In the spirit of making a difference of people's lives, which I have been wondering about, and in fact, due to our recent troubles I asked my husband if I had made a difference in his life for the better...and he said that he said that I had. In that spirit, I would like to tell a story that I kept my husband in memory of me all these years, have told to numerous children, and has been my personal anthem for my own life.
There was once a little girl named Yellow. Everything she saw was Yellow. Once when she was playing with her Yellow Ball it went over the Yellow wall and she chased it. Even though her parents told her never to go beyond the yellow wall.
Well, she ran after it until she came to something that was great, big and blue and wet. A little boy approached her and said, "Hi, I'm blue, what's your name?" And she said, "Well, I'm yellow." And Blue said, "Let's be friends."
So, they played and played and played. Then, one day, when they were sitting by a tide pool, yellow noticed that wherever blue touched her she would change a weird green color. That scared her, because she was yellow, not green. So, she started to run and run and run.
Until, she came to a place that was very dry. A little girl came up to her and said, "Hi, I'm red, what's your name?" And Yellow said, "I'm Yellow." So, Red said, "Let's be friends." So, they played and played and played. Then one day when they were sitting by an oasis, Yellow noticed that wherever Red touched her she would turn an orange color. So, Yellow just turned and started to cry.
Red said, "What's wrong, yellow?" And Yellow replied, "How come anytime I get close to anyone they change me into something I am not? I am yellow, not orange or green."
Red looked at her and thought a moment and then said, "Isn't it nice that when we meet someone and then for whatever reason they pass through our lives, we take a piece of them with us, so that we are never really the same because of their difference in our lives."
Yellow thought for a moment and then said, "You are right."
So, Yellow went up to Alaska where she met white. And Yellow said,.
"Hi, I'm Rainbow, let's be friends."
This is dedicated to my husband, this story was what bound us together all those years, to Samantha Kelman and Tara Daniels (because it is their story as much as mine), and to all my friends and loved ones who have made me into more than a yellow but a rainbow.
So, tomorrow, as you go your way, remember how big or small, the interaction you have with someone may turn them into a white or a rainbow. Just, a thought to guide you as you head towards the end of your night.
God bless and have a pleasant tomorrow...all SNL
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