Saturday, November 30, 2024

Preparing For The Apocalypse: Or How To Fight The (Toxic) Patriarchy, Part Four


Know your privilege.  As we brace for the upcoming storm wherein rights of many will be stripped away, it's important to understand the position of fortune those of us have that are not marginalized.  Even more, to understand that while we may have some privileges that afford us there are other ways we, too, may have weakness.  For instance, I am a cis-gender white person, however, I also carry a dual mental health diagnoses,  am asexual, and, above all, gasp, am a woman.  The latter three are areas which may become issues of deprivation by a ruling power in the coming years.  But in order to maintain strength, I focus on that which I do have, the former two, never forgetting the latter three.

In the position of privilege, it is important to honor with a commitment to help uplift and persevere the rights of those that do not share the privileges afforded.  We must, then, not only, accept, know, hold gratitude for, but seek to use such with mindful responsibility.

As the days tumble forth into weeks, then years, of the coming administration, how can we look beyond our personal fears and recognize our position of personal power? How can we, then, be a voice for those who cannot speak?  How can we enact change, fight for the continuance of our freedoms, not just for ourselves but for all, especially those at risk of persecution? For my part, it's found in this blog series, in choosing to align myself with organizations at risk through donating, signing my name on a petition, sharing research, articles, videos, podcasts daily on social media, and, most importantly, actively listening as I check in one on one with loved ones and those in my community.

Know your privilege.  Then, continue forward.  

When the silence isn’t quiet 
And it feels like it’s getting hard to breathe 
And I know you feel like dying 
But I promise we’ll take the world to its feet
 And move mountains
 Bring it to its feet 
And move mountains
 And I’ll rise up

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