7 Days of Gratitude, Day Four
1.) oddly enough for my sleep-deprived, foggy brain for its an exercise in focus & endurance & because it came about as an example of my knowledge of self-care
2.) for the roofers banging on my roof, distracting & frustrating to me, they deserve some love~for their efforts & for the very fact that they are a cause of such annoyance without really meaning to (they are just doing their job) & I am sure I will be very thankful for their work done later on, especially during the rainy season
3.) for my friend, Ruth Wire, because she's epic & because at her glorious advanced age she is still trying to better herself as a person and an actor/writer
4.) for my very talented, self-directed boyfriend, Michael & for watching him film his final scenes last night. It was epically beautiful.
5.) for the new friends I met through that experience the last few nights
6.) for black Virgin Marys & other inside jokes, with new friends, random people & old friends
7.) for Tinseltown because they show Doctor Who
8.) for how amazing it is that Doctor Who is a world-wide phenomenon & a cult-icon & for Stephen Moffat because I personally think he is amazing & he needs some love & doesn't get it
9.) for writers because if we didn't have them the world wouldn't exist
10.) for auditions, which are the equivalent of job interviews for normal people (See: Muggles), but an extremely more gut-wrenching & emotionally charged
11.) for genuine people who say what they mean, mean what they say
12.) for good healthy partners of my friends who treat them how they should be treated
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