Sunday, January 30, 2022

Journaling Through The Years, Episode Thirty One: On Hold With Me

In this episode, you get a peek into my life as a business entrepreneur start up person as we wait on hold with the OR business registry, fun times with cool waiting on the line rockin' music. Meanwhile, I continue through the life as a study abroad student in Italy, and somehow, end up discussing relationship addictions, the cause, the way out, leading to intentional relationships. For more information on the links mentioned in this episode: Subscribe to TimeKeys for the upcoming episodes of MindSick & TimeSick here: Find out how to listen to the FanGirlHour, including the upcoming episode with Taylor as well as past episodes, here:
Subscribe to this youtube channel for Dracula! Also, check out their website: Listen to Multiamory podcast:

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Blessed Uncertainty



For starters, I hope you aren't thinking that this is going to be some blog about religion and how finding certainty in the LORD is the antitode for all the craziness of life.  No, those days for me are long since passed, even though the process of deconstruction, which gets less and less difficult through the years, still is a process lifelong.

No, I wish to reflect on the nature of our union, national, world-wide, personal, and universal.  Here we find ourselves in these crazy 2020s, amidst an ongoing pandemic, political and social upheaval rampant with racism and a variety of other isms we wished were non-existant, too afraid and asleep we were to admit, financial situation precarious for all, and in these times we as a collective wish to cling to some form of certainty.

These days everyone, regardless of political or religious affiliation, has their factual information about the current state of affairs of which they believe wholeheartedly to be valid.  Often times, these beliefs can become so rigid that one fails to express compassion needed in these shaky times.  That alone is another coping strategy to find certainty in times where there is none.   It appears then that even if one does not promote themselves a Christian or Muslim Conservative, as it were, they still can attribute facets of fundamentalism in their rigid beliefs. 

What I believe wholeheartedly is that there is no certainty.   I believe in being informed and educated, yet with the bias of all news stations, networks, and informative devices, it is difficult to truly know what is accurate and what is commercialized.   Furthermore, some news reported can be both fact and conjecture, somewhere in the shades of grey of partial truth as it were.  

What, then, is the answer? Cling to some form of knowing, whether it be proven or not, as some means of regulating one's peace of mind, one way of seeking certainty and solid ground, especially if one has not a belief in a god or of a higher power (which is okay, recall I'm no longer a fundie christian).  

The answer, solely, lies in embracing the blessed uncertainty in life.  One valuable lesson I have gained from these last couple years is the full reality of that truth, life is ever changing, the future never known.   Finding the grace within myself to embrace that truth has allowed me the freedom to release clinging to some form of rigidity in my mental structure, allowing the personal discovery of enjoying life in child-like fashion, the wonderment of all unfolding becomes magical and with a purpose perhaps not yet known but more powerful than any I could conceive or control.

So, dear one, take a breathe, in and out, find stillness in the craziness, look within, and embrace that which is not known, embrace the blessed uncertainty, for then comes upon a sense of calm bringing back a stability within, able to face whatever the bends and turns of life brings. 

What in the world are we going to do?
Look at what everybody's going through
What kind of world do you want it to be?
Am I the future or the history?
'Cause everyone hurts
Everyone cries
Everyone tells each other all kinds of lies
Everyone falls
Everybody dreams and doubts
Got to keep dancing when the lights go out

Monday, January 24, 2022

Journaling Through The Years, Episode 30: My Italian Savior & The Watch

In today's episode, I start out by sharing the new decorations on my wall, then ponder the upcoming fundie-journals and how that time of my life has actually made a huge difference in a positive way, in shaping my life's purpose (not the way they may have wanted, but still), then dive back into my the journal detailing my time studying abroad in Florence (Firenze), Italy (Italia), which makes me miss the place so much & yeah, I will return 100% as well will voyage through so much of other wonderful places in Europe, like Switzerland, France, Spain, England, Scotland, & of course, Ireland. (Maybe the Northern most places, maybe.) That's a big trip planned for someday...soon....

