Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Adulting Ain't Hard!

"Hashtag Adulting" reads the meme above.  It's a popular turn of phrase about the inter-webs and in various conversations these days.  The idea of having to do the day to day life struggles in a manner that fits the image of what an adult would be all the while pining to return once more to childhood.  It is an oddity that we spend a great deal of our youthful childhood in the naive state of "when I grow up" and yet when we reach the stage of "grown-up-ness", we simply want to propel ourselves back to our younger days.  Perhaps, it is humanity's deeper issue of always wishing for, longing for what we do not have, looking outward rather than inward, and glorifying the past as somehow simpler and easier, not quite recalling the struggles that were so real in those times.  Because the truest statement is that all times of our lives have their struggles and their joys, the journey is in finding the peace within whatever state we find ourselves in and the gratitude to live a life full of inner joy despite the external circumstances.  For to be in a state of happiness is not solely based on outward reality, but when the internal maintains a state of peace despite the outward storms that may rage and rampage.

Increasingly, I have stopped viewing "adulting" in terms of being a grown-up but more as the notion of growing up.  Life is a journey of which we never fully arrive, there is always more to learn, more 'growing up' to do along the course of our existence on this blue marble we call our home.  Turning our view point not to the chores of the daily tasks, stepping back from being an "a-dult", but rather to see the journey in life in the act of being, the process of growing up.  In that way, I have found, the day to day tasks and toils do not become something to be dreaded but an adventure, a joy to discover, a puzzle to figure out, a step forward in the next phase of our evolution.  

In my life, I have started making daily lists of tasks both personal and professional to cross off as I accomplish, not needing to finish all but knowing the end goal for my days, weeks, months, and so forth.  In this way, not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment for reaching even the smaller goals each day and find myself daily moving towards fulfilling the larger ones, but the joy in living as a 'grown-up' is present as well.  It has become a little game as it were, even the details of managing my money inward and outward flow, paying the bills, is seen in that way.  

Life has become a joy and so even in times of turmoil, I find a sense of inner calm and centered awareness.  The routine of my life is one that I actively choose and ordain for myself.  I do my best to be mindful of all aspects of what I consume, both physical and spiritual, to spend time each day reading and journaling, exercise, yoga, meditation, getting out in nature (thankfully I am a dog-walker so my survival job affords me the ability to play outside, paid hiking as it were), which gives me the sense of balance needed to have sustainable focus from day to day. 

I cannot claim to be an expert at "hashtag adulting" or even that I have officially grown-up, as it were.  I am in the process of growth, the journey onward.  I still have days of weakness, where I find myself screaming "Why?" at the universe when all things feel desperate.  But focusing on mindfulness daily helps me return to that sense of inner peace which is a guide to help navigate forward despite the pitfalls which may seem to hinder my path.

We would sing and dance around
Because we know we can't be found
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade

We would shout and swim about
The coral that lies beneath the waves
(Lies beneath the ocean waves)
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they're happy and they're safe
(Happy and they're safe)

We would be so happy you and me
No one there to tell us what to do
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden with you
In an octopus's garden with you
In an octopus's garden with you

Did you find this article interesting? Have a response, comment below.  I do my best to respond to all comments and welcome all points of view, as long as they are not inflammatory.

The Thriving Artist blog is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company striving to raise awareness for  a variety of social issues and to effect real change.  Support Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc at: www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions 

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