Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Losing Our Religion #deconstruction #stagesofdeathanddying #kublerross


That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it

In my mid-twenties, during the height of my fundie experience when all was still rosy, I spent a scant amount of time as a youth counselor for my church's youth group.  In that, I met with, got to know, and became close with several young teenage girls and boys as we traveled and fellowshiped together.  For a short season of my life, that little group was of high import to me and one that now, after fully deconstruction, I look back with fondness at the inside jokes, cherished memories, and experiences we shared.  Of recent, I have had the good fortunate to re-connect with several of them via the famous Facebook and am rather pleased to see that the majority have made the difficult but empowering decision to separate themselves and leave the fundamentalist religion of which they were forced to comply.  Through the leaving, I am now seeing them define and discover their own selves apart from what was forced upon them with much celebration and encouragement on my part.

Thus, as one that will always hold in my heart that of big sisterly affection for them and because a social media post or direct message never seems to fully impart what I wish to say, I decided to write this blog sharing the journey I have taken in my deconstruction path.  Now, I must clarify, that these individuals have not remained 15, 16, 17, but rather are all fully grown adults in their thirties, maybe forties, and thus I do not clearly know where exactly they are in their deconstruction and healing.  However, be that as it may, I feel strongly that I must share my story to help not just my once upon a time "youth group younger siblings" but perhaps a reader who discovers this entry may find it useful for their own journeys.

Officially and also unofficially, I left Calvary Chapel on a Sunday in 2010, as described in this entry, On The Day I Left Calvary Chapel, not ready to admit fully to myself, feeling the freedom within to have the ability to realize, that I was actually walking away.  Those first early years stumbling away were fraught with their own struggles, mostly due to an abusive, undiagnosed schizophrenic (most likely) husband, who I finally got the wherewithall to kick out in 2013.  After that, I was finally able to start the process of deconstructing, not just from Calvary, but from the myriad of abusers that had bull-dozed their way into my life and taken control.  For whatever reason, throughout 2013 and 2014, it was then and only then, that I was finally able to find people online sharing their stories of leaving Calvary Chapel and the abuse from such they had experienced.  My search led me to a website titled, "Calvary Chapel Abuse Recovery" where I poured through stories upon stories of those sharing their truths about what they had experienced, most seemed worse than I had experienced, tales of child abuse, sexual assault, and more.  With tears streaming down my face, I felt both vindicated but also guilty.  Yes, I had been a victim of Calvary Chapel, but, at least what I could see at the time, I had not experienced anything of such paramount.  This caused me to lessen my degree of suffering and not want to share my story, my voice, at first.  Through this website, I was led to the podcast, Drunk Ex-Pastors, (hosted by two former pastors of Calvary Chapel), and through that was able to connect with others whose experiences were less drastic and similar to mine.  Finding these like-minded kindred spirits helped me to finally share my truth and find healing in my journey. 

As I traveled through this journey, something I found on the Calvary Chapel Abuse Recovery website stuck with me, that of the stages of death and dying put forth by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, something I had been exposed to during college.  But, as I looked through it with eyes of a struggling, deconstructing lonely ex-Calvary Chapelite, I found new power to the truths therein.  Physical death is not merely the only thing pertinent in Kubler-Ross's stages, but also the death of other such losses, such as belief, relationship, or career.  Before I set forth, I want to express that the process of these stages does not fall in a linear fashion during healing, but rather the road through is one full of ups and downs, backwards and forwards. 

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side, so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Denial:  For my part, this phase wasn't formulating because of anything political, but rather closer to the core of my being.  As I walked the walk of a Christian throughout the years of 2008-2010, there were several red flags of warning that kept waving themselves in my face try as I might to squash and ignore.  As early as 2004, the church seemingly began to, ever so slowly, decree what information and knowledge sources we, as believers of the Calvary Chapel god, should ascribe to, these were either conservative based Christian media, networks, and news-based, or even more insidious, consume only that material which is written and endorsed by Calvary Chapel leadership.  Furthermore, I had church members warn me of reading and watching such content as what would be the classics of literature and film.  I was made to feel shame for my favorite all time film, The Wizard of Oz, for that very reason! Lastly, due to my diagnosis of Bipolar, I was finally adventuring into the world of recovery, at the time both secular and religious, and as I grew in the depth of relationship with my variety of recovery friendships, my Calvary Chapel friendships were falling flat and feeling more and more empty.  This, too, I did my best to shake off, by reminding my red flag waving self how blissfully pure it had been and was, I mean, yeah, it has its ups and waving self, you can just be quiet, I'm not listening.  However, my red flag waving self, having an advanced education and background in critical thinking, could not be silenced and finally I allowed her to align with myself again, which led me to that fateful Sunday in 2010.

