Monday, June 10, 2013

Beginning Again at 35!

With the life transistion of divorce and lost love, I have finally realized that there is more to this world than Ashland, Oregon, and that if I ever want to make the difference I desire in this world and to truly following my calling, my path is leading me out of Oregon.  Truly though for more reasons that I can count, Oregon, and especially Ashland, will have a dear place in my heart and will always remain my true home (even more than the place I grew up).

I realize, of course, that my time as an actress and the career I am building here is very much like candy-land compared to the world that I go after---and thus, that I need to thicken my skin while still allowing my heart to open.  This weekend's lesson was that, even in 'Candy-land', one must expect, but not hope for, rejection and learn to not take that personal.  Keep hoping, keep moving forward, to the next audition!

Furthermore, I am truly learning the benefits of always being labeled a "crazy person" because it takes a crazy person to be an actor; to put oneself through the sometimes humiliating process yet exhilarating high of auditions and callbacks, the grueling process of rehearsals, character work, tech weekends, all for that glorious, well-earned moment of the final applause at the end of the show.  The satisfaction of a job well done!  Yes, I am a little crazy.  Truly, a fact of my very bona-fide existence.

So, the days ahead for me entitle audition prep, continued work on character for the upcoming show and film, find the day-job that will help pay off bills and debt that will afford me the luxury of saving money, as well as choosing through careful prayer and wisdom from above the place I will eventually land.  And patience, that's the ticket.  Be patient in the "climb!"

My next show, The Great American Western, opens June 21st at the Randall Theatre in Medford, Oregon.  I play Carry A. Nation.  See you there!

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