Monday, October 26, 2015

Feeling a little discouraged?

So, I've been feeling a little discouraged, worn out, overwhelmed, or just depressed.

Why am I following this path I am on? Why am I pursuing this dream? What's the point if I don't achieve some sort of glory?

In life, we aren't given a crystal ball that shows us just where we are going to be or want to be.  There doesn't seem to be any guarantees that we are going to get what we want.  So, why try?

And, this thought has been rambling itself through my mind as I moved about the last few days, maybe weeks.  As I shot scenes for my latest film, worked on the play-readings, worked on my own plays I'm writing, or what have, I just couldn't shake that feeling of, "Why?"

The answer that came back to me is, because its what you can do.  Would life really be worth living if we weren't pursuing some goal, some passion, that keeps us getting up in the morning? Even when there seems no end result, no shining bright lights around the corner, don't give up.

Why? Because the alternative is succumbing to the monotomy of a life without meaning, devoid of purpose and even worse joy.

After all, this blog's meme is, "what you visualize becomes your reality", a powerful truth I have discovered already in this past.  Sometimes, you got to just keep persevering no matter what, even when those visions seem far off, distant, or untrue.

So, my plan to get over the doldrums and the nagging questions of doubt is simply this, not to give up.  To keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking one job after another and to keep moving forward.  Even when its hard, when you just don't feel it, because if the alternative is settling, then why not be a little reckless and live a life of happiness, where ever it may lead?

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