Sunday, January 16, 2022

All Laid Bare

Recently, on my social media, I began sharing the darker side of my soul. It came to me that many may think this is me bragging or not taking responsibility. Nothing could be further from the truth. I take full responsibility for my past actions, abuses, and behaviors, and know fully the harm they caused for myself personally and others.

The reality of it all is that we, humans, are a people of nuance, not just light or dark, but a mixture of both. In society, and increasingly with the advent of social media, we seek to hide our not so nice moments in the dark, hoping that they shall never reach the light of day. We then plaster our social media pages with pictures of the happiness of our life, perhaps hoping to prove to ourselves as well as to others.

Now, I am very pro-being thankful and having a gratitude list, as it is valuable, but what when the positive is all we care to reveal, all we care ourselves to look at. We are hiding truths from ourselves, a dis-service to ourselves as well as to others, as we are not living in full authenticity.

What if we shared all of ourselves? What then? What if we lived in full authenticity, our thoughts, behaviors, actions from past and the present shared for all to see...

During the 2000s, I had my first real breakdown which led to my initial diagnosis. It was during this time that I spun out of control with my anger and hurt a lot of people I truly care about with my words and actions.
I can never take back what I did to those individuals as well as to others I hurt throughout my lives. I am constantly in awe of the friendships that have remained throughout my life, holding those so dear with such gratitude. I wonder why so many have stayed who have seen such of my darkness...

All I can do for those whose presence in my life has long since ended because of my behavior is to send love backwards to all of them, thank them profusely for the purpose they proved in my life, and realize the greatness of what purpose it caused in me.

It led to my recovery, my healing, to where I am today. Finally, on the other side, whole, complete, centered, positive relationships only, little to no drama. I made it.

And, as I sit here on the other side of yesterday, I see now another purpose lighting my vision. I am one who has forayed into the utmost darkness of my own soul as well as others, who has come out the other side, into the light, with gratitude, and become more whole.

My purpose then is to be fully & truthfully authentic, to bear the light of healing for others, so as they may fully & truthfully live in their authentic selves.

Thank you for all of those who came across my path. I cherish our times together & the love you gave.

Journaling Through The Years, Episode 29: Italian Hair-Stylists, Communi...

In this episode, I start a new journal, about my time studying abroad in Firenze, Italia (Florence, Italy). I begin sharing the early days when I was reunited with my Swiss friend, most notable was our trip to the hair salon! I also explain how interesting it was to write the date the way that Europeans do it, plus I witnessed a Communist rally! Crazy! Dedicated to that cool Italian hair-stylist & "Michelle".

Monday, January 10, 2022



What is Imposter Syndrome?

Here's a definition according to google:

 Imposter syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. 'Imposters' suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.  

As I was launching into the world of 'film producer', I suffered with this syndrome, without really knowing it.  I just felt like I wasn't taken seriously or respected for my efforts.  Part of it, could be that I was surrounded by the type of folks that were trying to weigh me down, narcissists in some fashion, manipulative takers, who were only with me for their own gain kinda sorta person.  Without being able to see the healthy folk around me, being overwhelmed with the toxic, I constantly felt a struggle to see my own worth and value.  Due to this, I was constantly pouring outward, helping others, loving others, until at the end of the day, nothing was left to give, thus I neglected myself.  Pushing myself to attend all the right parties and events, a smile on my face that felt hollow, left me feeling even more invalid.

In late 2019, bowled over with a massive load of post-production editing past due to release, I sat down at my computer with one line traveling through my mind, a small form of encouragement, "you don't have to be perfect, you just have to begin."  Rather, experience comes from pursuing that which you are calling.