Anger:  Oh, my god, yes was I angry!  Angry at the years wasted in my twenties following lies when I could have been enjoying the beauties that life fully offers outward, angry at the abuse that I and others had experienced, angry because I still felt silenced, unheard, alone in my revelation.  Like I shared, in those early years after departing, still trying to proclaim myself as Christian, yet feeling increasingly shame and anguish, struggling in an increasingly abusive marriage, I found no other sources online or in person that could concur with my assertion that, maybe just maybe, I had been involved with, gulp, a cult.  (Technically, I wasn't, but yet I assert that the definition of cult needs to be updated in light of the reality of what the fundamentalist christianity has become, but that is a blog for another time, perhaps this entry may be sufficient: The Christian Right Needs To Die!!) The Exvangelism movement had yet to take root and my friends, Jason and Christian, had yet to begin their Drunk Ex-Pastors podcast journey.  So, my anger was left unheard or explained away, I wanted so much to rescue my saved friends from being saved, for them to see the light too, and to have that sweet connection we once had shared. But alas, nothing doing, I was left alone in my heart-ache.  

Bargaining: This one is a heavy load when it comes to my journey of deconstructing from fundamentalist Christianity.  It contains everything from "This can't be reality, come on, let's just act like its as good as it once was" to the sufferings of one leaving and having to struggle over the guilt over not attending church, not reading their bible, not having their morning devotionals leading to worries that every bump in the road of life is based on their not being faithful in their Christian imposed duties.  It's the place you find yourself when you first walk away and looking around, realizing you are all alone, well, maybe, maybe, it's not that bad, all my friends are still there, position.  It's heavy, it's dark, and when also faced with the growing realization that your wedded bliss is anything but and you are quickly becoming the stereotypical battered wife, it leads to the depth of despair of the next stage.

Depression:  The dark and lonely stage and for me had to be overlooked due to my more pressing reality of dealing with my often psychotic and abusive husband.  It was not until I expelled him from my house and life on that fateful Oscar Sunday 2013, in a performance that should have received an academy award, that I was slowly able to start recognizing, admitting, and beginning the healing journey.  It came slowly, through loving friendships(non-Christian) who came along side as I went through my divorce and supported me with laughter and a loving hand when I awoke screaming in terror, finally finding websites and a podcast that proclaimed a truth similar to mine, and others who shared similar stories shared over hours upon hours-long coffee dates.  It came in quiet moments of my life, reading alternate spiritual books wherein I realized the sweetness of the Christian Holy Book, the Bible, as just that 'A spiritual text not THE', the moment when I realized it wasn't literal but figurative and actually heard a part of the mind controll break off and fall away "Crack", the moment when my PT Cruiser broke down yet again and I realized that this wasn't happening because of my sin, but merely because bad things and good things happen in life regardless of our actions or circumstances.

Acceptance: Finally, I found myself at this stage, through all the struggles of the last four, lots of laughter at the absurd craziness of the shared experiences of fundamentalism and, more so, Calvary Chapel, and the tears over realizing I am not alone.  At last, as the tears fell away, a smile formed of peace.  I look back now at those happy, gleaming faces of friendships of memory I shared in the golden moments of Calvary with gratitude.  I hold in my heart those I called friends still a part of that worldview, even though I disagree and despise some of their understandings and practices, still, on my end, the love remains regardless of action.  With that, I have peace and release them unto the journey they have been brought to this life to explore and behold.  

Finally, once again, these steps weren't always linear, but were often mired in a mixture of one another, sometimes simultanously and other times overlapping, but continuing forth, healing was actualized. 

