Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pure Theatre Bliss

This weekend's opening was an intense yet fascinating experience...each night or day before I went on, I prayed or meditated for the need to "just let go & let Annette have her moment". Each show was similar but a little different in that I was "in the moment" of the story, completely at one with the reality of the play.

Whether there was an audience of 20 or so, 4 or even 2, I came to a point where I didn't even know they were there, so completely lost in my character, her story, & those she was involved with. It was the moment of pure theatre bliss, the moment you long for as an actor or actress, the reason you went into acting in the first place, to lose yourself, to not feel the nervousness but to become fused with the character...I am thankful that I have such awesome co-stars, Mark Schneider, Barbara Rains & Christopher Perme who helped me get to that point with their focus & love for the story & their own characters (as well as for my director, Obed Medina).

We'll do it again next weekend & the weekend after. And, then Annette will live on forever in me, in gratitude for allowing her moment, her story, her truth, as well as I have gratitude for getting to know her. Its the stuff actors and actresses hope for, a character that we can sink our teeth into, dive into, become one with...

I've had two previous to Annette & always I find myself thinking How or When will I ever find another character like this...and now its becoming how can I hold onto these characters I once embodied, but somehow you manage, Roberta Victor from Working is still just as much alive to me today as Edna Miles & Annette Raleigh, with more to come.

And, now I start work on the next projects.

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