Furthermore, in late 2019, faced with a huge financial crisis, I started reaching out and receiving more paid work, those beloved special folk who found value in me merely because I existed and wanted to help lift me.  Receiving financial compensation, helped drag me out of the dehilibating hole of debt, both outwardly and inwardly.  My self worth expanded as I began to regularly pay my bills, watched the debt decrease, and my confidence began to expand .  Added to that, in 2019, I made the empowering decision to step back from relationships toxic, as painful as it was, to give out continuously and when standing up for myself feel the loathing of those I thought loved me, the heartbreak of the break-up even in friendships was devastating, yet in that good-bye a learning lesson leading to my further developing my strength of character.  Yes, some friends left me, choosing to wallow in their anger and tell their stories of me, I stood and continued forward, realizing that many more than those few stayed with me and even more healthy relations began to come in, and slowly, slowly, I am learning to trust.

All of these factors, from developing my editing skills to releasing the toxic, helped lessen the feelings of fraud and imposter.  I stopped thinking outwardly about how to impress and focus more on how I was being led.  Started realizing that self worth and inner strength comes when you discover your calling, that of your passion and purpose; experience, then, develops as you take the first, perhaps, small steps towards that such calling.  Rather I started worrying less about how to impress, about who was viewing, but more of creating what I felt led to, whatever that may be, enjoying the process of creating and finding joy in the release of such.

With that soul development, as well as focusing on my mental health through self help book galore and private therapy, the feeling of fraud, that of having the imposter syndrome, began to release itself.  In fact, it wasn't until a few months ago, when a friend expressed that she hadn't felt the imposter syndrome for some days that I even started to learn that that was a thing and was something I had experienced.  

Labels are not the end all be-all.  My having bipolar, PTSD, and Celiac Disease are not the catch-all, like, "you got the answer now, you are saved" kinda thing.  Rather, labels help bring clarity that help lead one to begin the steps needed for recovery.  And, dear ones, recovery is the most wonderful thing ever!

In the case of "Imposter Syndrome", several factors had to begin before even discovering that label,  not being easily swayed by the external and the toxic, but grounding myself within.

If you find yourself, dear reader, struggling with this syndrome, trust in your calling, your passion, and your purpose.  Know that experience in that is not given, but will come as you take that first step.  
It doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to begin.

But I wonder what would happen if you
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Journaling Through The Years Ep. 28: The Bad Friend & First Crush on Cam...

In this episode I continue the story of the "names have been changed" story from the prologue last week. I make connections between the characters and my own life, basically the main character is my younger self and reflect on how who I thought was my bff then was really toxic and one of my first abusive friendships, & why I thought I liked and needed her. I reflect on my need throughout life to mimic others who I thought were more secure in themselves than myself. I also look at the nature of love and how I sought it out wherever I could get it, because I didn't have it within, and shine a light on the differences between relationship addiction & polyamory.

Friday, January 7, 2022

I was groomed. (TW: Pastoral Abuse)

I was groomed.  By a pastor.  Specifically, a Calvary Chapel pastor. 

Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago
I was in your sights, you got me alone
You found me, you found me, you found me
I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that
And when I fell hard you took a step back
Without me, without me, without me
And he's long gone when he's next to me
And I realize the blame is on me
And the saddest fear comes creeping in
That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything, yeah

So, I set out this week to write a blog about my dealings with imposter syndrome and I shall do thus in the very near future.  But, something else kept pressing hard on my heart, something which was brought into my clear focus after reading my friend, Amy Nordhues book, "Preyed Upon: Breaking Free From Therapist Abuse", which she details her account of being groomed, taken advantage of, controlled, and sexually molested by a spiritual elder and her therapist.  

Personally, as I read Amy's accounts of the tactics used by her therapist, I suddenly was brought close and personal with the truth that I had been chosen by a pastor in his attempts to groom me, control me, for his own pleasure.  Fortunately, I was able to release myself from under his sway in that it never went beyond the initial stages of manipulation and grooming, never became physical in any regard, but nevertheless the mind control tactics he utilized to silence and shame me have had longlasting effects.  Even now, as I sit in a place fully deconstructed from the fundamentalist worldview I fell prey to, it stings to admit to myself that I was a victim of pastoral abuse, and that a huge part of my religious trauma stems from that yet unexamined or healed from fully.  