As I write this, I don't want to presume to know fully what others have experienced or have suffered, specifically those I once counseled in our little youth group, those who were once pastor's kids (PKs), or youth group pastor's kids, or by parents' who just thought the whole fundie thing was swell.  Even more so, I am a white, straight, cis-gender woman and cannot fully understand the suffering of one with another alternate identity.  Yet, I do have empathy increasing based on my own experiences and sufferings.  In that, I can say that there is hope, that whatever the path may lead, belief in the divine or not, real love and peace is found in such an increasingly abundance outside the confines of fundamentalist Christianity that the struggles of deconstructing are worthyof all the pain.

If you or someone you love has recently left a fundamentalist religious organization or is suffering in anyway, please feel free to reach out: or comment below.
Check out my buddies' podcast: Drunk Ex-Pastors
Do you have religious trauma disorder?

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed I could break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

For more of my deconstruction journey:  My Religious Trauma Story

Sunday, June 26, 2022

What’s this “Pride” Month All About? by K. Jacqueline Pollock, Guest Author #pride #june #lgbtqai

 What’s this “Pride” Month All About?

by K. Jacqueline Pollock

Well it’s June. It’s the middle of the year, for you sports fans that means the year is at halftime.

Currently as I write this we’re waiting for the start of Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs (NHL)

where the Colorado Avalanche and the Tampa Bay Lighting are going against each other to see

who will take home Lord Stanley’s Cup this year. Also the NBA Playoffs finished up a week ago

and we just had the Summer Solstice so it’s hot and I mean damn hot in Illinois and I despise


I”m a winter girl. I love wearing my turtleneck sweaters, nice skirt suits (with nylons of course),

boots, etc. Now summer I like to wear my heels and flats yet in summer it’s too hot for nylons,

however, Summer does bring us June and Pride Month.

Pride Month. So, what are we celebrating and being proud of? Sexuality? Identity? Pride Month

basically remembers the beginning of the LGBTQIA+ liberation movement. LGB people really

aren’t discriminated against that much anymore, it’s the TQIA+ community that people show

more and more bigotry towards and they call it fear. What are they afraid of? They’re not afraid

of anything except something they know nothing about.

In Illinois by State Law (see 410 ILCS 39/1) all single use restrooms must be marked as unisex,

which if you think about it makes sense really, since only one person at a time is in there and

there’s a lock on the door. Recently, I was in a group of people where the head of an

organization said “I don’t care if your a man and like men, a woman and like women, a man and

like women, a woman and like men, a woman who identifies as a man, a man who identifies as

a woman just clean up after yourself.” She was referring to a person leaving urine or excrement

on a toilet seat. I can’t say that didn’t bug me, however, other things have bugged me recently.

I’ve even been called things such as “A man that dresses like a woman” “a he-she” and more

ignorant things. Another person said to someone they were talking to and referring to me “I can’t

tell if that’s a man or a woman” and this all happened in places I have to be. I just walked away

from it. As the comedian Ron White, sometimes referred to by himself, as Ron “Tater Salad”

White once so eloquently stated “You can’t fix stupid.”

Pride month doesn’t really have anything to do with being “proud,” Pride Month celebrates the

beginning of the movement to achieve equality and dignity for the LGBTQIA+ community that

started way back in 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, at gay club in Greenwich Village part of New

York City. It happened because people were sick and tired of being shunned, hated, and despised simply

 for who they love or how they identify, having their sexual orientation and gender identity being

illegal, such as police raiding their private business where they were free to be whoever they really


So why do we celebrate pride? We celebrate to remember that the LGBTQIA+ community still

has hurdles to overcome. Just like those who had to overcome the obstacles of racial

integration, religious integration, etc. the LGBTQIA+ community isn’t anywhere near achieving

equality AND it might not happen in the next few years, decades, or even in my own lifetime.

However, just like the other oppressed communities, the LGBTQIA+ community IS going to

continue to fight for equality, for protection from discrimination, and for everything that needs to

be fought for to achieve a society where people, sitting at a cookout or a picnic, for example, can simply:

“So, you’re part of the LGBTQIA+ community, okay, yeah okay cool, please pass the

K. Jacqueline Pollock, former Seattle resident, forever a Seattleite at heart, currently lives in Macomb, Illinois, continues to work with Community Radio Station WTND-LP 106.3 FM Macomb, Illinois (a 501c3 Non-Profit, all monetary donations tax deductible), as well as a CNA, and now also serves as Treasurer of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Macomb, Illinois, where ALL are welcome regardless of any status.

