Wow! Brave soul for clicking that link! I know, I know, it's quite the click bait anger making title. But, first let me explain, I want no soul to perish in anyway. I believe wholeheartedly that we all are brought to this plane of existence for the certain purpose of learning the lessons needed to elevate our souls to the next level in our evolution, make that mean to you what you desire. In more non-spiritual terms, we are all on a journey towards healing and becoming better at being human, all at different levels or circumstances but basically where we need to be according to what's right for us as individuals.
Furthermore, my purpose in this entry is not to solely call out and destroy the Christian Right. Fundamentalism, a strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline, is a disease not just for the religious, Christian or otherwise, but can infect a liberal mind as well. Let that sink in, my liberal minded friends and family.
Most of you know by now, that at one point I considered myself part of the Christian Right, as it were, a believer of Jesus more specifically. After the toil of my deconstruction, I hold no ill-will or anger towards my former friends still connected to that life-style. Because of this, I have a particular understanding and compassion that I hope can not only shed some light on those on the outside, those of the more liberal persuasion, but also help awaken the right minded fundies to the ways they have gone astray.
That's right. I believe that a large part of the Christian right, perhaps those that would be indeed described as true "fundamentalists", the ones that appear the most vocally obstinate against progressive movements and current affairs, who seemingly take up arms against anything that doesn't fall into what they deem as 'right' and 'good', have fallen astray from the very teachings of Jesus Christ. I do not say this with a light heart, indeed my heart is broken. I have fond memories with people that fall into this realm, of which I once held dear and called more than friends, but family, of a sort. In truth, I do still hold very close to my heart, which is the impetus for this blog. I also know that a good portion of those I used to walk with, who still believe in a more Evangelical Christianity, not so much fundamentalist, are more decent in their approach to sharing the gospel and in that way are more aligned with the teachings of Jesus.
The former are those that complain wildly on social media and in the real world about the liberal agenda, who seemingly take everything as a personal affront on their beliefs, and who seem to not be able at all to see a larger worldview other than their own. The latter are those who are active on social media and in the real world by simply choosing to love, bless, and serve. I think this is an apparent distinction we can all agree upon. In addition, I have heard of conservative churches that are doing their best to educate, be more open, and willing to adapt and listen to other world-views and ideas.
But, it's the so-called fundamentalist viewpoint I wish to address, this way of being that needs to go by the wayside, perishing in a sea of its own ignorance once and for all. As I said, it's not merely a disease for the Christian Fundamentalist alone, but I believe one that has infected the more liberal atheistic as well, for example.
For the purpose of this entry, let's focus on the Christian Fundamentalist. For those reading this that are not of this ilk and have never been part of that world view, let me start by explaining a little of the teaching that I believe has damaged the minds and hearts of these Christian souls. If you are a beloved friend of mine that is still within the Christian right world view or are someone that I do not know but is a 'believer', as you read the below sentences, let your heart be softened so that you may have ears to hear. In so doing, it is with the tenderness of my fullest compassion that you can grow closer to understanding the true Jesus Christ.
So, when I was attending Calvary Chapel, the common thread in most of the bible studies and services were that 'the world hates Jesus, the world hates Jesus in you'. After hearing so much, can you imagine the end result of such, to be blunt, brainwashing? That's right, you begin to believe the world hates you. You believe wholeheartedly that the world outside your church is evil, wicked, and that everyone that comes into your life is basically fueled by the enemy, or rather, an enemy themselves. Does this help see why a Christian may seem so combative when addressed? They don't feel they are being combative, they feel you are being combative.
Furthermore, in my church days, we were encouraged not to consume anything, (ex: news, media, books, higher education), that was 'of the world', and were encouraged to consume only that which was approved by the church leadership. This lack of being able to educate yourself made you vulnerable to the belief and control of another. I do not mean to target or place blame on the church's leadership in anyway. I know quite a few pastors who are good at heart and wish the best for the flock they believe they are called to serve and help guide to the teachings of Jesus. I am merely trying to state my experience with hopes to enlighten those who have never been within a Christian fundamentalist setting as well as give a little insight to those within at present.