Perhaps because it never went beyond the initial 'flirting' and special treatment he placed upon me, perhaps out of my own guilt from behaviors I fell into while in the midst of my early recovery, perhaps ultimately it is because I have utmost respect and love for his family, it is an issue that I have yet to fully comprehend, admit and release.  

But it occured.  And, I have no evidence to accuse nor do I want to, ultimately I want to move on from my life further and further into healthier relationships where I find peace, trust, and am fully valued, not used.  But, there comes a time when that layer of pain needs to be peeled off, examined, understood, and healed.  Many would say that I need to be able to forgive him for his behaviors, but first I need to forgive myself and in so doing come to understand how I became fodder for his ploys.  

Many friends and acquaintances, even family members, that knew me during that time of life could point to my struggles with my mental health and actions of abuse that I perpetrated occured because of that as my fault alone and that this pastor was the caretaker who went above and beyond in assisting me towards health, longsuffering he seemed, while I was the abuser, he the victim of my manipulation.  In all honesty, I admit my wrongdoings and as long as I live will strive to live in a way that redeems and seeks forgiveness for those I have wronged, as sure as I continue to move myself forward.  As I continue in my healing journey in understanding and forgiving myself, I am fully able to release the anchors that weigh me down by past transgressions and move forward into making a more positive life for myself and those around me.  

But, what I have come to realize is that all my life I have been traumatized by a variety of abusers and the more I realize this and separate myself from, the better my life becomes and the more I do not victimize or abuse others.  Furthermore, the grooming and specialness this pastor poured upon started before ever I attributed signs of extreme mental illness.  Rather, when he met me, he had yet to see any signs of dysfunction, even though I have experienced all of my life symptoms of bipolar mood disorder as well as have suffered life long with the effects of abuse.  But, as I had been so aptly taught, I was fairly decent at masking and hiding my darknesses, until extreme stress brought the struggles to the forefront.  

It is important for me to note that of the four pastors I had a friendship with of the three Calvary Chapels I once called home, only one victimized me in this regard.  It is of extreme import that I impress that the manipulative tactics of this said pastor was ramped up during my early days of diagnosis, coming to my aid as prayer warrior, counselor, spiritual advisor, attempts to enable my reliance on him, through special allowances at times, as well as isolation from others, and as I derailed further into madness seemingly he looking like the victim aligning himself with others' in the church family who actually were, while still stirring my emotional pot to victimize me separately.  

He did what he did to isolate me from others.

Once again, I must confess and openly admit that I was wrong in my behaviors, that at this point, I had suffered all of my life with emotional outbursts that had largely been either placated or, worse, ignored.  So, it was in this time, that due to these emotional outbursts and irregularities, they were finally called to the carpet, whereas due to them I lost my teaching job, close friendships, church family, and boyfriend, as should be the consequences for toxic behavior, mine own or of another.  

Yet, as I have mentioned above, my issues with anger and abuse were greatly magnetized by being the victim and abuse of another, however, that may be.  It was only when marrying my husband and realizing that I was quickly heading into battered wife syndrome, then separating and divorcing him, that I began to see how far back the abuse and types of abusers had plagued me throughout my life, causing such harm within and without, nearly causing me to become incompetent to survival yet alone to truly thrive.  