Whatever You Call Me:
 Always remember that what Kathie Lee Gifford once said of herself is true about me too:  
"It's no secret that I love to talk, but the real secret is I love to listen, too."  Kathie Lee Gifford

The Mary Tamm Chronicles, 2nd Generation, Chapter Ten: The Windy City #...

In this episode, Mary recounts a wonderful adventure she and her husband, Marcus, had at the first ever 'Windy City Doctor Who Con': Highlights include: eggs benedict, loads of champagne, and almost being mobbed by a band of screaming adoring female fans of Romana! The Timekeys Doctor Who Fan Fiction webseries includes Hearts-Sick, HomeSick, MindSick & TimeSick. Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the former name of Cafe Girl Thriving Artists, LLC, all film & media produced under Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the property of Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC. Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC does not own the rights to Doctor Who or BBC material.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Fan Girl Hour Exerpt: S1E14 All My Taylors #allmychildren #fangirling #a...

In this week's episode, I visit with my good friend, Taylor, as she shares with me her lifelong love for one of the longest running soap opera's, All My Children. She talks about how groundbreaking it was, for its time, plus how it effected her growing up, and how it is still making a lasting impact, including a potential REBOOT! Listen for more at:

Monday, June 20, 2022

Journaling Through The Years, Episode 50: Summer Solstice & Philosophy L...

Litha: Light & Dark At War #solstice #firstdayofsummer #lighttriumphs #thedarkness returns

I am the fire that burns within your soul
I am the Holy light that fills and makes you whole
I am the Flame within, that never dies
I am the sun that will ever arise

One of the eight pagan sabbats of the year, "Litha", otherwise called "Midsummer" or the "Summer Solstice", represents more than just the turn-over of the seasons, the beginning of seasons, and has thus been celebrated by many a culture throughout the ages.  Litha, the summer solstice, is the day where the light has its most length and the dark is at its shortest.  This can be seen as the battle between light and dark, as many believed the Oak God, ruler of the light, reigned from the winter solstice until summer solstice, only to once again battle for soveriegnty with the Holly King, ruler of the dark, who begins his reign on summer solstice as the days begin to shorten until the winter solstice(Yule).  As it is then, Litha can be experienced as a battle between the light and the dark within and without.  Thus, as the daylight dawns on June 21st, 2022, we find ourselves basking in the immense light, rejoicing as it were, but also with the realization that in that much light nothing can be hidden, nor should it.  

Power of the Sun we honor you this night
We leap across the fire to keep our spirits bright
Power of the Sun, fire in the night
We leave behind, that which blinds, to restore our sight

But as we examine ourselves and that of the exterior freely, we must also seize the moment to honor and celebrate all of ourselves, for there is light and dark in us all and balance is achieved when we gift them both their rightful purpose of teaching within.  Traditionally, a way to celebrate was through elements of fire ritual, whether it was rolling a burning wheel down a hill into a large body of water or through bonfire,where it was believed to be good luck if you were able to jump over or even through the fire itself.  However, one chooses to celebrate, it is a moment to pause, take in a deep breath of the energetic vitality of solar abundance, allowing that essence to fill to overflowing all of the flaws and the perfections of ourselves allowing healing and life to truly begin.  As always, it is important on these holidays, holy sabbats, to embrace the seasons and cycles of all of life so apparent on a day such as Litha.

I am the fire that clears away the old
I am the holy light that guides you to your soul
I am the Flame Of Love for which you yearn
I am the sun that will always return

In the ancient traditions, it was believed that the Gods and Goddesses were not stagnant but transformed throughout the seasons, such as a young woman to a mother then to a crone, and back to a young woman.  Similarily, a god is born and dies, traveling from a young child to a lover, a symbol of the rise and fall of crops, and back again endlessly.  Some may see these gods and goddeses as archetypes and others may see these as literal, either way they are provided for us to glean, to grow, to heal, and to evolve, as the cycles of the earth are ever-present so to are the cycles within all.

During Litha, the goddess is full with child and the god at his most virile, both full of the abundance of life and energy ready to emerge.  So, in this pause of momentary reflection, witness the abundance that has transpired in the months previous as well as what is to come in the months unfolding.

Websites used as research:

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Journaling Through The Years, Episode 49: Middle School Nightmares & Boy...

