Monday, September 28, 2020

Biden 46? A Call To Action!


Election 2020 is fast approaching and our country is in the most perilous position it has ever been.  I think the rational on both sides of the spectrum, right, left, and far, can agree to that, if not anything else.  Among the craziness of the protests, pandemic, and forest fires a plenty, there is also the wide division not between the parties but also within.  

Those with my mindset lies the divide between the blue or the green, the democrat or the progressive.  Ultimately, whatever political belief you ascribe to, we all want the same thing, the best for our country, but moreover our world.  That is the commonality of which we all should rest upon and use that to fuel against hatred and evil, with that guiding us with a clear, focused conscience to vote with our own minds, no fear of judgment cast upon us.  

Against my better judgment, I will most likely be voting for good ol' Joe this election.  I do not hold the same reservations and, even, repulsion towards him as I do for Mrs. Clinton, but I also know that with him at the helm it's not the ultimate best for us to impact true change, but it is what we need in order to salvage what remains of our country in order to save us from the burning fires of our impending doom.

So, Biden/Kamala has my vote, but what do I think that entails? Yes, Trump will be voted out and we can begin to sort of begin the reparations of our country.  Sort of.  I have a fear of voting Biden that will give me pause as my black pen lingers over the circle by his name.  

The thing is, love him or hate him, Trump has done something to our country that is given us an element of the positive.  What the hell, you say? Hear me out.  (And I will also refer you to this past entry: Donald Trump may be the best "president" we've ever had!) With Trump at the helm and all the disarray and madness that ensued, the threat of our very livelihood and rights at stake, we have had to do the one thing we always truly feared, and do fear even out of the political realm, we have had to wake up from our comfortable and perceived safe lives.  We have had to fight and begin the revolution that "we the people" have always needed.  

My greatest fear for a Biden presidency is after he takes office in January 2021, "we the people" will see the warm sparkle in his eye, the wide, welcome of the toothy grin, the call back to the Obama era, and we will ever so swiftly slip back into our comfortable and perceived safe lives, with the false trust that all is well and right with our little country and world.

I implore you, do not do this.  Do not lull yourself back to sleep.  Stay awake, continue to fight.  Joe Biden is just as much a puppet to the corporate system of our government, part of the establishment as anyone else.  He is not your hero, nor truly is Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Mitt Romney, or anyone else. See: Be You, Be A Hero!

The United States of America is your country first and foremost.  The governing officials are elected to serve you, not you them.  They are servants, not celebrities and should be treated and act as such.  

So, yes, my black pen will most likely fill in the bubble by Biden's name, but I won't linger there.  My focus on getting my progressive views will look below his line with the express purpose of building the cause upwards on the ladder.  I will cast my vote for the other candidates and bills based on my personal belief and decision.  And, I will not blame or shame those that do not vote another way that may oppose mine and I ask that none do this to me.  We must be civil and stand in the pathway of love in order to enact true change for our country, our world, and the citizens of tomorrow, the children in our lives.  

Stand in your belief, vote your conscience no matter what, and educate yourself to emphasize the integrity of that belief. 

Watch Sen. Bernie Sanders' Full Speech At The 2020 DNC

Thoughts on what you just read? I welcome your comments and viewpoints, even if they differ from mine in anyway.  Please comment below and I will do my best to respond fairly and with heart. 

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company with the express purpose of bringing positive light and change to the world.  Support us at:

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Thrive In Covid


Now, I'll admit that the above image is very much a click bait tactic,because I wholeheartedly do not believe in flipping off a year.  Time and our means of constructing it is just that, a construct of our mind.  That said, what comes forth from our sense of time is simply just a fact of life, not a personal attack against us, individually or as a whole.  That said, I do not mean to lessen or shame any who are suffering or have experienced loss due to the extremities of this past year's sufferings.  But, in all of my life, I have been one that has experienced the depths of the lows and the joys of the highs, dealt with chronic depression, suicidal ideation, body dysmorphia and anorexia, suffered from the intensity of a myriad of abusers, found myself for many a year beneath the poverty level with mounting debt and wondering if I will ever rise I get it, I feel your pain and struggle, and experience it thoroughly with you at this time.

