Friday, July 17, 2015


I had a headache this morning. Another one.

It came after a dream, another one about the place. Don't know where this place is, only this vague suspicion that it is far, far away, a distant land, another planet perhaps.

I don't know why I keep dreaming about this place but somehow I always feel as if its familiar to me, as if I have been there.

But, that's crazy, that's what my doctor says and counselor though I think they are in cahoots--and my mum and dad.

Do you ever feel like you don't belong? Like I look at my baby pictures and something doesn't seem right, you know, I have these memories of my childhood but somehow it seems as if I am watching a movie screen of someone else's life and that I am inhabiting their world, their life, even their body and somehow these dreams, they seem more real to me, more like my life, who I am on the inside, truly and in these dreams I am doing things that I have really done, in a past life perhaps, I mean does this signify anything? What do our dreams mean really?

Do you believe in the existence of other worlds? Like UFOS and all that crap? But, really? That there is more to life and the universe than this puny little globe we call the planet Earth. I may sound mad but, I think, yes, I do believe that.

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