In this episode, I begin my sharing my thoughts on a story from the previous episode and detail how it has influenced who I am today. Then, I describe a scary situation with a girl from my middle school & close with an update on my boy crushes, which reflects the beginning of my mental health woes. Purchase the wedding dress at: Support Elizabeth Suzanne at:

The Mary Tamm Chronicles, Second Generation: Chapter Three: The Armagedd...

In this episode, Mary recounts the filming of her final episode of the Key To Time series, The Armageddon Factor. Highlights include, her growing relationship & admiration for her Romana counterpart, Lalla Ward, detailing how she, Mary, affected the future events of Lalla's life, both professionally & romantically. Mary reflects on Doctor Who's influence and long reach overall and is ever thankful for being a part of it. The Timekeys Doctor Who Fan Fiction webseries includes Hearts-Sick, HomeSick, MindSick & TimeSick. Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the former name of Cafe Girl Thriving Artists, LLC, all film & media produced under Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the property of Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC. Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC does not own the rights to Doctor Who or BBC material.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Gaming for the first time! #facade #gamingcommunity #gamer #firsttime

Gaming for the first time! #facade #gamingcommunity #gamer #firsttime via @YouTube #gamingcommunity #FACADE #tripandgrace #GamersUnite #YouTuber #YouTuberChannel #ContentCreator

Remember Juneteenth! #freedom #june191865

 May Your Day Be Fulfilled!

--is the common phrase necessary for well-wishes given on Juneteenth, a federal holiday, celebrated on the 19th of June.  Also known as Jubilee Day, Emancipation Day, Freedom Day, Black Independence Day, and officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, it falls in the midst of  21 days of June called "Honor American Days" beginning with Flag Day on June 14th and culminating with the 4th of July.  The official flag of Juneteenth (shown above), created in 1997, shares the red, white, and blue of the United States flag reflecting that all Black and African Americans have the right of freedom and justice, as well shows that they are equally American citizens alongside their white counterpart.  The original 1920's Juneteenth flag (UNIA, Afro-American Flag, Black Liberation Flag) is red, green, and black, serving as a reminder of the freedom, pride, and the political power of Black Americans. 

On January 1st, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, stating that on that day, all enslaved people of the United States, specifically that in the rebellious Southern region, were free and rightful citizens.  However, although this was decreed, many states did not follow until action was taken by Union troops to enforce it, thus the actual dates of freedom were varied among the southern states.  Being so far removed from the capital of the United States, Texas saw an advancement of slavery, as many slave holders moved into Texas with their captives as the war ended in order to continue their life-style practices.  As well, because of the difficulty in reaching Texas and having to enforce the proclamation in other states, union troops were slow to reach and enforce the law.  However, union army general, Gordon Granger along with 2,000 union troop members, reached Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865, and freedom for all the enslaved people of Texas was officially declared.  

General Gordon Glanger

Celebration of Emancipation Day (Juneteenth) in 1900, Texas

Thus, that is why the official second day of American Independence, Juneteenth, falls on the 19th of June.  However, although it was originated as far back as 1865, recognition has been an uphill battle as  striving to maintain the rights of the black american has been and is an ongoing challenge.  Even with the ratification of the thirteenth amendment on December 6th, 1865, stating " Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" (Abraham Lincoln,16th President of the United States of America), racism still ran rampant throughout the southern states and beyond.  In the early years of Juneteenth, citizens wishing to honor and celebrate were relongated to do so in private church settings.  In the early twentieth century, 1890-1908, celebrations faced a severe decline due to economic and political forces which brought about new laws and amendments in Texas and other former Confederate states.  These laws, such as Jim Crow, greatly disenfrancished black americans, such as causing them to lose their voting rights, among others.  The Jim Crow laws themselves enforced the "separate but equal", which imposed the belief that black americans were second class citizens.  In addition, the decline in celebrating was due to other factors, such as the younger black americans preoccupied with school, etc, did not view the need for celebrating as they had never experienced slavery firsthand, also upwardly mobile black americans who wished to assimilate and were embarrased by their heritage, as well as financial hardship, like the Great Depression, which made it increasingly hard to take time off to celebrate. 