However, the reality of Covid-19 and the results of having to effectively quarantine has shaped furthermore how I define and frame my life purpose and achievements.  The word of the year for me personally, the one that set me forth in the wee small hours of 2020, was 'health'.  How ironic if you look at where we are now globally, am I right?  But, this was, at the most, meant to be a personal grounding point, was and is still at this moment.  

With that overall intention of health spanned the whole dynamic of what it means to live and be fully healthy, not just the physical but mentally, emotionally, creatively, career-wise, financially, and, yes, spiritually.  Like spokes of a wheel, if one area sputters off balance, the rest of a soul will be off kilter.  So, with this theme, I began my 2020 and the words that arose to assist in this were:

Focus.  Simplify.  Heal.  

Like a mathematical equation, perhaps:  Focus + Simplify = Heal.

With that commenced my 2020 and it remained despite the overwhelming circumstances of negative that arose.  Armed with my ability to persevere and endure based on the plethora of painful experience of my past, I squared my shoulders and pushed forward, despite the scary reality of lock-down, pandemic, and a shaky economy.  From my past experiences with difficulty, trauma, and pain, I have realized that life is more than just the material and by making the active choice to continue and thrive, I can and I will, and I have in 2020.  The lockdown caused the most important turning point of my life, it forced me to slow down, to stop the running, striving, seeking to please, and evaluate my priorities which enabled me to move forward with true progress and mindfulness.

I did not, nor have in many a year, limited myself in the means of employment or making money.  I allowed myself to be flexible and creative in order to reach my goals.  With the stable income-base and hard work to achieve it, I found balance, peace, and stability in other aspects of my life.  Focus I was able to do as I moved forward with my business, Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, discovering at last my brand, (Thriving Artists), learning new aspects of the trade of both film-maker and producer, as well as continuing my love of creating art in all its aspects.  

This year I have purposely chosen to create monthly vision intention boards, not just for the year, and hung them on my front door so I actively view frequently throughout the day.  Because of this, I have reached many a goal, small and somewhat large, and am actively working at reaching more.  For the first time in a very long time, I have an ample money supply, enough to feel safe and secure within the constraints of the financial.  I have learned not only to budget, but have paid off debt,  not only helped raise my credit score but now understand just what a credit score is, pay the majority of my bills early, have not one but two savings accounts (okay, one is for the business), am actively raising money from my personal income for a short film trilogy, and have a special 'mad money' tin with wads of cash stored away.  In addition, for the first time in my life, I have full coverage insurance, have been able at last to see a therapist regularly and really start working on my trauma related issues, but also will start seeing a psychiatrist, a dentist, and will soon start the process of working towards a breast reduction.  Lastly, from all of this, I have finally and fully developed an appreciation for myself, realized my worth and the enormity of my ability, and am actively choosing to align myself with the positive both relationally with others externally and internally with my dialogue and inner true self.  This affords me the ability and space to examine all of me, without as much judgment as I can muster, both the negative and the positive, not to dwell but to realize that despite the bad choices I have made in my past, I am still, at heart, a good person.  Most heart-warming of all, I have been able to purchase and create gifts for many of my loved ones, without financial worry.

I could go on and on about this sense of abundance I have acquired this year, this sense of peace and inner joy I have, that is not based on external, but I don't mean to sound boastful or to make others angry or despise me.  This blog is not about that.  This is about the how I have found my way to thrive despite external circumstance and hopefully help others to do just that.

