I am Helga Ten Dorp. I am psychic. And, this my story, of who I am & how I came to claim my powers of ESP.
I was raised in a small rural Holland town, the oldest of a family. My father was the town dentist and in his spare time pursued his interests of science. He outwardly professed that it was only science, logic, and reason that could explain the nature of the universe and down-played any form of spirituality. My mother was a house-wife who had married young, at the tender age of 19. Her mother, my grandmother, was psychic, and my mother fought to diminish and hide any part of that in her new life, even going so far as refusing to allow us to see her. When she discovered, to her horror, that I had talent with "the sight", she punished me brutally any time I showed signs of it. As a child, I didn't understand nor know what I was doing, I felt alone and misunderstood. I finally started getting some answers and understanding of myself when my grandmother discovered that I had the "sight". She started secretly helping me by explaining the true reason God had given me this gift, how to use it for the greatest good, and not ever for profit.
Due to my father's insistence, I enrolled in University and began studying psychology, but after only a few years of attending, I dropped out before graduating and married my first love after getting pregnant with my first daughter. Unfortunately, my husband became weary of my powers which increased after the birth of our second child, a son, and of which I was no longer able to contain privately.
Alone now with two children, I had to find a way to make money and provide for my family. So, I hung out a little sign and opened a little shop, doing what my grandmother strictly forbade me to do, to commercialize my gift as a product. However through that business, I met my second husband who came to me to find out if his current wife was indeed being unfaithful to him. She was, according to what I saw, and no, my feelings for him did not cloud my vision in anyway. Honest!
After my ESP skills deepened with the birth of our daughter, my third child, my husband became more interested in my sight and encouraged me to branch out with my career. He helped me get involved with the police force, where he worked as an officer, helping to solve crimes and murders. As I gained more prestige, fame, and notoriety by working in this industry, he became increasingly jealous and eventually left me.
Alone again, I threw myself into my work in a very male-dominated environment. I pulled all my femininity in and became more masculine in appearance, for work purposes only. Five years into it, with much success, I meet my fourth husband, my truest love. We marry, have a daughter, Emily, my favorite because I can see from early on that she has the sight, and I decide to move away from my career and settle down at last.
But, that is not to be so. My darling husband, my truest love and soul-mate, dies in a car accident during a thunder and lightning storm, something I foresaw but hoped to prevent.
I close up my insides and fall into the workforce, losing sight of myself with the need to care for my four children, who have every advantage possible and who are encouraged freely to follow their dreams.
When my children finally come of age and move out, I look forward to retirement with hopes of finally giving up the rat race, returning to what the gift is truly for, the benefit of humankind.
But, then I find myself resting in a rural Connecticut city...