Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Truth, as I see it, or something like that

"He walked with me in peace and equity, And turned many away from iniquity."
--Malachi 2:6

I think the point of this scripture, to me, is found in the last line "turned many away from iniquity", which is found when we, as people who believe in God and, even, Jesus, walk in peace and equity with all man.  But, I ask you, how can you do this, when we "Christians", who claim to follow the teachings of Christ, march on the street or boycott businesses that treat human beings as less than because their lifestyle, choice, beliefs seem contrary to ours or our intrepretation of the Bible.  How is that reflecting the one we claim to serve and love and worship?  How is that turning one away from the presumed iniquity?  I am speaking primarily of the "homosexual agenda" but this could be any particular sin.

The scripture you rampant "Jesus freaks" (notice, in quotation) claim as proof of this is found in Romans 1ish:

"Likewise also men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."

First of, that is one scripture among many.  Second of, in my recollection, that is the words of Paul, who yes, has some good things to say, but, and must I say this boldly, IS NOT JESUS!!!  So, if he is not Jesus, and Jesus is the main thing, then why put such stock on Paul when even he said, plainly, to follow Christ, not him.

And what is the message of Christ but love, peace, grace....and how does he reach people with those love, how does he convert, or change, or "save", but, my dear friends, in relationship.

So, without further ado, I have finally come to the conclusion that homosexuality in itself is not sin, but sin is what separates us from God.  For example, I have a very dear little lesbian friend (little because she is, hi! hi!) who I believe is more connected with Jesus because of her love for her fiance, her family, her friends, and understanding of herself in relation to God.  Well, actually, its my intuition when I talk to her, I just know that nothing separates her from God and isn't, even with her choice of sexuality.

But, then I know of several Christians who, based on my once again intuition who seem further away from God, based on the sin of judgment and hatred...controlling behaviors which is contrary to God, because remember its his will not ours.  But, I digress...

I think it is more of a sin if one tries to separate those who are brought together by God (for example, my darling love and I, a truth that was spoken to me several years ago "what God has brought together, let man not separate") and I speak of all relations.  It's not our responsiblity, people!

I strive to be a Christian that would make Gandhi desire to "drink the kool-aid", not really just a real authentic example of Christ in every way so that my man, Gandhi and those lie him would actually like me for the very truth that I act in the same way as Christ (isn't that the key here?)

Sin is what separates you from God--He is love, hatred is the opposite of love, so therefore hatred is the opposite of God, so as God is the redeemer of our hearts, then if we carry the burden of hate in our hearts (and I am speaking of my heart, truthfully), then we are not in the right place of God and we must confess---everyone of us, for hate towards others--

So, one scripture speaks against homosexuality, and once again, that is Paul, not Jesus.  It says "left the naturaly use' meaning male to female, yet if homosexuality is a sin and we are all "born in sin" naturally, then why is it not possible to be born gay? Hmm...food for thought! Then, homosexuality for some is natural---so then the natural use!! (Remember, we are all sinners!) And really, the worse kind of sexual immorality, adultery and even more so, child abuse (You burn in hell for that, folks, and me being a teacher/child care worker, hell will hath no fury like a teacher who discovers you have done that!)

The real reason for this rambling (sorry so long) is the true message of the Bible is the words of Christ, not Paul or anyone else, and all other voices should be drowned out by his (as should be in all our lives) and his message is:


(We are all sinners, remember!!)

So, those that have that 'pure love', even the "gays", yes have more of a relationship and the spirit of God, Christ-likeness than Christians who forget the one who they are called by---the one who they are supposed to be like

Funny, gay means happy! Shouldn't we all be gay?  And the rainbow, the banner of diversity, isn't it also a promise of God's love and grace and mercy?

And, yeah, if the supposed individuals who we claim to be sinners, (remember one pointing finger outwards has three pointing back), isn't it God's job to change their hearts?  Why, then, do we use the Word of God as a weapon instead of a tool for our own salvation, our own recovery, then? Hmm...food for thought!

So, once again, I say plainly, it is not our responsibility to save, but God's, and in that it is not our duty to correct, but to trust that God has a purpose and a plan for all our stumblings, confusion...Remember, we are not all perfect and don't understand his purpose and plan?

All this is not to call out or condemn (for both sides of the equation, so if I offended any, well, there is the chance that I offended both which seems more fair and balanced (hi! hi!) but to openly confess my own 'backslidings'

Yes, I confess and openly admit: I am a Christian, fallible, judgmental, hypocrital, but I strive every day to extend the love and grace and actually walk HIS TALK, not mine!

Secondly, I am or seem to be of sorts, bipolar (which in the eyes of some is not real, but sin)

Thirdly, here goes nothing:

I openly admit and confess that I am....bisexual....and proud....

He who has ears to hear, let him hear....

*Disclaimer: the way I see it, love is love.  We are not in love with the physicality or the body, but the soul.  In this lifetime, that can take either gender.  So, yes, I find women attractive, have thought about being with them, and even had strong feelings, perhaps love, for at least one, but, in all honesty, I prefer the male member....in short, I prefer my husband.


  1. Oh wow Julia. Very Interesting. Really, I don t know what to say because I have been your friends for years and did not know that you were bisexual. So, who is this woman you had feelings for?

  2. Marriage was the first institution (Genesis 2:22-24). It was ordained before the family, before civil government even before the church (Harris 168). God ordained the first marriage in the garden of Eden, and it was between one man and one woman. A holy marriage is a union between one man and one woman, not between two men or two women. Any sexual union between people of the same gender is a sin in God' s eyes. Leviticus 20:13: if a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own hands.
    My opinion on this coming from a Christian perspective is that nobody who calls themselves a christian should engage in behavior that is displeasing to the Lord, and that includes homosexuality, orgies, drunkeness, and witchcraft.
