The other day I was at the recycling center here in my small town and leaning against the back gate, set apart from all the bins and containers, was this. Ever the romantic, it spoke to my heart and gave me pause to reflect on one of my current squeezes as I continue to grow in my relationship discoveries, am I really poly? Perhaps this sign is a sign that this person is, has been, always 'the one'.
So, after conferring with the worker at the recycling center, I picked up this sign and stuck it in my back seat and as I drove homewards, I started to think.
Truthfully speaking, do I believe in the one? I'm not speaking in terms of polyamory, but rather the notion that there is one soul mate out there made just for each of us. From the looks of it, going over all my history of romantic connection, I feel now as if there is not. Rather, I believe that throughout our lives, we encounter a plethora of soul mates brought into our lives at certain moments to help guide us to our destiny of full soul evolution. Furthermore, these soul mates do not have to be of the amorous variety, or even any one we 'sleep' with, a platonic friendship can also be that of a soul mate in its divine purpose within our journeys.
As I pulled into my driveway, I pulled this sign out of my backseat and carried it over to this little table in front of my patio, wherein I placed it atop to rest and proclaim its message to all who should read, which for the most part, is me.
Everytime I am working outside (which right now is plowing away at the terrain of my acreage to set up an above ground pool), I walk by and look at this sign. The meaning has shifted from what could be its intended purpose.
Overall the world over is inundated with the Hollywood ideal of romance, whether it be in film, tv show, or song, as well as going backwards through history we can find plenty of novels detailing the love story motif. Thus, we have developed in our understanding that "it was always you" is the promise given to another that we were waiting, this is destiny.
But, what if the YOU isn't another, but ourselves? For the only one we can truly have a say over our thoughts, actions, and emotions is us. The ultimate truth to the journey of life is not to seek salvation in another, or even something external, but to seek within for the firmest of foundations. Thus, it is each of our very own selves that is the destiny of which we were always waiting.
Therefore, "It was always me" and as well, "It was always you."
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
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