Tuesday, January 13, 2015

For My Protection

Vagina Diary Day Ten

Hair vs no hair?  That's the debate, rather how do you like your vagina? Why is the hair even there, some admirers of the hairless type would wonder.  Well, take it from a girl who in college had her pussy shaved, by an over-zealous experimental boyfriend, and I tell you,  I know why its there.

So, does the girl from the monologue I'm doing for the Vagina Monologues entitled "Hair."

From my experience, and this girl's, the loss of hair surrounding my nether-region caused massive irritation and discomfort during sexual intercourse and in the day to day moments as my underwear and other clothing chafed against the bare, raw skin.  It took awhile for the pain to heal and, if memory serves me well, no amount of lotions or aloe brought much comfort.  True to this, I have never done it again.

What I learned and so did the girl in the monologue whose name I will call Tiffany (for now anyway), is that the hair naturally grown on our pubic area during the onset of adolescence is there for the very reason of protection.  Sure, its a good thing to keep it clipped, trimmed, and shaved because we all know it can and will get rather bushy down there, (and some girls experiment with just how "manicured" they indeed want it) but the fact of the matter is hair is necessary.

And, more to the point, the vagina is yours.  Its not the boyfriend or partner who gets to decide how its designed.  As I go through life, I have learned that dressing myself daily is not for the approval of others but can and should be for my benefit, comfort, and confidence building.  So, too, my vagina is my vagina to do with as I want.

I happen to work as a professional art model for one of my day-jobs so keeping it trimmed is par for the course, necessary for the job, but its still mine to choose from (just like I choose to lie buck naked and still for a fixed amount of time for some extra spending cash).  That being said, I choose to keep my hair, for protection and comfort and, well, its also mine.

Still, I wouldn't mind trying the vajeweled look (is that the correct terminology?).  The only concern there being is how sturdy are the jewels when applied, or rather how long do they stay, because I don't want to spend a good deal of money only to have them "rub off in the shower" or when my boyfriend and I get "frisky".

However, it is my vagina, my choice and that is the main thing, really.

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