown evidence of what actually happened, and indeed there is actual photography of abuse repercussions against Johnny Depp from Amber Heard's actions.

So, why the footage then of Johnny's outbursts? Two reasons that I can see, and granted I was not present in the relationship or situation.  Firstly, and Johnny Depp has admitted this, the evidence of drug and alcohol dependency affected his mood, which he has called "his sickness".  He has not been shy about admitting to this or its effects in his time on trial.  Second, from a personal viewpoint, when one is in an abusive situation, one often reacts and behaves in a way that is not at all like who they are or have they have reacted and behaved in ways in the past and in past relationships.  For one, I can look back at my time in my abusive marriage situation and hold my head in shame in the ways I behaved towards my abusive spouse as well as towards those I came into contact.  For the most part, I have done my best to apologize and remedy the situation to those I wronged, as much as is possible.  I know that I said and acted in ways that were not appropriate but can personally attest that they were reactions to feelings of being unheard, smothered, silenced, to be blunt, abused.  From my personal history and from hearing the background of others' relations with Johnny Depp, I believe that his outbursts were the result of both the drug and alcohol addictions as well as his reacting from the abuse of Amber Heard.

When I watch this footage, I must admit I feel a sense of relating to Johnny Depp.  I admit I don't know the situation that came before or why he is in the mood he is in, but I cannot help but feel that this behavior and reaction is based on his overall abusive situation and marriage to Amber Heard.

Words fail me....but I know I said and acted in ways that were not me based on my being in my abusive marriage.  I lashed out with verbal abusive angry remarks towards friends due to my ex-husband's influence, while he stood by the innocent bystander shocked by my outburst, then to be further used against me.  My history with abusive types stretches far and wide beyond just an abusive marriage but goes into co-workers, friends, former boyfriends, all with similar tactics.  My mind was spun around until crazy and confused, the 7 tactics of emotional abuse used on me, then my abuser (whether husband, lover, or friend) would turn immediately becoming sweet, submissive, yielding, and so appreciative.  My mind was in total disarray and confusion. I lived from one minute to the next, not in the state of blissful serenity as the meditators speak of, but in fear of....what mood is he or she in? Because of my propensity to fall into abusive relationship patterns, I have lived too many years of my life seeking to please an uncertain mood of my abuser, whatever the relationship may be.  I am on the path toward healing and realization that true and healthy relationships are equal in sharing and loving.

Amber Heard may win this case, whereas the jury may side with The Sun and Johnny Depp may lose the lawsuit.  However, ultimately, no matter the outcome of the case, I believe Johnny Depp will win.  The court of opinion will over-rule.  The case has shown that the relationship was of such tumultuousness that it is difficult to prove absolute abuse on either side.  Even in my marriage, it has been 9 years since I married and the two years I was with him, I have managed to put behind me as I move forward.  I have that luxury as I hold no connections, no children or property connecting us save emotional ties, but still there is this inner tendency to want to prove my story.  

Johnny Depp will win, even if his career in Hollywood flounders, because he is free.  He has been allowed to have his side of the story heard, shown evidence, and stood his ground.  I cannot imagine, as a fellow abuse victim, that this trial has been easy for him yet perhaps it has helped lighten the load as the information unfolds and the truth is revealed.  As I have found, not all people will believe his side, but those that don't believe, that side with the alleged abuser, are not true friends to be counted on and must be let go in order to continue the journey of living one's truth and finding wholeness.

This has been an intense blog to write for myself, because it brought up so much of my own abuse history.  For that reason, I finalize this article with this song: I'm Sensitive

I was thinking that I might fly today
Just to disprove all the things that you say
It doesn't take a talent to be mean
Your words can crush things that are unseen
So please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
And I'd like to stay that way

So, what do you think of what I wrote? Agree? Disagree? Doesn't matter, just comment below and I will do my best to comply.  I respect all viewpoints as long as they are civil.

The Thriving Artist blog is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company intent on birthing media raising awareness on social issues.  Support us at:

In addition, I wrote and co-starred in a webseries entitled "Nate & Laura & How They Met" available on Youtube and Facebook.  One of the main characters deals with domestic abuse.  Check it out here: Nate & Laura & How They Met

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tootles: Divine Masculine Meets Divine Feminine

Me as Tootles from Wanderlust Theatre Company's debut
production of Neverland

Amongst my many soul searching quests these last few years, I have done the inner work of seeking to know the realness of the divine as masculine and feminine.  As most of the readers know, I spent a degree of my youth in and around the fundamentalist denomination, Calvary Chapel, and part of my deconstruction of that worldview has been how do I understand this notion of divine and what spiritual path to follow now that I no longer view life as a Christian.  (A side note: I still believe Jesus is the shit and worthy of respect based on his own teachings and viewpoints found not just in the bible but in many a variety of spiritual texts and understandings.)  