So, can you imagine what my life was like when I left Calvary Chapel ten years ago? I cannot begin to explain the sense of shattered isolation and confusion I felt, the heart break, the betrayal, the sense of loss of identity, the anger of the loss of my youth, the lies I readily consumed that fell flat. Yes, I was angry and scared, for myself, and for my friends who I believed were trapped inside what I, at the time, called a cult. I still hold that fundamentalism in all its variety is cult-like. Through the years of my healing after I left the church, I slowly discovered that these notions I were taught, were false.
With that, I address my Christian reader, those I know personally and those I do not. First and foremost, dear one, the world does not hate Jesus, in fact, they think he is a pretty bang up guy, regardless of whether they see him as God, a prophet, or just a guy. "I got no beef with Jesus," one friend said to me. And another, "Jesus is the shit." Please suspend your need to control the wording and belief of who Jesus is in your worldview and let that sink in. The people 'of the world' are not out to get you and, most importantly, do not hate you!
So, dear one, its up to you to how you take in this information and what you choose to do with it. But, before I let you off so easily, I need you to understand one more thing. I also believe, that according to what I learned from my bible studies back when I attended Calvary Chapels, that you have fallen astray from those teachings. Not all of you, but a good portion, and I base this on your words and actions on social media and in real life based on the current affairs in our country, whether that be pandemic related or such issues pertaining to civil rights.
First, the Bible teaches us to follow the law of the land, as well as the law of the Lord. Jesus says to 'render to Caeser what is his, and to God what is his', which, yes, can be taken to be connected to taxes but I also see the value in focusing this on all aspects of national government concern. I hear you spout off how we are called to obey the president as he was put their by God, but from what I can tell, this is only acceptable when he falls into the political category you approve of, that of, Republican. This appears one-sided and not fully accurate to what you profess, as well as, it appears as if you are not fully surrendering yourself to God and His will. The law of the land, in all its various forms of our government, has decreed, for your safety, to wear a mask for the protection of yourself and others, for example, but you refuse, why?
Next, Jesus and the teachings in the Bible states to 'lay down your lives as he, Jesus, laid down his life for us', but sadly I do not see this. It is "not about me", my friends and I would profess as young Christians. "It's all about Jesus," we'd proclaim in worship songs and in our speech. But, I do not see that line of thinking in your social media posts or every day life. More and more, I see a selfish, combative person who wants to force their way, wants to play the victim while victimizing. That, my dear friend, is in direct opposition of the teachings of Jesus Christ, whatever, the interpretations of him may be. Can you see now why so many seem to reject to the church? Hint: it has nothing to do with Jesus!
All is not lost for you, dear Christian reader, nor for my friends on the liberal left that of themselves fall into the realm of fundamentalist thinking. We are all on the path, as mentioned above, to healing and inner awakening. Let us all start by looking inward, letting the light of awareness pierce our souls and hearts, bringing us to the humility that comes from truly knowing ourselves, warts and all. With that humble honesty, we can come together, listening rather than reacting, holding space regardless of political stance and seeking the highest good for all.
Can you do that, dear Christian? Can you truly lay down your own self and release your preconceived notions for the highest good of another? Can you do that, dear liberal? Can you truly lay down your own self and release your preconceived notions good of another? No change will come if you cannot. I speak for myself as well as for others, mind you, and its a daily, minutely, journey, one taken with humility and utmost self awareness.
Join me in this journey, dear friends, the journey within for healing so that the world without may also be healed.
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
Got comments on what I wrote? I bet you do. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to post below. I welcome your thoughts and opinions. I just ask for all to be civil and thoughtful in their wordings. I will do my best to respond. Thank you.
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