Hi! My name is Judy Bishop and I am 22 years old and a student at Southern Oregon University. I want to tell you about some crazy dreams I have been having...but first, a little about me.
First, I study psychology at SOU, live right down the street from the college on Garfield St. in the lovely Chief Tyee (translation: Chief-Chief, really, I'm serious!). I live with this lovely roomie, Vhlanoe, a Russian exchange student studying theatre. One day, a small kitten followed her home and now we are stuck with "Tansy", based on a character she played. Tansy is interesting, to say the least.
I am originally from Berkeley, CA. I sort of have a large family, two younger brothers and my mom and dad and our dog, Riff-Raff. My little sister, who passed when I was 13 (she was 9) named his predecessor and we have just been renaming dogs subsequent to him, this is like the third version. I guess, its in her honor or something. Crazy thing is, she visits me in my dreams...in fact, this is the very reason I decided to study psychology as a major, a science I wanted to discover in how far the human brain reaches--Before the first Riff-Raff, we had a dog growing up named Beau, a golden retriever. He used to sleep in my bed at night, until my mom found out and locked him in the laundry room. He and I had a soul connection and he visits me in my dreams as well.
When I was 15, I had this boyfriend, Jack. He as 18 and he almost raped him but I got away because my little brother, Steve, walked in on us. Thank God! Since then, I just have stopped believing in anything called "love" and just have "casual sex" with ANYONE available. Yes, chicks too.
Sometimes though I have this sinking feeling of emptiness, a deep yearning for something more than just sex..a deep soul connection across distance, time, and space. You know, a true love that lasts. I, kind of sort of, hope he's out there, maybe I should just be patient...
On that note, I've been having these recurring dreams about this guy I hook up with in New York City, in Central Park. I mean, really hook-up. I didn't think it was too odd until I was scanning through my friend, Joey's friend list on facebook and came across this kid, Bob, who lives in Berkeley who looked strangely like the kid in the dream. Funny he looked somehow familiar, like I might have seem him at the grocery store back home when I was a kid. So maybe that's where he came from, just a recycled memory or scattered thought I had once upon a time, as the books say dreams are.
However, it was spooky when he told me his name was Bob and even spookier when, just as a whim in the dream, I asked for his phone number. And when I called it...
Well, you will just have to see what happens, this Sunday evening, February 2nd at 6:30 at Barnstormers' Theatre in Grants Pass, Oregon.
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