Many, many years ago, in the far away 90's, I attended a weekend Christian teen camp called "Feb Camp".  Why did I attend this? I was not nor would be a Christian for several years to come at that point.  No, I attended because my best friend from high school, known to all to you merely as "MLE" (as she is), attended the summer camp version.  (Side note: MLE was not a Christian per se but she enjoyed the camaraderie and friendship gained from that particular summer camp experience.)  I, being obsessed with camp in my high school youth (have I told you about my summer HS experience as a YMCA camp counselor?) eagerly agreed to attend.  MLE had already come to many a shindig at my house where I reunited with my camp friends and enjoyed the experience readily so it was more than fitting that I attend her experience.  I look back on it with fondness, not because of the Christian element, but of the time spent with MLE, the friends she had told me about, the jokes we all shared (I still cannot listen to Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry" without giggling), but a lesson from the Bible, I had yet to read at that point, did stick.  No...don't know the words...

What was that lesson, you ask? Well, I will tell you.  The leaders of the church gathered us all together one late Saturday night in some small chapel room and as we sat around, he read to us from the book of Job.  Have you read that or heard that story? Job is a guy that God really digs but Satan says, yeah, well everything is going good for ol' Job, let me mess with him, and he will curse you.  So, God says, all right, let's do this, and Satan does, but Job never curses God despite all the hardship, loss of home, family, career, that befall him.  The lesson the teachers taught that weekend was "bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people".  

That has stuck with me all these years later, random I know, but entirely helpful for a person that has suffered to the extremity that I have, well, extremity accordingly afforded to being Cis-Gender, White, in the United States, sorta kinda, first world nation. 

But, it has helped me remain buoyant, to persevere, despite hardship and to recognize that no matter how dire things may seem, they will eventually work themselves out seemingly miraculously and better than I could ever ever imagine.  Is there this invisible force at work or is it all my doing? Who can say, and that really doesn't matter.  

Being able to thrive does not have any backbone in financial wealth alone, though there is no shame in material abundance.  It is found in the active choice to not be a victim of life circumstance.  It is so much much more than okay to feel anger and sadness over a trial and difficult situation, yes, but to point fingers, blame, feel put upon, will not help learn the lessons needed to persevere, rise, and move onwards.  

The take-away from this year 2020, as well as other hard times, is that life is built of the good and bad and that all are meant for our spiritual and/or emotional evolution, personally as well as corporately.  If we look at the natural world and its cycles, we can realize that all of life, ours as well, behaves in cycles.  We are meant to learn and evolve, achieve and grow, different things based on those cycles.  We are all on our individual paths and the external effects us all in different ways based on the lessons needed to be learned.  I challenge you, my dear friend, to not look at the craziness of this past year, the scariness that you and many feel, in the viewpoint of a victim, but ask what can be learned and acquired from this.  For I have found that its in choosing to not be a victim that we begin to truly thrive. 


A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn

I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts about what you just read.  I welcome differing viewpoints.  Please comment below and I will respond!

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions,Inc, a film and media company with the emphasis of helping the world to become a better place.  Support us at:

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Essence Of Home

What makes a place a home? What does it mean to truly come home?  This is a common ongoing thread in my life and has been for the last several years.  In fact, it helped to shape the storyline of Jane Smyth, the human embodiment of my Romana, in my production company's Doctor Who fan-fiction web-series, TimeKeys.  (Click here: Timekeys)

The photo at the top of this blog is a picture of my childhood home, which in a few short weeks, my parents' will hand the keys over to a new family and a chapter in my life will officially close.  This has sparked interest in not only finally settling down into my own established house but also cultivating my own sense of 'family home', one of which I can will and bequeath to my nieces and nephew perhaps someday.  

Right, okay, that's a far off reality.  Today, I sit reflecting on the nature of what makes a home a home, is it the physical or an immaterial connection? I think the latter.  As I meditate on this, I am at present in the first residence of my adult life that truly feels like home to me, truly feels like mine, even though I am a mere renter.  But why?  I think my belief hearkens back to the truth my version of Romana voiced when she finally reunited with her Doctor, "Yes, Doctor, it's me, 'Home is where the hearts are'.  

Truly, there have been a wide plethora of places in my life that I deem a "home" of sorts, from my childhood abode, to my various school rooms, to my summer camp, my best friends' houses growing up, and so much more.  But, these places are mostly four walls with a roof, what makes them so special is the memories and the connections I made therein and therefore how that influenced who I am within.  So, thus home is never truly a place but something that resides within.

