Monday, November 10, 2014

Being An Empath Is Not All Its Cracked Up To Be!

All my life, I had this strange ability to feel what others were feeling without them saying anything. At times, I could even know their thoughts.  However, others' thoughts were never as clear to me as their emotional state, as in their was always doubts within that realm but oddly enough never with the emotional content.  Many times in my life this got me into trouble because, knowing what I knew intuitively, I felt this urge to help others, often turning into an accidental confrontation that led to a the friend striking back in defense, denial, and with them calling me "crazy" with a time of silence to follow.  Almost always, I was misunderstood and left feeling hurt, alone, and confused.  Yet, I always knew I was somehow right, even if I had nearly always handled it wrong.

Psychics, or rather false ones, and other sudo-new age false teachers, give this kind of connection or ability a strong discredit, using it for their own gain and not for the benefit of others.  This, inevitably, leads to downplaying the gift, as mere "sympathy" or worse over sensitivity on my part, or even worse, lies from the devil.  

It wasn't until a few years back when someone mentioned the word "empath" that I finally found some hope, some understanding for the way I was made, the gift I was given.

  1. (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

A light of joy went on!   I finally understand why I was the way I was and finally knew how to deal with all of it, and at last had a community, however unseen, that I could relate to and feel not so very alone.

Finally, I understood that I didn't have to "save anybody" but could trust in the power of prayers and intentions for others' wellbeing and end result of their issue.  This freed me to finally enjoy this emotional and very beautiful gift.  
I have since met people who brag about "being an empath" with an air of pride and ego, yet I find some uncertainty in this.  Being an empath, for me, has been a very long, confusing journey.  As one with this gift, it is not something that has caused pride, at times.  But, at last finding understanding of myself, I accept this role, this divine gift (for it is that) with humility and gratitude.

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