Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine

                                                  Day Twenty-Eight and Day Twenty-Nine

"who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
Ephesians 1:14

When Jesus went to the cross, he paid for your sins and bought you back from the destruction of the world and all  that is in it.  Because of it, you now share in his inheritance of all of the spiritual blessings and, yes, heaven itself.  The guarantee, that shows the world that you are indeed God's son, daughter, prince, or princess, is the Holy Spirit.  And, that was given freely to you the moment Jesus breathed his last, forgave your sins, and you accepted him into your heart.

That "until we acquire possession of it" is up to us.  Salvation is a free gift based on the sacrifice of his life that Jesus paid for our sins.  But, he gives us the free choice to turn from our wickednesss and turn to him and receive forgiveness, healing, and wholeness.  So, is that worth it to you?  Give you your pet sin for the reality of eternal communion and relationship with the Father.  Your choice?  The offer stands today...

Know that, you, even before choosing him, are the praise of his glory.  That as you go about your day, in every circumstance, he sings love songs over you and praises your creation.  He knit you together in love and patiently awaits for your heart to turn to him and come to him.  His arms are wide open.  Receive him today, and be free from your suffering.

"We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians(insert your name here); our heart is wide open.  You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.  In return, (I speak to you as children) widen your hearts also." 2 Corinthians 6:11

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