Friday, December 9, 2011

Day Nine: : God The Healer: No Longer Slaves

                                                    Day Nine

he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ"--Ephesians 1:5

After being bolted out of bed by some surprising news by my husband at 530 in the morning, my mind is a little foggy, hence, how long it has taken me to write this entry.  But, the thought process behind it has been ruminating in my brain for the day through.

Yes, I hope all of you have been finding one thing to praise God about each morning that you wake on this earth, however simple it may be.  And, I too found the time to praise God, that even when I am lost in the fog of my own limited understanding of my circumstances, he sees the end and will be faithful to complete and bring about the glorious victory, here on earth and in heaven.

Here is another promise to soak yourselves in tonight: You have been bought, you are no longer slaves to sin or to your own emotions or crazy mental ramblings.  You are a son or daughter, or prince or princess of the most high God.  Why?  Because, in my most humble opinion, for having Jesus pay for your sins on the cross.  Every inch of his body was beaten to cover every inch of your body where you have sinned.  The blood that flows can wash you white as snow, and now can give you the eternal life and communion with God that you have been longing for, this brings, my friend, lasting peace and a sense of completion, found not in worldly relationships.

So, tonight or tomorrow morning or whenever you find the time, take a moment to reflect on the wonder of God's love to send his son to personally pay for your sins, yes, he had you in mind that day on the cross.  Whatever bad thing you have done that is bringing you shame, pain or remorse, and is keeping you from communion with God, I urge you, lay it down, and be held by the loving arms of the father...for you have been adopted into his family.  You are a son, a daughter, a princess, a prince.

Remember that, as you go your way tonight.

"Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible".  Ephesians 6:24

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