So, at church this morning, my Pastor
talked about investing in the spiritual and the earthly, as in what
lasts. Even though we may want to build something on this earth for
our glory, it is not what matters....he referred to somebody building
a house with wood or metal and I thought of, as I tried
to connect "something to point to" to God, the last portion of it
pointed to me, as in "look what I did, I did the job"...that was the
trouble. So, this morning in church I rewrote it as this:
Look what God did,
See what's he done
He did the job!
He was the one!
I tell people about both of us having the faithfulness to pray before
every show, and then how most of the time, when we opened our eyes
there would be a whole group praying with us, unasked!! Those that
tell are as excited and pleased with that!!!
I hope our fellow thespians stop to think that "He" is who we point
to, and who did the "work" in the play, and in every part of our
I pray and hope that we can always remember, in every instance and
circumstance whether joyful or troublesome, He is faithful and He will
do the work.
May we all have "Something to point to"...
He is who guides our being and we conscious minds are made of Him, but silly sound we pointing outward at aught, when within are we all; then include us and not point at Him: We are All One.