So, yes, he groomed me, out of his own desires.  It hurts to say, I want to believe he is good at heart and has the best intentions, a loyal husband to his wife and a pious individual intent on leading others to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Perhaps part of him is such, but in the nuance of all people he is not alone in such.  Furthermore, Calvary Chapel, as well as other fundamentalist churches of its ilk, do not condone mental health healing, rather any irregularity is attached to sin, being out of God's will, the attacks of satan himself, and thus all of these matters should be dealt in the confines of the church and through christian counseling.  In addition, education beyond the simplest elementary training is looked down upon as satanic and a detraction from God's design for one's life.  Thus, further education is discouraged and for the most part pastors, spiritual leaders, or christians in general rarely seek higher education or they are home-schooled with material that suits the purposes of their worldview.  Then, a young man, at the tender age of 18, is told they are chosen by God, anointed by the most high, to lead a church of all ages, and all must submit to the authority of the senior pastor.  No matter the good intentions, most men without any formal training or critical thinking skills would fall prey to abuse of power, cult of personality, or, yes, sexual misconduct.  Pastors declare from the pulpit, "don't worship me, don't worship me, but worship God" to no avail.   In addition, the purity culture mindset is firmly rooted upon and all are encouraged not to commit any sexual act before marriage, resulting in short term 'courtships' and then marriages to those they do not fully know or may not be fully compatible.  Divorce, as well, is never an option. 

In addition, one of the main teachings within Calvary Chapel christianity as well as others is that the root of evil and sin was brought about by Eve's discretion and disobedience.  Thus, the woman is the cause and the stumbling block for men.  So much of that is reinforced in purity conferences where young girls and women are separated from men and lectured on how we need to dress to conceal in order not to cause the men of the church to detract.  A quick google or youtube search on "Calvary Chapel" and many articles and videos will emerge discussing this form of abuse of power from a variety of pastors.  In this regard, Calvary Chapel is not the only victimizer, the Catholic Church has also been found at fault, as well as other mainstream christian churches, and perhaps other faiths, have perpetrated this abuse.  Whenever a person is in a position of power and authority of another, there is probability that abuse can occur if the personality style and perhaps their own unhealed trauma abuse history is at play.  

I reacted to this stance by diving deeper into my life-long struggle with body dysmorphia and developing anorexia nervosa.  Perhaps, if I could lose my natural body features, become more child-like in frame, I would be less likely to cause a male church member to stumble.  After all, I was like Eve, a female, and, furthermore, was I also a Jezebel? 

So, yes, I was victimized and groomed by a Calvary Chapel pastor.  His name I will not state because I have no evidence, but I will admit the denomination.  This grooming and special treatment occured when he first met me, during my mental breakdown, and then the early stages of my recovery.  He isolated me from the church family, which was yes, needed, due to my abusive actions, but these actions were perpetrated by his intentions.  Once I was separated from them, he began to play 'serotonin games', or rather 'come alittle closer, no go away', whereas in private settings or even if we met at a cafe, he was all smiles and we had a close conversation, while other times when others were around, he would seem almost cold to me, telling me how he couldn't be my friend, I was becoming too involved with his life and needed to stop.  Yet, later on he would once again, reinforce the interaction by pulling me towards him.  

During a particular stressful time of my life and early recovery, after dealing with the loss of my favorite grandfather as well as breaking up with my boyfriend, and having not ever been able to feel any sort of intense 'negative' emotions all of my life, I came to the pastor who had groomed me to rely upon him solely, crying uncontrollably, he insisted that my tears were 'crocodile ploys of manipulation' (at times they were, but in this instance not), and later after heavy targetted prayers to reassure, encourage, and control, when I felt less weepy, and when walking out the door, I made a joke, he smiled sardonically, and said, "Lots of women I have ministered to have fallen in love with me'. *** Too shocked to say anything, I did not express, I was dumbfounded yet internalized that in wonders, was I in love with him? Yet, I kept coming back to the truth that I was not and after years of talking to other post fundies, of sharing this story, and deconstructing, I can attest this was a tactic of his to confuse and confound me, to get me to further need him, and once he got what he desired, if he ever did, to make it seem as if I was the Eve that had seduced.

