7 Days of Gratitude, Day Two
1.) the sunlight streaming through the stairway window with the bugs illuminated by the the light. I always have liked that. Its kind of beautiful, in a way. Nature in one of its finest forms, simply glory revealed.
2.) morning coffee
3.) being woken up by Leo wanting breakfast & receiving snuggles
4.) Michael's sense of humor, having a lover & partner that I can infinitely trust, waking up next to him, & especially morning snuggles
5.) getting stuff done, productivity, in general, which includes all aspects of my creativity, including but not limited to my singing, my writing, my acting, even my garden
6.) Michael at his computer, he looks so cute & it is an image I have become accustomed to
7.) the curiosity of Tansy, its refreshing & not in the least bit entertaining but also is a visible lesson of my need to be awakened each moment to the divine consciousness within and without; to be curious, alive, & fully present
8.) for techies
9.) for my friends & the gifts they offer to the world & universe at large
10.) for finally discovering my true calling, my inner purpose & thus myself, finding true peace & happiness & finally being comfortable with myself
11.) for this day & the expectations it may bring, both good & bad, just the thought of that reality of what may be will be a sign of being fully alive
12.) for Robin Williams & his "spectaculour life" he led, what he taught us about sharing that with the world but not succumbing to our own darkness
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