In the start of this year 2020, while others were out reveling in the "Roaring Twenties" themed parties, I spent my night walking through the streets slowly, pondering the year passing away and thinking of what was to come. Earlier in the day, I walked the labyrinth at the Methodist Church as I always do on NYE, releasing into the confines of time all of what 2019 was and looking forward with set intentions of what was to come. The rest of the night was spent in similar fashion, and although I stopped by and visited a few gatherings (mostly Awake Cafe & Gallery), I was retired to my pad (where I was house-sitting) at around 10 pm.
The message of the night given to me overwhelming was that of 'Vision', a play on the year then approaching and perfect eye-sight. I mean no dis-respect in those ringing in the New Year with hopes of the roaring twenties, but I have never truly been a big party type girl.
However, I think that intention has grounded me these last three months and even more so in these last two weeks as we now find ourselves in the season of quarantine. It is quite interesting to note that in January I visited the eye doctor who showed me how to align my vision with the help of 'reader' glasses, with only one lens, the end result not just correcting my depth perception and physical balance, but emotional, mental, and spiritual as well. With that simple act, so much overall growth of well-being has transpired.
That said, this year has already given me a sense of feeling grounded and with a clearer focus, which has shaped how I viewed the effects of COVID-19 on the world, my personal life, and that of my closest friends and family.
I do not view this pandemic truly as the 'end of the world apocalypse, in a general sense, though I do view it as the end of an era. As I joked with friends this week, the effect of human kind 'staying in' has had a positive influence on the environment which made me comment, "Its like Mother Earth had had an enough. 'I gave you a chance to change,' she said. 'But you did not. This is a consequence, go to your room, you are grounded.'
All joking aside, (but yes, humor is important in our spiritual growth and advancement), the truth of the matter is, we as a human race needed this. And, not just humanity but all of life. We had all, and I am just as guilty, gotten to caught up with the business of busyness to truly understand the purpose of living.
COVID-19 is an external reality of a long inward truth, we, collectively and individually, have been ill for quite awhile. We have tried many ways to appease, silence, and get over this sickness, but to no avail. This blight would not be cured until its time, forcing us back into quite possibly the scariest place on earth, our insides.
The humorous meme being passed around on social media is that reminding those who partied at the 'Roaring Twenties' shindigs on NYE that we got our "roaring twenties': the plague, the market crashing, the lack of alcohol. But this isn't the 1920's, this is 2020, the year of vision and clarity, healing and wholeness.
Yes, I believe a new era is dawning, a truth we can all admit regardless of our spiritual practices or lack there of. But, in the birth of something new, we have to release unto death that which no longer serves us. In a very real sense, we are 'being saved as if by fire' as we all plunge deeper into the depths of our own selves. This 'sickness is not unto death' speaks Jesus (and I do not mean to make light of the physical deaths of those already lost due to COVID-19) but more to speak of the spiritual healing transforming and rising us up to a higher vibration.
For in order for the world to be healed, for there to be peace across all the lands, it must first begin with each of us individually. We must all go inward, reduce all the distractions of the busyness of life, and dig deep into our own healing. We must cleanse, release, forgive, and ascend to the true enlightened selves we were born to be, and only then, will this world be the beautiful haven it is mean to be.
Only then, will Mother Earth release us from our sequestered lives, allowing us to emerge from our cocoons of darkness and feel finally the true light of peace and love upon us, basking finally in the warmth of a healed and healthy humanity and world.
Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.
Look at that low plane! Fine, then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food,
But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed.
Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right, right.
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light;
Feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
Look at that low plane! Fine, then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food,
But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed.
Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right, right.
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light;
Feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.