Saturday, April 30, 2022
All Of Me At Once & Many More On Channel 44!
Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 43: My boobs, My Sonic, & My Wedding D...
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Kanye/Kim: I've Been There. All Sides. Part Four. TW: Child Abuse
An Open Letter To The Children Of Kim Kardashian & Kanye West
(& all children with abusive parents & parents with mental health issues)
Most importantly, what you need to know is:
It's Not Your Fault.
When you lie in bed at night, pulling the covers close, and hear your father yelling, when you are playing or watching TV during the day and you hear your father raging, when you read about online your father's rantings on social media:
It's Not Your Fault.
For your own health and to continue to grow into a thriving human, you must first take care of yourself. Yes, love your father as you do, but you are not responsible for him nor are his savior. Your mother did the right thing for herself and for each of you when she stepped out of the marriage. She is not responsible for your father nor can she save him. Her responsibility is for herself and, most importantly, to ensure that each of you grow up to feel cherished, loved, in an environment that is safe and enables you to truly thrive as who you were meant to be.
Throughout your life, your father will fluctuate throughout his mood swings, he may, at times, resume stability, but throughout it all, please take care of yourselves first. Love him, encourage him to take care of himself, but love yourself and take care of yourselves first.
And remember always, his behavior and abuse towards your mother and others:
It's Not Your Fault.
This is my fight songTake back my life songProve I'm alright songMy power's turned onStarting right now I'll be strongI'll play my fight songAnd I don't really care if nobody else believes'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
The Mary Tamm Chronicles, Chapter 15: 1978 Doctor Who
This starts a short new series on this channel where the Timekeys Romana reads from the autobiographies written by Romana 1 (Mary Tamm) about her years working on the iconic Doctor Who.
The Timekeys Doctor Who Fan Fiction webseries includes Hearts-Sick, HomeSick, MindSick & TimeSick.
Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the former name of Cafe Girl Thriving Artists, LLC, all film & media produced under Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the property of Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC. Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC does not own the rights to Doctor Who or BBC material.
Premieres This Sunday at 7! This starts a short new series on this channel where the Timekeys Romana reads from the autobiographies written by Romana 1 (Mary Tamm) about working DW!
Thursday, April 21, 2022
An Ex-Fundie On Easter Weekend
Last weekend, April 15th-April 17th, it was Easter Weekend, you know, the Christian holiday wherein they celebrate the raising from the dead of their beloved Jesus. In truth, I ain't got no beef with the J-Man, nor do I have any with his followers of any creed or following.
Because of this, last weekend went a lot more quiet and serene then years previous. Years where I professed openly my adoration of Jesus The Christ and all his teachings, where I hungrily read the bible at coffee shops, and dutifully trotted off to church (Calvary Chapel) every chance I could, hoping for some shred of friendship from that which I referred to as 'eternal family', all being blind to the fact that this lifestyle which I professed, this church which I hoped would be the answer to my aching heart, was swiftly becoming a cult. The years that tumbled after were fraught with the agony of deconstruction from such faith, as it can be called, shifting between that of anger, sadness, bargaining, betrayal, then, at last, a sense of acceptance for what was and what is, finally, appreciating the good memories and letting go of the bad, forgiving and venturing forth.
In that place, I ventured into the Easter Weekend 2022, choosing to focus on the child-like joys I enjoyed as a child, that of the fun of dying easter eggs, the wonderment of waking up on Easter Sunday to discover what treasures the Easter Bunny left behind, the delight of looking deep within my Easter basket for all the goodies, and the yummy scrumptiousness that is the Easter morning breakfast and Sunday night family dinner.
I chose that and in the peacefulness that flowed out from that joy, messages from whatever the divine may be, made their way into my heart, not enforced by the external but from an internal and eternal knowing within.
I began the weekend on Friday, April 15th, celebrating the birth of my beloved furbaby, the fabulous Leo Meister Meyer:
That weekend, I also spent some much needed time with my special friend, Ada, the american eskimo pup:
On that Friday night as well, I spent a delightful time with my "Facebook Room Party" family, painting my nails, eating dinner and sipping wine, and enjoying the chatter of catching up and loving these dear souls of who I have grown closer to during the craziness of pandemic life. Truly, throughout these last few years, I have found peace in finally choosing only to surround myself with and honor that which is uplifting and healthy in my personal connections.