Band performing in Texas for Emancipation Day, 1900

However, due to much perseverance, the Texas State Fair, between 1936-1951, became a destination for celebrating the holiday, contributing to its revival.  Furthermore, during the racist tumult of the 1960s-1980s, many black americans saw these struggles akin to their ancestors' former enslaved lives and sought to pursue celebrating and honoring Juneteenth openly, such as campaigners for equality wearing Juneteenth buttons and Rev. Ralph Abernathy referred to June 19th as the "Solidarity Day of the Poor People’s Campaign".   Despite numerous campaigns and decrees to make Juneteenth an official federal holiday, this was not finalized until June 17th, 2021 by President Joe Biden. 

Emancipation Day celebration in Richmond, Virginia, 1905

 In our current times, the rights and lives of black americans are still in upheaval as daily they face deeply rooted racism and its many dangers, from the drastic experience of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many more.   Because of these, it is vastly important to honor the legacy of Juneteenth, recalling its profound impact of never giving up hope in times uncertain.

Research for this blog came from: 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

FanGirlHour Exerpt: The Nike Swoosh & Gabriel #fangirling #podcastlife #...

In this episode, from FanGirlHour ep 16, I chat with my new friend, Gabe, about his life time love & inspiration, Nike, and how it inspired him to pursue his goals both on and off the court! Gabriel Flores is the Owner of Creatively Insane and host of The Shades of Entrepreneurship - The podcast. With over +22 years of professional experience in healthcare, strategy, real estate, and entrepreneurship, he finds himself constantly striving to learn something new through experiences. He is a husband, father, and the son of two indigenous migrants. Mr. Gabriel Flores, M.S. Host | The Shades of Entrepreneurship Owner | Creatively Insane LLC Apple Podcast | Spotify | Audible (podcast site) DB Freestyle website: For more, listen at:

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 48: Drunk Ladies & Junior High Love Co...

In this episode, I read an entry yet again about the "Vineyard Club Friends" circa Junior High-ish. The "root of all evil" boy is back in townn with his family & being like any other 14 year old, playing the field or just being a 14 year old kid. Spoiler Alert: He's not really the root of all evil! It's a fun detailed account of one Saturday evening in early September of my 8th grade year, I never knew how special it was, chock full of some rando drunk ladies (who might just be the time traveling versions of our future selves), moonlight walks & almost not quite kisses, mozart, tea, & junior high petty silliness. Watch Episode 25 for some background information:

The Mary Tamm Chronicles, V2: Chapter 2: The Power Of Kroll #romana #doc...

In this chapter, Mary recounts the making of the Key To Time episode, The Power Of Kroll, from wild, drunken nights with Tom & other cast members, to poor green tinted supporting actors, to a perilous boating excursion with Tom, & a not so glamourous working condition tramping around in the Suffolk swamp!

The Timekeys Doctor Who Fan Fiction webseries includes Hearts-Sick, HomeSick, MindSick & TimeSick.

Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the former name of Cafe Girl Thriving Artists, LLC, all film & media produced under Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the property of Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC. Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC does not own the rights to Doctor Who or BBC material.

#doctorwho #audiobook #fanart #marytamm #tombaker #fourthdoctor #media

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard, Part Two: My Thoughts CW: mental illness, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder


Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else

For starters, I am "Team Johnny" but I am not anti Team Amber Heard, as if the issues of domestic abuse, destructive relationships, and mental illness should be relegated to that of 'teams'.  As a victim of domestic violence as well as a friend of male victims, I felt strongly for support of Johnny Depp, still do, and am very grateful that the truth has won out at last.  (Please see the Part One of this series: To my discredit, in full honesty, I was one that jumped on the bandwagon of "Amber Heard is a narcissist", even while understanding somewhat the vast differences between calling someone a 'narcissist' and the diagnosis of 'narcissist personality disorder'.  I did not know that those who I was allying myself in this regard and able to attend the trials were booing and hissing at Ms. Heard as she entered and exited the courtroom.  As a victim of intimate personal violence, I have learned that the best way to have victory over an abuser is to move forward into a successful, thriving life and not to attack in kind.  (See: Success is the best revenge!)  This includes not engaging in like abusive fashion towards the abuser, for that is allowing that person to become as a victim and feel a sense of victory.  

