Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I'm not Fred.

Well, I was rescued.  By the doctor, my doctor.  But, only now in his 12th regeneration.  He's been around a bit since our last meeting.  And what a reunion it was.

Let me explain.  I passed out after being given a sedative by the officers on the tram.  The doctor flew in heroically rescuing me in his Shiny Blue TARDIS, so strange yet so familiar.  I felt suddenly at home, more ever than any other I 'd been.

At first, I was taken aback.  It was all true, the dreams and whatnot, all of it.  But, I still couldn't wrap my head around the how.

The Doctor, not so dashing rather bumbling, had dashed into my flat and retrieved the dress and the fab watch, which he promptly returned to me upon awaking in his presence.

He coaxed me to open the watch, that it would explain everything.  When I finally did, hesitantly, it all became clear, who I was and how this all came to be.

I am Romanadvoratrelundar the Fourth, or Romana if you'd like.  But, please not Fred, anything but that.  Turns out, I had to take on the persona of Jane, give up my time-lady existence in order to hide from the forces of the Universe that wanted what I had in my possession, the Key of Time.  

My TARDIS had crashed to earth, colliding with that very same metro, the one from the aforementioned accident Justin had told me about.  

Taking on this existence, I had put out of my consciousness, save for the inner, the life of Gallifrey and that I had left behind, seemingly.  My mum and dad, then, were part of the plan, keeping me safe from finding out or revealing myself to the evil out to get me.  

But, for now, I am safe.  And, as I swirl off into the great beyond, the Doctor by my side, I leave with this lesson imprinted upon my hearts, thus pass on to you:

"Time is universal, free-flowing.  We can at once be connected to the past as to the future in this moment, all is one.  All is happening forever at one time.  Dreams do come true, will come true, are coming true.  Do what you love, be who you are, never compromise.  Follow your bliss and don't hide.  You, as we all are, were born for a destined purpose.  Seek that and that alone."

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