Thursday, May 7, 2020

You Are Essential!

Chances are, this blog article will not be what you think.  The words "essential" and "nonessential" have been tossed about a lot recently in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  And, my words today do not seek to lessen the importance of these standards and rules set in place meant to help us overcome and heal from this current world's blight.

But in fact, my truest desire today is to shine a little hope on those readers, whether they be in the essential category of work or non-essential category of work (as I am), with the simple reality that you, as well as everyone, are essential.  

That's correct.  You, my friend, are essential.
You are!
So, what does it mean if something is essential? 
Well, Google's definition is as follows: Adjective. essentialfundamental, vital, cardinal mean so important as to be indispensable.
That's right, you, my friend, regardless of your social or career status in the current world plight according to the needs of curing the Covid-19, are indispensable.
Because you are loved and have infinite value to your family, friends, colleagues, those you come across daily, and even more so, to the world.
We are all brought to this planet for a reason beyond our understanding and at times can catch a glimpse of this true purpose.  Embrace that knowledge as you find yourself struggling with worry and concern over the future for yourself, your family, your children, the planet.  
Know this, what you do, matters and makes a difference.  Even if it seems small and insignificant, it isn't.  The small things matter and have a ripple effect outwards indeed truly making the world a better place.
So, to the nurses, doctors, and hospital workers tirelessly fighting to end this virus, you are essential. You matter.  You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
To the retail and grocery store workers, putting themselves in harm's way so that we may have our needs met, you are essential. You matter. You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
To those working from home, caring for the needs of their children, driving themselves crazy with the excess needs of their children with no break, you are essential.  You matter.  You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
To those single folk, all alone in your apartment, working from home or not able to work, you are essential.  You matter.  You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
To those marching on the streets, gathering together, some with fire-arms and some without, you are essential. You matter.  You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
To the politicians of all degrees of this country and others, you are essential.  You matter.  You are making a difference and impacting the change the world needs.
Now, I am not saying I agree personally with the actions of all of those listed above.  The truth of the matter is, I don't.  However, I am increasingly of the belief that all on this planet are here for a certain reason and purpose.  I am beginning to see that those that cause the most ire and irritation to a boiling point are those that will effect the most inward change to our soul.  Thus, we can thank those supposed enemies for enacting their intended purpose for the betterment of our enlightenment and growth.
That's right.  Thank those that hurt. It may seem counter-intuitive or opposite of what you feel, but from that you will see true forgiveness and openness of soul develops. I admit this isn't easy for me either.  It's a new thought that I am at present working on developing further into my psyche.  But the more I explore the concept and allow it to take root in my soul, my perception of the external circumstances and actions of others changes.  I see now that it's not a singular event meant merely for the here and now, but a series of experiences impacting change on a cosmic level.  We are all put on this planet for the spiritual growth and enlightenment for all and those whose paths cross, whose relationships are deeper than the mere momentary connection, are those that have the most impact.  These connections may last for this lifetime or they may be fleeting.  The time we spend side by side on the journey may last a day or for years, only to seemingly fall away from each other.  This separation can and will cause pain but know that it is for an intended reason of growth and healing, that the purpose of the connection has come to the fullness of its experience.  Release, then, with gratitude.
The most important thing to note in this current world situation is that fear is the strongest influence on a person's development and decisions.  It is the inward driving point behind every person's actions.  When you see a person acting in such a way that is counter-intuitive to what you believe is needed for the world's healing and theirs as well, remind yourself that they are operating from a place of anxiety.  Discomfort is a hard pill to swallow and an even more harder place to dwell.  We, as a country, have become so used to the status quo, the comforts of distraction, that when our reality is shattered and we are forced to change, we react with fear.
It comes down to that then, fear, and the realization that our time in this life-time is fleeting, that the material things of this world are inconsequential and not lasting, are not where we can find true comfort.  It leads to the downward spiral that maybe nothing matters, most importantly us. It is unsettling but if the fear is embraced with the loving patience of those around, it can effect true change and healing.
So, that is the true intended purpose of this current world upheaval, for you, for me, for all of us.  Embrace the uncertainty, have patience with yourself and others.  
And, hear me when I say truly from my heart, you are essential.
Because you matter to me
Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody
You matter to me
I promise you do, you, you matter too
I promise you do, you see?
You matter to me
Thoughts on what you read? Comment below.  I like to read what you have to say and try to always respond!
A Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company that seeks to raise awareness on social issues to impact real change.  Support us at:

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