Then, the legal team of Johnny Depp (please notice the clarification difference in teams) brought forth a psychiatrist who had examined Amber Heard and found the dual diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder.  Thus, my thoughts on Amber's abusive actions and reasoning behind shifted a bit.  I have made clearly known that I am a person living with Bipolar Disorder and CPTSD.  In the early years of my recovery, I hungrily read through several books on mental illness of many a variety and studied books on psychology.  I even picked up and read through the recent edition of the DSM (See: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).  At one point in my journey, I was misdiagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in conjunction with Bipolar Disorder which started my journey on devouring all things personality disorders.  It is important to note here the similarities and overlap between these two diagnoses as well as others in the DSM.  All too frequently, those diagnosed with one disorder also have a comorbidity with another.  (I also want to add that it was later reported that I did not have BPD, but in fact have CPTSD and Bipolar which often can resemble BPD and will share this discovery in a later entry.)

Comorbidity refers to having more than one chronic illness at once. Of all the people who experience mental disorders in the U.S. (roughly one in five), 45% of them meet the criteria for two or more disorders. That's almost one in ten people who may be dealing with simultaneous mental illnesses

Thus, from my studies, I want to express the differences between that of someone struggling with borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder (or both simultanously), and that of the other cluster B diagnoses.  First, I must state that I am not a certified psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist or mental health practitioner, only one with a hunger to understand as an empathic advocate as another with a mental health condition.  Thus, the essential difference between that of APD/NPD and BPD/HPD, from my research, is that of level of conscience, the former being a lack thereof (especially with Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) and the latter having an understanding of right and wrong.

The fact of conscience as well as the symptoms of both Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder changes the reasoning behind Amber Heard's actions in her relationship with Johnny Depp as well as that reported in other relationships.  If these diagnoses be correct (and often times in one's recovery there can be many a misdiagnosis), then Amber Heard does feel a semblance of guilt and remorse over her actions.  From my research in the past and during the writing of this, a person with BPD has a maladaptive way of thinking that they believe to be correct based on the emotional upheaval and trauma throughout their lives.

Borderline personality disorder is a mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes self-image issues, difficulty managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationships.

It is true that I have spent less time with Histrionic Personality Disorder but I have done some bit of research for this article as well as in the past.  From those studies, I have found that the need to be the center of attention with one who struggles with HPD is based on a need for validation and escape from a feeling of emptiness.

A histrionic personality disorder, or commonly known as a dramatic personality disorder, is a psychiatric disorder distinguished by a pattern of exaggerated emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. A histrionic personality disorder is categorized within the "Cluster B" of personality disorders.

Thus, Amber Heard's instability in her interpersonal relationships, if these diagnoses be accurate, is based on past trauma undealt with that has formed her frame of thinking increasing her need to find security, validation, and escape from the inner turmoil and pain within.  This does not mean she is not guilty of defamation and needs to be held accountable for her actions.  In the contrary, I believe she does and that this may be the reckoning that brings about a realization of her need for healing.  From this, then, it is another important reason why lashing out at her in kind is not helpful for the situation without or within.  In addition, I feel strong consideration and care should be taken for the safety of her daughter until which time that Amber Heard takes her treatment and recovery seriously.  I do not believe that the child should be taken from her entirely, but rather believe wholeheartedly in the ability for a person with BPD and HPD to live a healthy and fulfilling life.  It takes time and a lot of work to unravel the thought processes and the trauma damages that brought about the reactions of her actions, but through the efforts of recovery one can live a meaningful life.  And, if these diagnoses of Amber are correct, she, too can have this life, it may not be what she hoped for as a Hollywood actress, but her life can be joyful and peaceful if she commits to her recovery and mental health journey.

Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

If you or someone you love is suffering with symptoms of mental illness, please contact:

Saturday, June 4, 2022

FanGirlHour Exerpt, Episode One: Which Doctor Who?

In this exerpt from the FanGirlHour, I chat with my good friend, Theta Eisenberg about one of our fave fandoms, Doctor Who. He shares his favorite all-time doctors and other reasons why this show is special to him. For more, listen:

The Mary Tamm Chronicles: Second Generation, Chapter One: The Androids o...

In this episode, we begin the second autobiography, Second Generation, The Autobiography: Volume Two, where Mary recounts working further on the Key To Time Series with "The Androids of Tara" from a jealous husband's confusion over an aikido lesson, to precarious horseback riding, and Tom Baker's dramatic flair with a fishing rod! The Timekeys Doctor Who Fan Fiction webseries includes Hearts-Sick, HomeSick, MindSick & TimeSick. Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the former name of Cafe Girl Thriving Artists, LLC, all film & media produced under Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc is the property of Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC. Cafe-Girl Thriving Artists, LLC does not own the rights to Doctor Who or BBC material.

