Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Beltane: The Original Fire Festival #mayday


On the full Moon in May
 As One the Lord and the Lady 
Tonights the Eve of Holy Beltane 
As One the Lord and the Lady

Following between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, Beltane (pronounced "Bell-Yell, Te Ne") is the festival celebration of the warmer times to come.  A time when the union of the Gods and Goddesses, specifically Mother Earth and the Green Man, Cernunnos the Horned God, are at their utmost union.  A time to offer the 'bright fire' to the God Belenus, the Bright One, who uses fire as a means of protection and purification for the times to come, representative of the warm energy of the sun.  

Thematic symbols of the festival abound, but none more than that of unity and fertility.  Freedom of sexuality and sexual depiction are a part of the celebration, not in a way of depravation however.  Natural artifacts are placed upon the altars and amidst houses, those which represent the phallic, the vagina, the abundance of life the warmer months will bring, whether that be in the gardens, in the fields with the livestock, or in the personal life and connectivity with others.  The popular dance of the May Pole is a visual representation of this connectivity, the pole as the phallic, the hole placed into the ground that of the vagina, the interweaving ribbons by the male and female dances the union of the God and Goddess.  The union of sexual connection, thus, is a representative of the spiritual union of God and Goddess so ever presently flourishing in this time.  

This holiday is also a moment when the veil between the seen and unseen worlds is lifted.  Relationship and interaction with the fae and fairies is much more apparent than normal.  Thus, providing sustenance, shelter, and offerings is a vital ritual service during Beltane. 

Also, reconnection with the earth by planting seeds and preparing glowing flower gardens is an involvement that will provide much healing and soul nourishment.  Spending time with the Mother Earth in solitary provides the moment of quiet reflection and meditation needed for successful spiritual growth.

Finally, the act of the bonfire is a rejoicing of the warmer days to follow, but also a promise of protection from outside effects as well a purification as preparedness for the journey ever unfolding.

Creative Passions Bursting Forth 
As One the Lord and the Lady
 Leads us back to the Source
 As One the Lord and the Lady

Articles Used As Research:

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