Tuesday, May 12, 2020

No "New Normal"

Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, life has took a tumultuous turn that caused many to find themselves in emotional dis-array.  As a person used to a life based on emotional instability and who had been working on slowing down in order to find balance and wellness, my life did not fall into turmoil when the mandate of social distancing occurred.  In fact, I welcomed it and told myself, "this changes nothing" in the realm of accomplishing my goals.  I have learned through the years that life is not stagnant and this world is ever-changing.  The only constant, as they say, is change itself.  We can all make and set goals with hopes to achieve, but we must realize that adaptations will occur as we journey throughout life.  We cannot control the changing tides of life and where it will take us is inevitable, but we can choose how we will react and adapt to these changes.  

Furthermore, these changes are not just external, but also internal.  Who we were a year ago, or even three months ago, has drastically shifted and the way we view our goals and intentions has shifted in light of that.  The desires of our hearts has grown and appears different as we grow, change, and heal in both the inward and outward reality.

I hear the phrase the "new normal" tossed about on a regular basis, both when the pandemic outbreak started and even now as we forge into the second phase of starting to slowly re-open.  How the re-opening will shake down, if it will set us further back or not, remains to be seen and I am doing my best to stay open as well as choose to actively stay safe.  For my part, my routine that I have set for myself these past few months will remain the same, for a personal emotional health need as well as what I think is right for the world health situation.  But, your decision and actions are based on you and mine are mine.  We can only be responsible for ourselves, in the end.

But, the "new normal" phase strikes a chord within me.  One of our strong points as humans is our ability to adapt in order to survive and thrive.  That's such a comfort but it can become a trap.  If we allow ourselves to sink into the thinking of striving for normalcy, we can become stagnant, I feel, and fall into routines that do not serve us and guide us to our truest potential of wholeness and mental health.

So, my challenge for you and myself is to dig deeply into the well of our own consciousness and psyche, to find our own true identity and allow that to be the guide along the bumpy road that is this journey  In the path as we find our own wellness, we discover the ability to truly thrive and even more, to truly love.

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems? (I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time
Take a good hard look

Have somethings to respond?  Write them below and I'll do my best to respond back.

The Thriving Artist Blog is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company with the intent to raise awareness for a variety of social issues.  Support us at: www.patreon.com/cafegirlproductions

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