Saturday, November 30, 2024

Preparing For The Apocalypse: Or How To Fight The (Toxic) Patriarchy, Part Four


Know your privilege.  As we brace for the upcoming storm wherein rights of many will be stripped away, it's important to understand the position of fortune those of us have that are not marginalized.  Even more, to understand that while we may have some privileges that afford us there are other ways we, too, may have weakness.  For instance, I am a cis-gender white person, however, I also carry a dual mental health diagnoses,  am asexual, and, above all, gasp, am a woman.  The latter three are areas which may become issues of deprivation by a ruling power in the coming years.  But in order to maintain strength, I focus on that which I do have, the former two, never forgetting the latter three.

In the position of privilege, it is important to honor with a commitment to help uplift and persevere the rights of those that do not share the privileges afforded.  We must, then, not only, accept, know, hold gratitude for, but seek to use such with mindful responsibility.

As the days tumble forth into weeks, then years, of the coming administration, how can we look beyond our personal fears and recognize our position of personal power? How can we, then, be a voice for those who cannot speak?  How can we enact change, fight for the continuance of our freedoms, not just for ourselves but for all, especially those at risk of persecution? For my part, it's found in this blog series, in choosing to align myself with organizations at risk through donating, signing my name on a petition, sharing research, articles, videos, podcasts daily on social media, and, most importantly, actively listening as I check in one on one with loved ones and those in my community.

Know your privilege.  Then, continue forward.  

When the silence isn’t quiet 
And it feels like it’s getting hard to breathe 
And I know you feel like dying 
But I promise we’ll take the world to its feet
 And move mountains
 Bring it to its feet 
And move mountains
 And I’ll rise up

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Preparing For The Apocalypse: Or How To Fight The (Toxic) Patriarchy, Part Three #give #donate #bebetter


When I was a fundie Christian, I was told by the church that in all means possible we were to 'give until it hurts'.  Now, I do not advocate for that anymore, rather, if you see the first entry of this series on 'self-care' (, I believe that caring for oneself should always take precedence over giving, for without fully feeling well within, giving begins to dwell within the realm of codependent martyrdom, followed by resentment. 

Nay, the giving we provide as we voyage bravely into the dark reality approaching must be developed in mindfulness.  With special care and deliberation, we give in ways small and ways large, both on a personal level and that which is for the greater society.  Last spring, my company filmed a short film of which a good friend was an extra.  This last week, I gave her a small 'thank you' gift for her work done.  As she struggles with her fears of the oncoming four years, her face brightening with such a small token received was all that was needed as repayment.  Another friend, in her twenties renting a room with a bunch of house-mates with no garden space available, will be gifted a small in-home garden kit.  Regularly, I compile a bag of items no longer needed by me and take them down to my local cafe that has a 'free-box' bookshelf.  At that same cafe, another friend, Michael, unhoused, dwells and as much as I can I hand over a five dollar bill as well buying him birthday and holiday meals.  As well, I consider sorting out the recycling and carting them down to my local center a gift given to my 'mother earth'.  As I walk through my city, I pick up garbage left behind after the wind blows.  Sharing this not to boast of my own greatness but rather to reflect with the ease of giving.

On a larger social level, in the next month, I plan on sitting with my finances and thinking deeply on what organizations to monthly benefit.  I know now that $10 a month will go towards Planned Parenthood, another $10 a month to the Trevor Project, and am wanting to find other worthy organizations with the focus on environmental and housing concerns, both with the $10 a month limit.  The point of this is to share how, as daunting as the next four years seems, as overwhelming as to what we can do feels, giving in the minute leads to a far-reaching wide influence.

In the supposed words of Jesus above, the small acts of kindness given will be benefited right back upon the giver.  For the simple deed of one person giving to another leads to more, as the receiver feels the uplifting to carry the gift forward.  As the darkness of hate, bigotry, mysogyny, and 'toxic patriarchy ushers in the apocalypse, we must actively decide to take the first step against, that which, as Michelle Obama declared, "when they go low, we go high".  Actively and daily choose to be better than the darkness, not giving into the sin of hate, but rising above unto the realm of love.  For in that place, your peace and healing will be recovered and once acquired that gift you can extend towards others.

Viva La Revolution, dear friend, it begins within.

Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Preparing For The Apocalypse: Or How To Fight The (Toxic) Patriarchy, Part Two


As I was preparing for the next entry in this series, I was meditating further on what else is needed to prepare for the coming apocalypse, so much is needed both internally and externally.  But, as I go about my day, the resounding theme that comes to the fore-front following the need for 'self-care' is the vastness of community.  

Merriam-Webster defines "Community" as: 
: a unified body of individuals: such as
: the people with common interests living in a particular area
broadly : the area itself
the problems of a large community
: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
a community of retired persons
a monastic community
: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society
the academic community
the scientific community
: a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests
the international community
: a group linked by a common policy
: an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (such as species) in a common location

Thus, the idea of community spans wide.  Personally, I have always thought of community as simply "common unity" and what a better unifier of commonality than the dreaded existential reality of doom we collectively face in our country and world upcoming. 

So, it's the coming together in that collective brokenness, of truly, authentically listening, being present, holding space, hearts, and each other.  In small quiet moments and sometimes large, seeking ways to give love and support, an ever present reminder that we are not alone, together in our suffering, we will overcome.

