Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Coming Out!

I cannot truly remember a time when I was not spiritual.  A fact I have come to fully realize and embrace after years of time spent worrying over my eternal soul's destination and salvation through rigorous spiritual and somewhat meaningless activities in the cul--I mean, church.

The church and those associated with it had me believe that if I wasn't reading my Bible every morning and attending church 7 days a week, practically always there, I was somehow going to fall into everlasting sin and eternal damnation and peril.  They would have me to believe that if I didn't do these aforementioned activities, I would lose all focus and desire for any spiritual connections.  Maybe this is true for them, but not so for me.

I have ultimately found this to not be the truth and in fact have discovered quite the contrary.  Without spending countless hours logging in my church attendance, I have found a more heightened diligence in pursuing my own spiritual desires.  My day doesn't seem complete without some form of spiritual motivating factor and study.

Which leads me to the conclusion, based on this and the reflections of my past, that I am basically a very spiritual person.  I do not say this to shame others spiritual journeys in anyway but just as an honest admittance of my own self.  I cannot help but seek out that which is spiritual and beyond our limited understanding.  For my entire life, since before the rambling years of Christianeze, I have sought different pathways of spirituality, with much satisfaction therein.  (And, yes, the time spent within the walls of the church brought some satisfaction as well!)  Perhaps, its my identity as an empath that has strengthened this desire, with the giving out of so much of my energy for others' wellbeing, I need to draw on the wellspring of the Divine for refreshment.  Most likely that's what it is.

I do believe that all people have an innate ability towards the spiritual and I believe wholeheartedly that it is my mission to help others find that.  (No, I don't plan on running out and studying theology or anything.)  I just want to live my life and give out love and healing energy to those brought along my path, in so doing,  help them to discover their own sense of spirituality and divinity.  Yeah, that's my mission.

How will I accomplish this? No other way than with my creativity, my art, my life as an actress, writer, singer, dancer, and whatever else comes my way.  It is for that reason I have been called to that profession.              

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