Sunday, February 27, 2022
Journaling Through The Years Episode 35: Amore, Amore, Amore! #foreignf...
Monday, February 21, 2022
Be Positive?
"We can only do what the law allows us to do, that's it," says Dan. And, I take it to mean, there is only one of each of us and before us only what we CAN do, nothing more, that's it. Focus on today, take care of you, of what's around you, seek the beauty in what's in front, seek to discover love within, and let that drive you to love without. I say with Dan Fielding, 'That's it, it's that simple. Truly it is.'
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Journaling Through The Years, Episode 34: Kosovo & Monica
How We Thrive, Episode Four: Madeline DeCourcey #actor #writer #director...
Monday, February 14, 2022
The True Story of Valentine's Day
Well, today is the day, February 14th, 2022, the day of the candied hearts, red roses, and all things romantic. However, does it have to only relate to that of romantic love, but can it be a day reflective on the supreme meaning and power of that four letter L word?
With that said, I would like to share a bit of the history surrounding this day and how it came to be how it is known today.
The Catholic Church recognize three different martyred saints from their historical records with the name Valentine or Valentinus. The first tells the story of a young priest who lived during the time of Emperor Claudius II, most famous for outlawing marriage in favor of needing young men for military purposes, and this priest Valentine secretly wed for young lovers, as he saw this decree as unjust and unfair. When Claudius discovered this, Valentine was beheaded. However, some believe that Bishop St. Valentine of Terni was the one that gave Valentine's Day its name and origin.
Next, many believe that Valentine was a priest that aided in helping prisoners escape from Roman prisoners. Legend tells that when he was imprisoned he sent a note to a young girl he had fallen in love with, possibly the jailer's daughter, and signed it "From Your Valentine", thus the origin of the Valentine's card.
But, moving away from Christianity, we find ourselves in the Pagan origin of the day, that of "Lupercalia", celebrated on the 15th of February. Indeed, some believe that Valentine's Day was an attempt by the Catholic Church to christianize this Pagan holiday. Lupercalia is celebrated as a fertility festival in dedication to Faunus, the god of agriculture, and to the founders of Roman, Romulus and Remus. As the festival commenced, members of the festival, an order of the Roman priests, would gather at sacred cave meant to be where Romulus and Remus had been cared for by the she-wolf or lupa. The priests would then sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. Once done, they would strip the goat's hide, dip it into blood, then take to the streets slapping crops and women with the bloodied hide. Women were not fearful or angry by this but believed that this would help them become more fertile the rest of the year. At the close of the festival, the women would place their names in a great urn, drawn out by eligible bachelors leading to partnership and marriage. So, if a priest hits you with a bloodied goat hide, ladies, love and babies are on their way!
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Journaling Through The Years, Episode 33: Unconventional Me & A Tour Th...
Friday, February 11, 2022
My Love Journey #relationshipaddiction #polyamory
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Outta The Box
Get Outta The Box
All of this successes I have had in my journey as a thriving artist has become reality when I allow myself to think out of the box of normalcy.
So, recently I was talking to a two good friends of mine who are local actors(and so much more) , about their desire to be the working actors they were trained to be, and again, what they believe their calling in life is and has been since they were old enough to toddle about.
I truly love and respect them as well understand the frustration that they have, as I can surely relate, yet due to the tumult of these last few years, my perspective on the matter of pursuing our dreams has shifted.
To be a thriving artist means not that we have our name on the Hollywood walk of fame, a novel on the New York Times bestseller list, art in the highest of galleries, these are all worthy goals and amazing at that, but to thrive is to be and to be is to thrive. A thriving artist is a way of life, our art can be found in every ounce of our lives, even in the minute and mundane.
To thrive is to be and to be is to thrive
Throughout these past few years of craziness, I have had the luxury to step back from the rat race to truly prioritize and meditate on my dreams and my values. From this time of repose, I have developed the ability to hold space in my heart for gratitude and thus realize the gifts of life afforded to me, whether it be minute or major.
Currently, I consider myself a working actor, model, and artist, yet it may not appear as society dictates. At present, I am not working as a paid actor in a theatrical or film production, but I am getting paid for what I love to do. As a gig-worker, I have worked since 2013 as a fine art model for the local university and community college at a rate well above the minimum wage, added to that my paid modeling career has expanded outward to other galleries and photographers throughout my county and state in a fluid fashion unforced in anyway. In addition, I have worked since 2015 for the local nursing college as a simulated patient, where given a 'script' I improvise the character for the betterment of the students' skills. Not only am I helping them become the best nurses they can ever be, but I am getting paid to perform and am deepening my abilities as an actor as well, for well above, minimum wage.
I say this, with no desire to appear as if I am bragging or better than another, but to emphasize that when one allows themselve to open beyond the narrow reach, opportunities become available in ways unseen before but wider and more powerful than once imagined. Connections are made and as one continues forward, these opportunities keep expanding continuing with each next step taken.
This morning, I talked with an a dear old college chum who is struggling to find his identity within himself and not based on what he does. In this capitalist society of which is deemed as acceptable, all too often the question after we greet another is "what do you do?" as in the identity of oneself is made by their occupation not on who they are inside. With my actor friends as in so many, is the struggle not merely to succeed at your calling but are we finding ourselves locked in our identity formed as 'what we do' and not 'who we are'. The cure, then, is to sit with oneself, in so doing, discover who we truly are without the exterior busyness and applause, and thus to truly thrive within.
All of this successes I have had in my journey as a thriving artist has become reality when I allow myself to think out of the box of normalcy.
My good friend, Kurk Kasparian, shares: