Day Ten
"according to the purpose of his will" Ephesians 1:5b
In my morning devotionals, I set in my heart to praise God for who he is, or just because of the need to merely praise him. I praised him for the healing he has already done in my life and in my husband's, and in my friends, and in the worlds. I praised him for the healing and miracles he has yet to do in my life and accepted the gift of faith that though I may not see the outcome I may have the strength to believe that all will work out for good. I pray in your own recovery and healing, you can gain this unwavering faith. It is hard for me to stand in this faith but I can remember that the rock of faith is Christ, and he was and is faithful to complete what he has set out to accomplish, past, present, and future. So, I hope that both you and I can rest in that promise of faith today.
As we learned yesterday that we are adopted into his family by Christ's offering himself on the cross, yes, we are sons and daughters, princes, and princesses. But, all of this was for his purpose before the beginning of time, the creation of the earth, man, before the fall. God purposed that you would be part of his family.
So, no matter how you mess up in your own mind, with your husband, wife, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, fellow workers, know that you cannot mess up with God. His purpose is to keep you as his own and watch over you until he is ready to bring you home.
And, in time, he will bring you home. He loves you and has a place for you, a position in the realm of the most high.
Rest in his promise of the faith to stand in his purpose that he has made you his own. Treasure each moment you have with him today, whether in prayer, devotional time, or with friends.
"So, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
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