In addition to the sense of home being a feeling, home has often been connected with a certain person or persons.  I can relate as there are many in my life and have been in the past of which I feel a sense of inner peace when we are together.  In truth, my time with them may have passed, be it by death or another life circumstance that moved us forward, but the memory of how that connection shaped me and implemented its lessons within resides far beyond and will always remain.  Thus, an intimate relationship of the romantic nature is not merely the only connection that can make one feel at home, a friend, a colleague, even a frenemy can have that effect, for all connections we make therein have a significant purpose for the season they are in our lives.  So, too the fabric of these connections weaves the tapestry that writes our story and unites us with the greater whole.

Finally, what truly is a home?  It is not merely related to a place, nor is it found in another person.  It cannot be defined fully by our connections with family, whether blood or chosen.  What I discovered is that we can never truly arrive home if we are not at peace with who we are within.  As I write this, my beautiful little valley in Southern Oregon has been hit by a devastating wildfire that has wreaked havoc on some local towns and left many without their beloved residential buildings where they once lived.  Many are those I deeply care for and have corresponded with face to face, called friends, others I have yet to meet or may never shall.  Either way, as the words fall from my brain through my fingers onto the screen, I ponder the nature of 'home within' when faced with a loss I have never fully experienced, suddenly having homelessness thrust upon you by the ambush of fire.  It is a horror I pray I never shall experience and one I am grateful that I have not as these fires are not the first that have rampaged their way across the west coast, but has been a constant threat and reality for many a year.  From afar, I have watched with sadness at the loss of California cities like Redding and Santa Rosa and felt absolutely hopeless to act.  In the face of such horror, loss, and hopeless, can we truly find home within the confines of four walls and a roof?

In truth, home is not a mere building or even a place.  Any building where we log our address is truly transparent in its ability to last, somehow someday that place will cease to be in some fashion.  However, if we find a constant sense of security within yourself, we will be able truly to be at home with yourself wherever and whoever you are.  This is a constant journey of healing and growth, albeit sometimes scary but other times heart-warming, as the greatest lesson in the journey is that we all are continuously coming ourselves.  

Coming home within.

 “If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.”---Dorothy Gale

Thoughts on what you just read? What is your idea of home? Comment below and I will respond.  The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company with the sole purpose of helping to heal and help others find their pathway to thriving.  Support us at:

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true

Monday, September 7, 2020

What's Your Definition?


In the year 2008, I made the most important and lasting decision of my life.  It was difficult to do as it flew in the face of acceptability in society, but I will never be sorry that I made it. 

What was this decision, you ask?  Well, I will tell you.  In 2008, I made the vital call to actively make my health my career, as it were, to not seek employment in exchange for taking the necessary time and pause of life to heal my mind from the complications and stressors of having Bipolar Disorder.  It was difficult, as you must know, this was before the dawn of the "semi-colon movement" and mental illness was still very much in the dark encased with an immensity of stigma.  I was not completely "out" to the world or most of my friends, and when I did so, I did so with much anxiety and fear of judgement or worse, loss of their friendship.

The first distinction I noticed in society was the degree of how much individuals defined themselves by their occupation, their employment.  After introducing myself, the next question to come was "So, what do you do?"  This question always left me reeling a bit, as at that time, I couldn't give a direct answer.  So, as of yet not knowing the true consequence of this action, I chose a passion of mine I'd had since I was able to hold a pencil.  I said, "I'm a writer."  In those days, I was still a decade from over-coming my crippling low self esteem and belief in myself (belonging to a conservative church at the time that preached endlessly our unworthiness wasn't doing much to help either).  

But, that one small action catapulted me forward in my recovery and the realization that the outer would never suffice in shaping my true identity.  

