There are certain individuals that you come across in life that show you how real magic is and the above human was that embodiment. Yes, he was a practicing magician, but the magic within was larger than any trick he performed. That smile spread across his face was an ever present reflection in his eyes, the true joy and zest for life came about with the sheer gratitude of being alive. Although he has left us in the physical, that magical spirit remains and continues to touch so many, reminding us that magic is real, hope is alive, and love the true solution.
I wish I could have met him while he resided on this planet. It is bizarre to me now as I collect history on him how much he and I danced about each other, just missing each other, coming so close but never reaching. A good friend got to meet him in his shop in New Orleans and chat with him a bit, for starters, but the biggest realization of this almost yet eternal connection is the little town of which I call home, Ashland, Oregon. I don't know why it took me ever so long to realize truly, even after many told me, how much he was at one point invested here, how many can recall his days here. It's almost as if when they told me I didn't want to imagine that he was ever that close, that I wasn't really meant to be close to him...not like he was and is some form of diety, not at all, but more from my belief I was unworthy of closeness with anyone.
But, now some three years after his passing, I sit typing in this town that he once walked and I feel him so close to me, like never before, and truly I begin to understand that I am worthy of love and connection, of all that is given to me by the universe and my dear loved ones, and more than that, that I, too, carry within that spark of magic, an unquenchable desire to shed joy and gratitude about through authentic storytelling and performing.
The finest lesson any 'father' could endow is to:
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