So, sorry that its been like more than a week since the last entry but still count this as Day Twenty-One, forgiving the time lapse. (I was out of town on vacation through most of that time.)
The day before Valentine's Day, which ironically being the Friday the 13th as to the nature of its detrimental subject, I discovered this article on my facebook feed:,2909/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:NA:InFocus
With my recent studies and being the focus of one of my monologues, the topic horrified me true to the factor of the date it appeared. Not only because the idea of committing the "act between the sheets hairless" brings up memories of painful chafing, but the idea that one has to alter themselves from their naturally ordained self to please others sexually flies in the face of what I am coming to see as true.
Our vaginas are ourselves, furthermore, our pubic regions, hair and all, are vital to our self-appreciation and worth as human beings. Choosing to remove this for the supposed benefit of another conflicts with your ordained Divine right and true self, in so doing, becoming a great limitation from loving yourself completely.
In addition to this, a dear friend and Vagina Rock-Star shared this article on the backlash of pubic shaving:
Thanks Katy! Pay special attention to what Dr. Emily Gibson says:
Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury, protection from bacteria and other unwanted pathogens, and is the visible result of long awaited adolescent hormones, certainly nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.
Furthermore, the first article's last quote by a Donna Spaulding is the one of most importance:
"We all want to look good and feel desirable, but it's important to keep things in perspective," Spaulding said. "In the end, you want people to love your pubic region for what's inside, not just for how it looks."
Truth, Ms. Spaulding! So, all you ladies out there, be proud of your hair, be proud of all of you, for you are wonderful and complete and perfect 'just as you are!'
Southern Oregon University's "Vagina Monologues" opens March 5th in the Rogue River Room and runs through March 6th.
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