We are now in the thick of the election season and as per the usual in recent times, the fear arises. Will my candidate win or will he lose? Will the already corrupt government system remain or will we finally prevail as "We the People?" And I, for one, am not immune to this fear. This concern not just for the welfare of my life, but for the future of my country for those I love and particularly my nieces, nephew, and children in my life, as well as for our Mother Earth.
But, in days frequent, I have stepped back from the media hype that invades my electronic devices with propaganda trying to make me believe it is news, and instead seek to center myself and re-focus. In addition, I have been reading the book, "Radical Forgiveness: Making Room For The Miracle" by Colin C. Tipping and its given me pause to reflect upon the reason behind the current political and, dare I say, spiritual upheaval in the country and my world.
This text, and my growing belief, states that the emotional turmoil that is we believe is caused by what we see is external but in fact is actually a lesson to help us grow and heal from the wounds we carry. These wounds are most likely those we try to hide or, at least, try not to look at too closely, but try as we might to run, our pain will catch us up and overwhelm. And, overwhelm they will, no matter how hard we try to push down. So, what is seemingly an external irritant is in fact a beloved teacher meant to heal and transform.
Here's the thing. We as individuals, a country, a world, cannot run from ourselves. We will continually be confronted with our own pain, our own issues, brought to us in the lesson of different individuals and circumstances until we surrender to the divine, listen, learn, heal, and release. I believe wholeheartedly that not only do we need to do this on an individual level but more and more that this is the reasoning behind current national upheaval as well as the world pains and issues.
So, what then do we do? Yes, I do what I can for my country, my world. I vote, I stay aware, I recycle, I give...but it all starts for me from the place of self care, personal growth, and self awareness. Without that centering, I can become off-kilter and quickly fly into the place not just of anger but scape-goating, victimhood, and blame of which will never bring healing and resolution.
Our one recourse for a better nation and world starts with us personally. There is a deeper reason behind Senator Sanders, "Not Me, Us" slogan and it has nothing to do with politics, but the spiritual, emotional, psychology. Visualization for a victory of a better world is important but coming from a place free of fear and anger begins with our own healing. We will continue to be confronted with our own demons in the guise of people and circumstances both on a individual, local, national, and global level until we can learn to surrender, listen, learn, and heal from the lesson given. It is only then that true evolution and victory will arise.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
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