***(Note: this pastor confided in myself and my boyfriend at the time that he had been molested by a youth counselor in junior high.  In addition, when I was attending a christian based 12 step recovery program, Celebrate Recovery, this pastor had also been going through a similar accountability group with one man at his church, however, he jokingly laughed at how he had stopped halfway through, sighting "bad at his recovery".  I strongly suspect it had something to do with not wanting to openly admit something that would not only lose him favor and sway over the parishner he was counseling but possibility cause him to lose his position and possibly face legal action.  However, that is strongly conjecture.  Furthermore, similar to that of, say, the Catholic church scandal, it is becoming increasingly widely known that many Calvary Chapels have dealt with a myriad of pastoral abuse regarding sexual mis-conduct whether with another adult or even towards a child.  All too often, like the Catholic Church, the pastor is quietly moved to another part of the country or world without explanation, as a form of cover-up.  The pastor that wounded me specifically had recently moved from serving first at one church, then moved to another, before moving to start his own church in another city.  The three cities weren't that far apart from each other and I do not want to convict of something I know not with certainty, but upon looking at my experience as well as reading other materials of predatory behavior from religious leaders, a deeper look into the reasoning for those moves might be warranted. )

For the majority of my life, I have looked for a warm father figure to make me feel whole, whether it be through the television show, Night Court, in the person of Harry Anderson, from my favorite high school teacher, Fernando Nugent (the strongest and warmest father figure I ever have had), or even from romantic partners.  Just a few years before attending this church and meeting this pastor, I had lost that favorite high school teacher and yet had not fully had grieved.  Thus, I was in search of another to fill that role and being a newly minted believer I could look no further than a strong spiritual leader as this pastor, who was also seemingly a strong and deeply committed family man.  That alone was what I was seeking and what I desired.  

As I write this, it pains me to admit that I was not alone in his desires or attentions in this regard, that there were most likely others before me, as he seemed to admit, and most likely have been others after me.  It both pains me to think that he could have gotten away with more in his attempts to groom, seduce, control but also there is some hold out on hope that whoever she or he is they could call him out and press charges.  For me, I cannot do such as I have no actual proof of any misconduct, it never went that far.  Even in my early stages of recovery, I was able to start breaking free from his grasp as I became increasingly aware of my own abilities discovering my own strength and was able to once again use my critical thinking skills to begin to see the flaws within Calvary Chapel, at first, being the emptiness and fakeness of the human interactions on a surface level.  This caused me to walk out the door one Sunday after church, not knowing at the time that I would never return, yet once done, the Pandora's Box was open and out came all that I was seemingly condoning or making allowances for, that is what you call deconstruction, my friends, and it is not an easy process, although so very necessary and freeing. 

Thus, my admitting of this pastor's abuse, seemingly mild, is one of the deepest faults to be revealed about Calvary Chapel.  Yet, at this moment, it is for my own benefit and healing that I admit.  In earlier years after initially leaving Calvary Chapel, I wondered why he was the first ever person I blocked on all my social media accounts, why I felt fear whenever I thought I could see him or did run into him, why I felt guilt where there was none even after I had worked through and absolved my own, but now I am realizing the reasons why and am proud of my younger self for taking those steps to break free, even though I didn't understand then.

No, I cannot call the cavalry to take down this Calvary pastor, however, I will share my story and work towards my own healing for my own good as well as the good of others who may have fallen prey to such type as pastoral or spiritual abuse, or who may be targetted in the future.  By bringing light to such offense in my own past, I can help to raise awareness as a whole and begin to help others in their healing, deconstruction, and to truly, break free.

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed (I would pray)
I could breakaway
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway

I used this article as reference when writing this blog entry: The Grooming Behavior of Pastoral Predators

 If you have experienced any form of this, feel free to contact me:

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Journaling Through The Years Episode 27: Friendship, what is it?

In this episode, I read a 'prologue' from the last high school journal I could find, as of yet, and ponder how my early writings on friendship, relationship, and identity slowly shaped me and have finally taken root. Next week: I read the actual story.