Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Heirarchy of Togetherness

A few years ago, in California, I attended a small Calvary Chapel.  Looking back what I remember is how much of a hierarchy there was in what was professed to be a unity of believers.  All members of the congregation seemed to, in a sense, worship the pastor.  They'd repeat his jokes and repeat all  his commentary on spirituality as if he had the final final word on God.  There was no individual thought process, as far as I could see (and yes I admit even in myself) but all that was spoken by him was regurgitated out of the mouths of the "face-less,identity-less flock."

In comparison to this, I have found in my community theatre work out a real sense of camaredie as the title professes, a "hierarchy of togetherness".  With the exception of my lovely room-mate, no one obsesses over or worships the artistic director (see our fearless leader!).  We are all, in a word, in it together and for the long haul, producing in equal parts of effort united in reaching our goal of creative excellency.  (Or at close to that as we can achieve on a limited budget!)

This is in definite contrast to the church I attended in California.  While the church invited everyone to attend, it was with an exception, you must, in a sense, drink the kool-aid, in my humble opinion, not what Jesus meant when Heg said, "All are welcome".  Yes, you can join our church, if you think, act, and dress like us.  I've hinted at this before and in so many words I profess my firm belief that Calvary Chapel is a cult.  (I hear now express that if any readers are members of Calvary Chapels that they remove themselves immediately.  The pastors and leadership are not what they seem.  I can speak personally of psychological damage that has been caused by their influence.)

Not so at the Randall, we produce something that draws all manner of people with our efforts at creative passion hoping that it will reach in a more meaningful fashion than that of any church or religious affiliation because we allow for freedom of thought, beliefs, and individuality.  In my opinion, we offer something of real value.  While some have called us a clique, I concur that we are, in fact, the uncliqueish clique out there, because we accept all into our fold with the express desire that they only be their true selves.

Here's to the crazy ones...if you are, you are welcome!

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