All that to be said, I have listened to a ton of podcasts and read a ton of books that express the notion that the divine contains both masculine and feminine.  In my past when I labeled God as "He", I would experience push back from others who believed the divine to be feminine.  My thinking at the time and today is that the divine is not merely both but similarly above and beyond that which we know as our limited gender binary system.  This is truly reflected in society's changing belief in the conformity of both male and female as many express themselves as nonbinary, transgender, and the like.  This is progress and as all change warrants is a transition that causes some upheaval yet that turmoil will result in a new healthier world.  I applaud those that express and come out as the journey in this lifetime for all of us is to express and be fully and authentically ourselves, however that may be.

Last summer, I had the honor to be cast as Tootles, the Lost Boy in the debut production of Wanderlust Theatre Company's "Neverland", an adaptation of Peter Pan.  The actor preparation started before I was given the part as I reflected on what it meant for me, a very cis-gender female, to be portraying a little boy.  Even more interesting to reflect on was that a few months earlier I had the experience of performing in three different productions (two theatrical, one film based) that highlighted the character's individually and relationally of strong female empowerment and, in a very real way, was that of the divine goddess.  That spring I found myself more and more empowered by the reality of the divine feminine in all aspects of my life through that creative work.  (Still do!)

As I read both the script adaptation and the book written by J.M. Barrie, I began to see that, although Tootles was 100% a little boy, he also carried attributes within that could be considered more feminine.  Softer and a bit more fragile than his brothers, Curly and Slightly, he was often teased by his companions.  He was delighted, very fond of, and close to his Mother Wendy but equally loyal to his Father Peter, although at times they butted heads.  Although he participated in the rambunctious boy games of hunt and sport, he was not as active as those of his brothers or Peter.  He was at home with the quietude of domestic life.  He loved literature and would often spout off on long, winding monologues of Shakespeare to prove some kind of point or to relieve his anxiety, resulting in the target of his brothers' repulsion.

Tootles with his brothers, Slightly (L) played by Tiffany Schechter and Curly (R) played by
Brandon Kinsey.

It is not a positive attribute of our society that the idea of loving literature and domestic life is seen as more feminine than masculine.  Truth be told, I have many a male friend that fall into these traits, however, it must be said my male friends are those that partake in the artistic community, so there's that.   But, all that aside, I found in my journey playing Tootles, the inward discovery of the truth of the divine masculine and divine feminine living fully, uniquely, and equally within myself.  I may have a propensity to lean more towards the feminine and that is my truth, but I now see that there are positive attributes of the masculine that I know as mine.  I credit my Tootles as helping my discovery in that.

With that, my hope is that all can come to this understanding of themselves, whether it be within the construct of divine or just the freedom to understand both aspects of gender within themselves and then be able to live that fully and truthfully.  For it is true for all of us, that our most express purpose on this earth is to become wholly ourselves, authentically and truthfully.

Got thoughts on what I wrote? Comment below.  I will respond.

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc.  If you wish to support Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, go to:

Friday, July 17, 2020

You can never go home again. Well, I did.

They say you can never go home again
That change is the only constant

But today I did go home again, in a sense
To my first Ashland home, where the journey began
I recall the young girl I was, naive, hopeful
I would tell her her life won't work out the way she has planned
There will be trials, sufferings, immense mountains to climb...
But she won't go it alone
It will not be as she wants but it will end far better and for a greater purpose
As I walk through the halls, dilapidated and empty, save some discarded placard pointing direction, as if a memory visual...a bit of scrap here in there, furniture stacked and stored away....empty empty rooms...
I feel her walking, see her inner struggle but by her side I feel so deeply those that peopled her experience here, strengthening, carrying, walking with her....cheering her on
I feel them by my side also, our voices ringing with laughter stronger, more present within my soul than a memory
On the day she moved in, she will never know that to come will be
One sided water gun fights
Simpson's marathons, vampire movies
Prank calls, leaf fights
Late night laughter in each others dorms
Sneaking off for illicit adventures
The night of the mad hair dying
Her friend's excitement over her trip to France
Astoria stories and other high school memories to share over 40s or grappa or red red wine
Late night cramming in the computer lab
Dead week stress that would haunt our nightmares for all of life
Random hookups that shall never be spoken of again, laughed over years to come
New love to celebrate
Heartbreak to commiserate
Walking downtown late Friday night
Skipping down Siskiyou Blvd at midnight after Fight Club
April fools dress up parties
It is all so effortlessly vivid to me in these halls
Although the building may be marked for a not yet set future demolition,
The friendship will remain,
Solid and forever

This blog is dedicated to, with my eternal love and gratitude, to my college friends; Matt, Mark, Errol, Corky, Jamie, John, & Cordelia
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend

Closing time
Time for you to go out go out into the world.
Closing time
Turn the lights up over every boy and every girl.
Closing time
One last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer.
Closing time
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home
Closing time
Time for you to go back to the places you will be from.
Closing time
This room won't be open 'til your brothers or you sisters come.
So gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits
I hope you have found a
Closing time
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

I love to hear your comments and try to reply. So, say what you gotta say.
The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company.  Support us at: