Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Great "Doctor"

"But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome one." Jeremiah 20:11

Okay, so many of you know that I am a rapid Doctor Who fan, and those who don't know, I come out to you: I love the Doctor.  So, as I watch that show, I am continually struck by the allusions one can find in the Doctor to Christ, kind of hard to notice, but at times there.  I mean, the idea that there is one man who comes from above who loves the world and always, always does the right thing and at the right time 'saves the day'.  But, I could never pinpoint an exact episode or storyline to say, 'ah yes, this speaks to me of my truth', until this week.

A few years ago, during the "Twilight" craze (a show that I have yet to watch and may never due to the ubiquitious smathering of Kristen whatshername photos all over the tabloids in grocery stores (fortunately, I do not shop at those stores, much) but when I do, God help me!  She seems like a vampire in real life, because, she and her boyfriend (?) seem to have this lifelessness in their eyes and the same gawking mouth....not attractive, really?  But, I digress, I had a friend tell me how she saw the connection between Twilight and the story of Jesus.  I took this with a grain of salt, not because of her faith or understanding (everyone has the thing that ticks them off) but because I have such a distaste for TV in general (still do, but my lovely partner has turned me on to some awesome shows, including that which of MY DOCTOR!)

So, I was rethinking about this week, perhaps because the new season is fast approaching (Hurrah! He's coming me!)

I remember the episode where the rest of the Timelords use the Master for their evil plan of taking over the Earth to live on since their planet, Gallifrey, is burning.  And, there is that moment where the Doctor (and the Master) send them all back to the burning planet and once again, the world is saved by the Doctor's hand.  But, then there is Wilfred (Donna's Granddad) and, for his own safety, he has locked himself the chamber and poisonous gas is filling his lungs, and The Doctor tells him that if he opens the next chamber, he, The Doctor, will die....and there is Wilfred, almost in tears, but telling the Doctor not to, because he knows who the Doctor is...Wilfred, ready to sacrifice his life, for the world (a picture of us?)

And, with slight hesitation, the Doctor goes into the chamber, releasing Wilfred, and perishes....only to walk out of there, and then the regeneration (resurrecting begins)....

So, there it is, The Doctor, yes saved the world, but then turned and sacrificed himself (never to be done) for one human being: And that is the picture. Christ sacrificed for the world, but really, me.  The poisonous gas (sin, my own wretchedness) was slowly destroying me and the Great Physician stepped in and....brought me back to life....

And then, he regenerates into something better....

He who has ears, let him hear

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