Journaling Through The Years, Episode 47: Take A Bow, Night Court! #jour...

I start out this episode reflecting on the recent cases of Josh Duggar, Johnny Depp & Amber Heard and express my thoughts on each. Finally, I read an entry about a childhood memory of the ending of my all-time favorite tv show, Night Court, pondering how my hopes & dreams of yester-year have affected who I am & the choices I have made throughout my life, with some regret. Buy My Wedding Dress: Elizabeth Suzanne: Help Elizabeth Return To Her Thrive & Pursue Her Dreams:

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard, Part One: My Thoughts TW: domestic abuse, Intimate Partner Violence


You are not alone, your abuse is real, you do not deserve to live this way, you have done nothing wrong. 

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Yesterday, June 1st, 2022, was a day of victory not just for Johnny Depp, but for all victims of intimate partner violence/domestic abuse, specifically that of cis-male survivors perpetrated by their cis-female counterparts. 

By now, I have shared numerous times that I am a victim of IPV, specifically from my ex-husband, but also from previous romantic entanglements as well as, some degree, family, friends, colleagues, and church.  The degree of which occurred in my relations pertaining to my abusers is not what I want to further share at this moment, have in the past, but don't dwell on or over-share because it's not what defines me.  However, I do feel it significant that I accept my past history in order to be an authentic outspoken advocate for domestic abuse as well as a support of those also suffering so that they can reclaim.  With that, I have an active facebook group, Survivors Of Emotional Abuse, with group members of all genders have come together to share and support one another in their journeys towards healing.  (I also have a group pertaining towards spiritual abuse for similar purposes.)  Through these conversations and connections, I have been able to witness firsthand the stigma and invalidation cis-male victims of female perpetrators have experienced once leaving the relationship.  The disbelief that a cis-male could be the victim in a domestic abuse relationship is difficult to perceive and therefore discredited.  More often than not, the woman perpetrator proclaims herself the victim, and as we have seen with  Amber Heard, society, in general, believes her and vilifies the male victim.  

As seen in the chart above, the percentage of male victims who have reported their abuse is lower than female victims.  However, this does not mean that women are abused more often than males, rather, this reflects what has been reported.  

Long before the abuse becomes physical, many other tactics are implemented to control, subdue, dominate, as well, there is a cycle to the abuse: tension building, violence, honeymoon, finally, calm.

In each phase, the abuser uses the tactics described above as a means to ensnare and keep their victim hostage.  During the honeymoon and calm phase, the victim is expected to forget the abuse and forgive, thus done, the abuser once again has the power and the cycle continues.  

As seen in the chart above, the prevalence of abuse used from cis-female to cis-male appears to be higher in the non-physical in a variety of ways than physical.  This facet has been shared with me by my cis-male friends that have experienced domestic violence from their cis-female partner or spouse.  However, this does not signify that cis-female to cis-male is never physical, but may be demonstrated in different ways than in cis-male to cis-female.  As we have seen documented in the case of Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, there were elements of physical abuse used throughout the tactics of manipulation.  

The reasoning behind abuse often given is that the perpetrator wants to hold power and dominance over their victim.  This week I read an article by a woman claiming that Johnny Depp could not be the victim because his older age and role in society puts him in a higher place of dominance than Amber Heard.  Evidence shared during the trial proves otherwise as well as Johnny Depp's re-telling of his history of violence perpetrated by his own mother.  (Johnny Depp reveals childhood abuse from ‘violent’ and ‘cruel’ mother and says drug-taking was to ‘numb feelings’)  In addition, a person's status in society may not resemble how they interact and behave within the confines of private relationship.  The reality of past trauma, possibly not dealt with, affects how a person reacts to current relationship instability leading them to become the submissive, fearful victim.  

In conclusion, I do not believe that Amber Heard set the #MeToo Movement back, however, I believe Johnny Depp brought it forward by revealing to the world that cis-males, "Men" too can be victims of intimate partner violence.  That said, if you are a cis-male victim and believe you are an IPV victim, here is a resource:

You are not alone, your abuse is real, you do not deserve to live this way, you have done nothing wrong. 

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway