Death Is Not The End, But A Shift In The Relationship
At last, we have reached the final entry, the epilogue as it were, the conclusion of all the lessons wrapped up in neat little paragraphs across the screen. In my studies post-fundie world, I have dived deep into a variety of spiritual beliefs and practices out of my own endless curiosity and desire to seek. One aspect that seems to have found its root within me is the idea of the soul contract, the bond formed before incarnating with other souls we meet or are linked to on this planet. I say "linked" because I have come to realize that these souls may not be those we know personally in our day to day but nevertheless the bond is fastened and serves a purpose.
I see the variety of cast of Night Court as those souls who have bonded to mine, whose selves agreed upon a soul contract with mine before we came to this earth, in this time and this place. That bond formed is solidified in an eternal connection felt while in the here and now, even if not distinctly understandable, and is deepened when one reaches the ever-after. Thus, the soul upon dying becomes a personal spirit guide.
That, however strange it may seem, is what I have come to believe and trust within. It gives much comfort in the time of grieving to be able to move forward in my soul's journey, knowing truly I go not alone and have several acting as guides, teachers, lighting and encouraging my path. As Mitch Albom expressed in his book, "Tuesdays With Morrie":
That is the grandest of life lessons given down to me from Night Court, among other souls who I have contracted with and who have become spirit guides now in their ever-after. That which I am the most grateful for, that in their physical absence, gone they are not from my life and I only need to quiet myself within and listen to truly hear. They are never far from me, nearer than what once was.
As I finish this last entry, I ask for your thoughts as well as that which you have learned, not from these entries alone, but from Night Court itself or other spirit guides within your own life, be it a TV show or something or someone else. Perhaps, as I have reached the end of this for now, I will turn to another lesson teacher, (School Is Always In Session at '90210, perhaps?) but for now I rest with the knowledge that I attained my goal of sharing these life lessons and in the sharing I have gleaned ever deeper truths to be told.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too