Since then, I have had a myriad of steady employment and often work several part-time jobs, as well as actively starting the production company, that add up to the full-time job.  All who have seen my business card are aware of the long list of occupations I am capable of, not that I am but what I do.  Notice that difference.  For just as I do not say "I am Bipolar" but rather "I have bipolar", I see now that that any reality of the external, the labels enforced upon us in society, be it employment, gender, religion, etc, will never be fully sufficient to define who we truly are within.

This reality became even more apparent to me last March when Covid-19 became the "new normal".  For my part, I realize, looking back, how free I have been with the labels of employment to not let myself get bogged down with the worry over loss of employment and income.  I am increasingly comfortable in my own skin so that I could actively choose and secure employment that, in fact, rose my income.  I have stopped seeing "the job" as a means to live, but as a means to thrive.

In so many ways, I know the fear that many are feeling due to this pandemic.  I know full well the anxiety that comes from low income and worries over finding and maintaining work.  I have been there, but even when I did, I had the awareness to realize that I was not defined by what I did but by who I truly was.  

In this time of tumult, when all seems shaky and full of peril, look within, not at the outward.  For that which is outward is fleeting and will fade, even people with whom we bond today have their seasons in our lives and will move forward when necessary.  

The truth of lasting peace comes from within, from truly finding and knowing yourself.  That is which myself or no one else can show you how, it is your journey to discover and all of the craziness of 2020, the internal shake-up you feel within is the internal wake-up needed to truly know yourself.

I want to start again, so I'll look within
Remember when I'd want in?
'Cause I don't know who I've become
But I will trust in it. Who am I to spend my life alone?
Forever looking for some place to call home.
Who am I, about to meet myself?
This should feel right but something don't.

Find what you read interesting? I would love to hear your comments and will respond.
The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media plus so much more.  Our mission is to help others learn to truly be the thriving artists they are meant to be.  To support us, go to:

DJ Michael: A Message

My friend, DJ Michael J. Hearne, is one of the most positive persons I know, despite hardships and circumstances of life I hardly hear him complain.  There are times when he does, as we all suffer annoyances of life, but a good deal of the time he is actively following his passionate purpose of mixing music and sound on his soundcloud account to better his life situation.  I truly have been inspired and honored to have met him this last year and have gotten to spend some sweet times.  
I share this rant he sent me about a daily part of his life that is an irritant and I share it here because I believe it needs to be shared, as it shows a part of humanity we do not always want to look at or have in our line of sight.  
Although I wish you to know Michael and his little dog, MeMe, as I do, so please head on over to his facebook page and give it a link.  There are links there to his soundcloud account where you can listen to his creations.

A Rant: I found this parked next to the gazebo this morning.....the bag was stuffed into the back of their little fridge. i found it walking meme along her daily walk alongside the espresso i pushed it across the street to the Windsor....the rosemary bush on corner of gazebo reeks like urine🤬🤬🤬🤬 I'm pondering why nobody stands against this behaviour except downtown. the police "talk" to the homeless, but nothing is seeming to be really done. Dealing with constamt threats and name calling all day long from the homeless as well, not just to me but I see it directed at OTHER patrons and passer-bys! A blonde drunk sits ON AMPM property, drinking steele reserve flying a sign yells at everyone: "What? You can't spare a dollar? Fucking Nigger!" and yet nobody says a word because they "Know" him.
Yet I am the sober one, buying food, soda and cigarettes, polite, non alcoholic stoner is forbidden to sit and eat my purchased meal and told to "move along"🤔 Panhandling? Job? For some reason over the years I can't get help for shit whether applying for a job or services for help. With organizations, drug addiction IS in fact a pre-requisite to receive such services for home, job training ...sometimes even warming shelters. In Ashland, I do not qualify for the warming shelter based on a vulnerability status..Only god knows how "Vulnerability" is defined🤷‍♂️. Just like everything else, I only recieve a book of excuses. Those who DO and HAVE help are those who know me in which I can't thank enough...And all i wanted was a cup of coffee at the Hot Stuff Espresso so i can charge my laptop so I be turned down by more jobs and play wih music.