The revelation of the true power of my intuition was the guiding light behind every choice made, from insisting on my worth of my right to raise my rates as an online model (okay, cam-model), from being led to the friend who would drive me to my surgery appointment, to watching a TV show I have yet to experience only to discover that the screenwriter was none other than Eva Anderson, the daughter to Harry Anderson, of whom I connect with as soul father.
Lia Elizabeth Rose: the bearer of good news, that of abundance, promise, and stability, which is the miraculous love at work in the world.
Love is you, you and meLove is knowing we can be
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 42: The Douglas Adams Edition & Night ...
Thursday, April 14, 2022
MindSick, Episode Five: Revealed #doctorwho #fanfiction #timekeys
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 41: Will Smith, Healing Rain, & Saving...
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
MindSick Episode Four: Twists & Turns #doctorwho #fanfiction #timekeys
Monday, April 4, 2022
Kanye/Kim: I've Been There. All Sides. Part Three. TW: Spiritual Abuse
It seems a decade ago when Kanye West's rampage against Pete Davidson and his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian on social media was all the talk replaced now with the infamous Oscar slap. (For my thoughts, see here: However, even if Kanye West's rantings are not currently in the mainstream dialogue, rest assured they will arise again, as recent history as well as the cyclical nature of Bipolar reflects, thus I still feel it pertinent to continue this blog series.
For today's entry, I want to focus on the spiritual abuse component of the relationship between Kanye and Kim. If you have been following this blog, as well as other means of my content, you are most assuredly aware that I spent a great deal of time in my twenties as a practicing fundamentalist Christian, having started around the tender age of 22 (give or take) in the year of our Lord 2000 (er, sure, yeah, okay), to find myself exiting the church one noon Sunday never to return in 2010. The years that tumbled forth from that departure were a-wash with dealing with an abusive spouse, trying to continue stability within my own mental health as well as survive in this 'material world', while beginning the awkward and alone-ness of deconstructing from Christian fundamentalism.
Spiritual abuse is described as "Any attempt to exert power and control over someone using religion, faith, or beliefs can be spiritual abuse. Spiritual abuse can happen within a religious organization or a personal relationship. Spiritual abuse is not limited to one religion, denomination, or group of people." For me, my experience with spiritual abuse happened within the confines of intimate relationship as well as corporately within the church. In addition, the depths to which spiritual abusers can go reflects the extent of time, closeness, and sway they have over their victims."
For my part, I was fortunate in that my time within the fundamentalist worldview was under a decade and I did not experience any real physical or sexual abuse from being a part of it. However, this does not negate the abuse I experienced as well as the pain and trauma I hold, nor does it for others as well. Thus, I can say with much assertion that I am a person who has experienced spiritual abuse and therefore can claim an additional aspect of PTSD labeled "Religious Trauma Syndrome".
Religious trauma syndrome is described as: "occuring when an individual struggles with leaving a religion or a set of beliefs that has led to their indoctrination, often involveing the trauma of breaking away from a controlling environment, lifestyle, or religious figure."
Despite having left the church a year before my ill-fated marriage, the effects of the church's indoctrination ran deep and I found my mind still succumbing to the controlling beliefs on woman's roles within my abusive marriage. Because of this, I believed both that if I prayed for and practiced marital submission the marriage would be successful. Moreover, I carried an inner martyrdom belief that somehow all the abuse that befell upon me was somehow a fault within myself. In addition, being raised in a family that mirrored the marriage of which I found myself within played a significant role in my staying within the confines of this abusive situation.
I share this in relation to the Kanye/Kim saga because Kanye West has recently professed to be a fundamentalist Christian, having come out with his song, "Sunday Service" and trying to adhere to the regular practices of this religion. One of those it would seem would be the theme of patriarchy and mysogyny within the confines of fundamentalist Christianity.
Fundamentalist Christianity uses the scriptures below as means to subjugate and dominate women:
"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." --Ephesians 5:22-33
"I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety."-- 1 Timothy 2:9-15