Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday or Good Friday?

Wait, has anyone ever really thought about that? That the day after Thanksgiving we call Black Friday, but the day that we honor Christ's death on the cross we call "Good Friday"....hmm, interesting?  But, really, Christians call it Good Friday, because it is the day our sins are washed away, completely, one hundred percent forgiven, and as I read today gives us the ability to enter into intimacy and complete union with the Father.  Did you know God's complete purpose in sending his son is redeeming us so that we could have complete intimacy with him, unbroken, unconditional love?

So, really, today is Black Friday, because people forget what to be thankful for and hurry to be bombarded with Christmas musak, commercialized Santas, and oh so many people just for that deal.  I worked in retail, so I know the drill.  Really, I am one to go to little out of the way bookstores, or pick up things throughout the year, that just speaks to me about that person.  So, really, today can be called Black Friday, because of the emphasis on commercialized capitalism and not what the true meaning of the season is.  And doesn't this season begin Sunday for Catholics?  I forgot what that is called, my Catholic friends can remind me.  But, my husband and I went to the first Sunday mass after Thanksgiving with my Grandma last Thanksgiving and the Lord truly met us there.  Say, what you want about Catholic churches, you closeminded evangelicals who think you know the right way to seek the Lord, Jesus does show up there.

So, after spending my Christmas holidays in college shucking through Black Fridays, I am very happy to note that I will not partake of that.  Maybe because its in Medford, and if you are an Ashlander, you try to avoid the Medford scene as much as possible...some people feel like they have to take a shower after they return from Medford or do some spiritual ritual to cleanse away the demons.  And, I already have a stack of books that I have been collecting at local bookstores for friends and family, little gadgets for others, and such.  And thinking about helping out at a food pantry or such for the Christmas season, helping those less fortunate, because my husband and I may seem to be "one of the least fortunate" we've got more than some, so as the Bible keeps saying "whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed".  And my heart's prayer is always that I may not do it for the repayment for the Lord, but that it needed to be done, except sometimes the repayment from the Lord is just the joy and peace of the Lord, ie the Holy Spirit.

What I have been learning from my reading of scripture, of reunion with friends, healing wounds with my father, books, is that salvation is a gift that enables us, just not eternal life, but true intimacy and relationship with the Father and, of course, Jesus.  I have learned that because of my crazy times my mind goes berzerk, I am not condemned by the Father, his love is always open to me.  It is me that runs away because of self-condemnation, not the Father, who wants to hold me and wipe away the tears.  So, either because of the crazies or the racing thoughts or just the time of year, I can find rest in knowing my security is in Christ, my relationship with the Father is secure.  Is yours?

This Christmas I hope to give more than I receive, in some small ways.  For those of you who have been following my reading, Bill and I met a military man during our layover in San Francisco.  I am trying to get his address so that Christmas cards can be sent to him from many, and maybe a package from my church.  Since all this combat, I haven't used my emotion to have anger towards Bush but have felt an amazing heart and need to reach out to those in service, through prayer...seems like a door has been opened.  So, anybody who reads this who wants to help by sending a Christmas card or what have you? Send me an email and when I get his address, if I can, I will send it to

Also, I plan on tithing the little that I have, especially for my child in Central America.  Her name is Roxana and she is a gift from the Lord.  Because of financial troubles, I have been wonton to fork over the 32 dollars to pay for her needs, but something convicted me in that I needed to start doing it, after all, God blesses our obedience and God seems to be opening up doors for us to be able to do things like this, like food stamps, health plans that pay copays and such, a potential work situation for me, what have you....and hopefully if work does come through this year, I will try to buy her a little gift, or maybe, just send her a Christmas card...

For any of you interested in reaching out to an orphan or a child less fortunate (Roxana is not an orphan), look into Compassion International, its a very honest organization and seems to be doing some good for God and for children.  There have been several opportunities for me to do mission trips, but, alas, I always lacked the finances...maybe in the future...and hey 32 dollars is really not a lot, come on, you can go without that coffee, to provide shoes, clothes, food, good schooling, and spiritual education for a young one....a future that they may not already have.

I mean, when we think of the gift that was given to us in the form of a baby, that humbled himself to sleep in a manger, in a barn, really, that would offer us security and eternal communion with the father, unbroken, seems like nothing that we can give the little that we have to help out another....and as I have heard, it doesn't have to be with our money, it can be our time, or physical presence....

Prayer is a big part of reaching out to the world and definitely I have seen prayers answered.  I believe God is answering big prayers this Christmas season for my family, especially my dad.  Maybe I was too close to see and was too inundated with his anger to really see beyond that, the pain he was feeling...but the very hunger that he had to read all those Billy Graham books, he's humbled and may not be able to hide anymore....God speed into that house, I pray.  Anyway, come what may, God has entered my heart and removed the root of bitterness towards my father, and I accept him for who he is and who he was in my life, may the healing between us begin and may God be our head.  And, that is the one of the best gifts I could receive this Christmas, isn't it?

So, remember the meaning of this season; the true gift of salvation that offered us, not just entrance into heaven (that's pennies according to the reality) but lasting, unconditional love and intimacy from the father, his sole purpose before the fall of man.  His sole purpose for creating you.

I leave you with this, the greatest commandment that Jesus spoke:

"Love the Lord your god with all your heart, mind, soul, and body"

"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

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