What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Preparing For The Apocalypse: Or How To Fight The (Toxic) Patriarchy, Part One #fightthegoodfight #fightfascism


Like many in the United States, I've spent much of my time going about in deep thought and worry about the future of my country's democracy with the impending reality of a second Trump presidency.  Fearing for the rights, freedoms, and safety of those I dearly love, including myself, I ponder the overwhelming "Why?" followed quickly by the "How?" finally ending with "What then?"  

The "What then" is what I wish to reflect upon in a series of this blog, "Preparing For The Apocalypse (Or How To Fight The Toxic Patriarchy).  In each entry, I will focus on one arena of life that can assist in the path towards healing and overcoming the toxicity that threatens to consume, what we can do to maintain our strength and sanity.  Resoundingly, what comes into my mind first, is the all important "self care".  Often a tossed about buzz word or even a 'get out of jail free card' manipulative ploy, nevertheless, the truth of its import still remains.  So, what does it mean to care for oneself?  What is the benefit of such?  And, what are some ways to care for oneself?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Self Care is defined as "the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker" as well recognizes "individuals as active agents in managing their own health care".  (
In an article from the Southern New Hampshire University, regularly employing a self-care routine has been "clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy and more" as well are numerous physical benefits including longevity of life.  A regularly practiced self care routine will benefit physical health, greatly improve mental and emotional well-being, increase productivity and focus, make relationships healthier and better, increase self esteem and feelings of self worth, and, lastly, prevent burnout.  ( )

These benefits of self care are what is greatly needed in order to prepare for, survive in the fight against the toxic patriarchy.  

So, how does one establish and practice self care?  In a life busy with the realities of adulting coupled with the increasing rise of 'fascism', how does one find the time? But, in order to prepare, to survive, and fight in the coming apocalypse, find the time for self care we must.  

From Marquette Today, Marquette University: Here are some practical tips for incorporating self-care into your daily routine:

  • Start with small steps: Begin by identifying activities that bring you joy and relaxation and allocate time for them regularly.
  • Create a self-care routine: Develop a schedule that includes self-care activities and treat them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself.
  • Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and engage fully in the self-care activities you choose.
  • Set boundaries: Learn to say no to activities or commitments that overwhelm you and prioritize your own well-being.
  • Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family or professionals when you need assistance or guidance.

Thus, let's begin today with an ongoing and active self-care routine, the first weapon in our arsenal to fight against fascism, to prepare for the apocalypse, and fight the toxic patriarchy.

I'll build a Stairway to Paradise,
With a new Step ev'ry day.
I'm going to get there at any price;
Stand aside, I'm on my way!
I got the blues
And up above it's so fair;
Go on and carry me there!
I'll build a Stairway to Paradise
With a new Step ev'ry day.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

You Are Talking About Me #election2024 #americanpolitics


Yesterday I felt like expelling so loudly, a terrified, stress-induced scream.  I didn't, at that moment, I held it back.  I was near downtown in my small city and although if anyone asked, I told them it was in response to recent events tied to my country's current political affairs, they no doubt would understand, I still refrained.  Added to that, I was walking a dog, whose sensitivity to such would worry him to no end, as he could never comprehend.  This past week I have been fortunate enough to spend my time with many a beloved pet, whose existence has not altered as the current political strain of the human world touches them not.  Their simple joy in the little things of life is desirable and a constant lesson for me to slow down, breathe, and embrace the reality of their world.  No, not to escape or distract from the truth of my human existence, but as a healing balm to strengthen and maintain a semblance of peace, stability, and security.

Once, when I was a Christian, I had a dear friend share with me about how her daughter in high school spoke up when her friends were bad mouthing Christianity with "You are talking about me" which silenced their bad talking.  Now, I am not a Christian any longer and I ain't trying to plug Christianity, but the significance of those five words holds weight alongside the current state of my country.  

In my life, I have aligned myself with different political ideologies based on different phases of my life, Democrat from youthful family origin, to the brief "Republican before MAGA" when I was a Fundie, to a stint in the Green Party, to now "Progressive" democrat from a growing information based personal decision.  Because of this, it affords me an unique understanding and affinity for those I care for in each of the political parties.  Yes, I have a strong memorable connection to a tried and true blue democrat, a green party liberal, the Never Trumper, and even the now advancing MAGA party.  In each, I have a memory of special times and a warm sense of love that never will die no matter the politic or change in relationship.  Yet, that doesn't mean that I condone the negative aspects of the beliefs that I feel are harmful and toxic, but only that I remember the love, though it may be buried.

With this in mind, I proclaim, "You are talking about me". 

No matter the political party, I hear the same refrain of blame ringing through alongside a lack of human compassion.  With friends that are more 'green party' affiliated, I hear the blame on all of America, both liberal and political, as fake, corrupt, stemming from a place built around conspiracy theories.  With this in mind, I proclaim, "You are talking about me".  On the opposite side of the spectrum, I hear the hate-filled spewing of the MAGA, with their self-righteous desire to assume Christianity while being anything but, they seek to 'own the liberal' and celebrate with lack of compassion.  With this in mind, I proclaim, "You are talking about me".  This proclamation is meant to give each pause to reflect, to stop in the tracks, and help recall what each of us must, that far deeper than the boundary of country, we are human beings doing our best to live, survive, thrive the human frailty of condition. 

You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way
 You don't own me, don't tie me down
 'cause I'd never stay I don't tell you what to say 
I don't tell you what to do
 So just let me be myself 
That's all I ask of you

Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me (lyrics)