Leave a comment below.  Check out Michael's link and his music. 
The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company that supports thriving artists of all variety.  Support us at:

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Do You Validate?



The advent of social media and the internet has its positives and negatives.  The idea of using it as a valuable resource and tool goes far beyond any previous information gathering available in the past.  Furthermore, the usage of the internet and social media sites makes it a possibility to advance your career in ways unheard of before, such as this blog, per example.  However, there are some negative side effects that perhaps have caused a major setback to human nature.

The need to seek approval, acceptance, and validation from another is not a new thing, but I believe has become increasingly more rampant in today's society due to the immediacy of response available to be found on all social media sites.  With the ability to post your feelings or thoughts and receive instantaneously responses in favor of your need, the ability to self-regulate and care for oneself has come up lacking.  

It appears as if social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter (to name a few), have become a beacon of connectivity that reduces the amount of inward reflection needed to maintain a soul's optimal health.  

"It's not official if it isn't on Facebook," my friend and I would quip about dating relationships.  And, it seems this is an all too frequent a reality for today's social norm beyond that of romantic partnering.  

All to often, I see posts seeking congratulations on celebrated events, or asking for condolences when in a tragic mood, to be met with a plethora of response required by the one who posted.  In addition, I have often seen posts championing for causes, pro or against, that are currently viral, yet when they are not mainstream events, the posts on such causes are unseen.  I'm not saying that such posts are inherently bad, because I see the value in the new "community" found within the framework of social media.  But, I do believe that one's inner necessity for what I have coined "social media validation" has gone too far, in that, partakers of these sites are losing their abilities to go inward, to seek alternate ways of healing and validation, and are finding the quick fix for their mental and emotional ailments, yet not truly healed. 

I do not mean to offend or slander by posting this.  I admit that I have been an offender of such "social media validation" listed above.  But, I do want to wake all up to the reality that it is not the duty of an outside source to build up our confidence, nor is it possible to do just that.  In the end, reaching out without first looking within and/or seeking professional mental health help will prove insufficient for living one's best life.  Social media validation, I believe, is becoming just as much of an addiction or escape as an alcoholic or drug addict escaping into the bottle or crack pipe.

I know that it does not have to be this way and like I mentioned above, there is some inherent positive to the usage of social media sites if addressed from both the standpoint of a tool in itself, a connecting point but not the final connection between family and friends, so long as the individual partaking in social media comes at this resource with their own healthy mindset in place and the ability to seek validation on their own.  

I don't mean to brag, but this has been a focus of my life this past year.  All too often, I have witnessed my propensity to post a celebration request, a complaint, a sorrow, the nitty gritty details of my "poor me" life, or even asking for a reference for some item or product I am seeking, and instead have chosen daily to actively deter myself from such choice.  In addition to twice monthly therapy, I have begun the process of eliminating my time on social media sites, choosing to spend time in self-help books and journal writing, nature walks, gardening, and so much more.  Because of this, my inner confidence has enabled me to find the validation of which I lacked when I merely looked for it in the external. 

I used to hold my freak back
Now I'm letting go
I make my own choice
Bitch, I run this show
So leave the lights on
No, you can't make me behave
So you say I'm complicated
That I must be outta my mind
But you had me underrated
Rated, rated
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
It's time to get the chains out
Don't take my word for it!  I would love to hear your thoughts on the above.  Comment below and I will respond.  
The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, an independent film and media company with other services as well.  Support us at:

Catherine Hansen as The Rani, from Timekeys #therani #doctorwho #fanfiction

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

In Your Own BackYard: A Visit to McKee Bridge #localhistory #mckeebridge...

Third series in the In Your Own Backyard series.  I wasn't super planned when I went to film this.  We just pulled over and saw it and I went and shot.

Also, I was trying to not film random people as I didn't think it would make them feel comfortable. 

I did upload it in 1080 p.  Still hoping to get a steadicam for this, so if you want to help with that, check out Cafe-Girl's patreon.  :)