Last summer while on set filming, Mind-Sick, I asked the set photographer to snap a shot of the three of us, the two individuals in this photo that will be known only as "Theresa" and "Doctor", respectively. Later, when the photographer sent it to me, as I took the image in, a realization dawned on me.
The three of us had danced around each other for years, not truly knowing or spending much time with each other, having a loose connection yet deep within feeling drawn to one another. Then, in 2016, we happily joined forces to birth our little Doctor Who fan fiction web-series. The years rolled forward and the little series grew into so much more, more faces joining alongside to continue the beautiful tapestry of our creativity into a reality.
But, its these two that have remained an ever present closeness in the depths of my heart, a kinship and understanding that, despite not always seeing the whites of our eyeballs on the regular, has always been an ever present truth. Ten years my junior, I watched as they battled against the late twenties struggles, their faces at times a turmoil of reflected inner emotional growth, confused, searching, grasping at some semblance of stability. I stood present with open arms and an open heart, trying to be patient yet fighting the urge to race over, to rescue, to hold, to promise, "its gonna be okay, you'll survive, I promise, I'm here, little brother, little sister, I'm here." I couldn't do that, I knew. They did not want or need that. I was there, to support, to uplift, to send waves of healing energy and strength as they persevered. To stand firm in myself, reflecting my journey through the highs and lows of life, honestly, purely, without fear of reprisal. And, they persevered. They made it! The early thirties rolled around and the struggles on their faces diminished. Imagine my pleasure as I saw the glow of light and love reflected from within them, finally at peace, safe in their own skin. Joy, rapture, gratitude!
Studying the photo once again and the others that follow, the truth came flying up into my face, hitting my mind, reaching downwards into my heart. This isn't our first go around. Truly, truly, like the song says, its been A Thousand Years. (Hint: that's a connection to our time-lord selves found in the TimeKeys story. Watch it on Facebook or YouTube. Ha, ha, yeah, Theresa, Doctor, I know I'm always marketing. Didn't we say my gravestone would read, "Watch Timekeys?" So there.)
Truth be told, I now realize that this is not the first time our souls have met, we three have traveled through this universe in many ages before, most likely centuries, in a variety of different forms and relationships. (Yes, Theresa, most likely there was a romantic element, perhaps you with Doctor, then happily you and I, so get over it! We were possibly siblings, maybe. Lessons learned, connections made, relationships for all of time formed. Get it?)
Good. Let's move on, shall we?
So, here three are, beautiful souls entwined for all eternity, learning together, helping one another heal, conquer the pains of our heart to overcome and be truly free. Perhaps this is the final time and we'll ascend to the heights above, dancing amongst the stars. Won't that be grand? Or perhaps we will come back, finding each other in the midst of the chaos of this world, bringing hope, light, healing not only to each other but to others. Now, that's pretty grand indeed. Are you down? I am.
Gentle reader, whatever the spiritual practice you profess, I do not mean to convert, condemn, or proselytize you to my way of thinking, to my own spiritual discoveries. I've had enough of that in my past to suit just nicely. This is not only to overwhelm my Doctor, my Theresa, with the necessary dosages of love that needs to be bestowed on them on the regular, but for the purpose of sharing my journey deeper within the confines of my own spiritual understandings.
Since I left the confinement of conservative Christianity nine years ago, I've traveled a bumpy road of confusion of self, spirituality, and the divine as I break free from the manipulations of those abusing their religious power. I've delved deep into a variety of spiritual texts and practises, gleaning truths from all. I've come not only to the realization of this truth, the existence of past lives, but more importantly my spirituality is mine alone, mostly to bring my peace, well being, and evolution. This journey has brought me to the revelation that I no longer need or value a structured organizational religious system to instruct my spiritual understandings, but can find connection through so many varieties, most assuredly my artistic endeavors, for in that I feel the world is brought to a higher vibration of love. Moreover, I need not attempt to convince, control, condemn, but merely be a witness of the peace within, to share light, healing, love, and acceptance to those brought into my path. Simply that.
These blessed souls I have introduced in this blog are two that have helped shape my new understandings, have helped bring healing and strength to my soul, sometimes weary itself. By the very nature of their gentle, loving faithfulness, they have lifted me up and beyond all setbacks. For that, I stand as a witness for them and with them. Dear friends, truly I would walk 500 miles.
And, well, I already did. So, 500 more? And, then 500 more? You Got It. Its done.

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