Sunday, January 25, 2015

I had to touch it!

Vagina Diaries Day Seventeen

Okay, I have to admit this: after all these days passed of emotional enlightenment and self-growth when it comes to that oh so vital & loved organ, the VAGINA, I must confess the icky, awkward feeling when I had to not only touch it but stick my fingers inside of it.

Why did I have to do this, you ask?

Because, I tell you, after finally starting my period the day after healing from the flu (Thank you, Uterus!), I am trying out this brand-new feminine protection called "Soft-Cups".  See, most of my life I've had to wear the jumbo pads, because any kind of stick in device, such as tampons in various forms my vagina rejects.  But, I'd thought I'd give these new things a try and so far so good, everything's looking pretty ship-shape in that department.  (PSA: All women and girls still bleeding should use this amazing new product as well as the wonderful MaskIt!)

So, this morning I had to pull this little cup out of my vagina in order to change it out...and...well, it was gross.  Between that oh so fishy-like smell, the squishy inside feeling of myself, and the blood all over my fingers, I re-coiled a bit.  Then, felt a little shame upon realizing all this self-love and appreciation of my vagina and the result is still fear to touch the darn thing.

Well, its a journey in the end of self-love, after years of self-vaginal loathing, is sometimes long and arduous, two steps forward and one step back, until the final resting place of acceptance and lasting peace.

Oh, and if you haven't donated yet, click the link below and help Jackie discover the wonders of vaginal love in all its glories and not so nice moments:

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