Monday, May 27, 2024

Life Model 101: Fanny Eaton #fannyeaton #lifemodel #artmodel #arthistory

Narrated by Jade Chavis Researched & Written by: Lia-Liz Rose Dougal In a time of Imperialistic London, black models were often used to highlight the 'whiteness' and 'social status of the prominent 'white model'. Other times, the black models were used in an exotic unnamed character. However, this was not the case with Fanny.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Journaling Through The Years, Ep. 100: Make Yer Choice #relivemychildhoo...

In this episode, I share a short prose detailing my struggles with feeling smothered, controlled, not allowed to be heard, valued...& how that has shifted throughout the years of recovery. Check out merch & websites they are supporting: National Suicide Prevention Hotline (24 hours): 18002738255 Text Home to: 741741 If you are struggling with your mental health, you and your life matter. Contact NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) at: The Trevor Project: Merchandise: Listen to the FanGirlHour:

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Life Models In History: Lili Elbe #lilielbe #danishgirl #transgendermode...

Life Model 101: Lili Elbe Lilli was a Danish painter, art model, and most notably, a transgender woman who was one of the earliest to receive sex reassignment surgery, gender affirming surgery. Narrated by Dana Tannarome Researched & Written by: Lia-Liz Rose Dougal #lilielbe #danishgirl #lifemodel #arthistory #transgendermodel #transrightsarehumanrights

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Reboot #90210


(with reference to a computer system) boot or be booted again. 
restart or revive (a process or sequence, especially a series of films or television programmes); give fresh impetus to. 
an act of booting a computer system again. 
something, especially a series of films or television programmes, that has been restarted or revived. 

On August 7, 2019, a little television show called "Beverly  Hills, 90210" that originally aired from October 4, 1990 through May 17, 2000, aired an original take on the "reboot" of series overly popular in today's media.  BH90210 was a twist, as the original remaining cast members (Luke Perry died earlier that year) gathered together, to create a story that highlighted a heightened version of their own lives, still played out on the pages of the tabloid (some more than others) mingled with the beloved characters they had lived before us.  Loyal Beverly Hills, 90210 fans waited with baited breath for this new rendition, uncertain what to expect, only with a keen interest and excitement for the return.  Not only were we excited for this new update to our beloved childhood series, but we hoped for more afterwards.  BH90210 was not continued thus, at least not yet, however still a reboot or another series is highly wanted among loyal fans alike.  Yet, perhaps a reboot of such is occurring, just not in the way we imagined.

Yes, I know that there was another 'version' of 90210 that ran from 2008-2013, however, the OG cast of Beverly Hills, 90210 has spoken openly about how they don't really see that as a viable or canon within the world of all things 90210 (Sorry to the cast & fans of that show, but that's what has been said, I don't make the rules, the OG BH90210 cast does.)  The show BH90210 not only was an original concept for the reboot, but it was also equally produced by all of the original cast members.  A cast that at a very young age had their world turned upside down in a Beatles-Esque frenzy overwhelmingly taking the control and choice from their lives as their own and giving it to us, the clamoring fans, public at large, producers, directors of the show itself.  So, good for them, to take over the power of their story, their lives, their reboot, to act in it but also to have producer power as well.

In young adolescent and teenage years, among many a fan around the world, (yes, many who chased and mobbed them down in shopping malls and other public spaces), I admired, looked up to, wanted to be like, yes, idolized these actors and their characters, papering the walls of my room with images of them cut out meticulously from Teen Beat, Seventeen, and other similar magazines, staring lovingly while drinking in any news, interviews, on their personal lives.  God, did I love them and still do.  

In addition to the posters on my wall, I looked up to them for life advice, insights, and direction, and still find myself doing.  Not yet having the chance to attend a convention where they appear, I watch as the fans today act quite differently than their younger selves, a lot tamer and more respectful perhaps from the maturity of the mind or even the lack of energy of the physical, no longer does the cast have to worry about breathless, fainting fans mobbing the stage as they flee the stage hurriedly, sometimes in laundry carts (See: Luke & Jason!).  Yet, the interest for their lives personally as well as their characters is still heightened and desired, of which, I think is both a longing for a simpler time evoking the warm fuzzies but also as age ascends upon us, we continue to look up towards them for guidance.  As a young person, they seemed not only glamourous, but so grown up.  Now as a middle-aged woman (what?!?), time has leveled out the playing field and I realize that they are only a few years older my senior.  Yet, similar to the struggles of adolescence, I find myself a wash with questions during this transition of 'rowing north' and such as my younger self, I find myself looking for answers from them once more.

Since the release and then loss of BH90210, fans such as myself have continued to clamor for more in the series, or another reboot on theirs and our show, wanting to know 'where the characters are now'.  However, with their recent appearances at conventions as a full cast or only a few, where fans can ask questions directly about the beloved characters they portrayed and shower praises of gratitude upon them, of which I, not able to attend, watch on Youtube and Instagram, spellbound drinking in their laughter, their love for one another, for their fans, their insights, their stories, their thoughts.  Even during the research for this blog, I found myself getting distracted gazing at their photos lovingly, falling down a rabbit hole of Youtube interviews, a never ending longing for the security of youth and connectivity.  Yet, perhaps a reboot of such is occuring, just not in the way we imagined.  Now, I listen with marked interest as Shannen Doherty details with clarity and truth her past history during the show, her struggles with such, life with Stage 4 cancer on her podcast, "Let's Be Clear", Jennie Garth implores us to, like her, choose and love ourselves on her "I Choose Me" podcast, Tori Spelling spills all in her own voice and her truth, taking back the tabloids sought to slander, on her podcast, "Mis-Spelling", Brian Austin Green, with his fiancé, Sharna Burgess, and friend, Randy Spelling, share insights on ways to improve one's mental health on their podcast, "Oldish".  And as I do, it dawns on me, this is the REBOOT, not what we wanted, but exactly what we needed.

We all have pop culture loves we fan-girl over (regardless of gender), that which brightens our lives with warmth, hope, guidance of sort, a comfort, that which stands the test of time as we progress through life, never wavering in the gift we treasure.   It is vitally important for our wellness journey and soul's evolution that we not discredit such love as minor, less than, or unimportant merely because it is "pop culture", for the value it gave knows no difference inwardly than any other facet of our identity.


Life Model in History: Isaku Yaniahara #isakuyaniahara #philosopher #lif...

Life Model in History: Isaku Yaniahara #isakuyaniahara #philosopher #lifemodel #lifemodel101 Giacometti was fond of Yaniahara's ability as a model to sit completely still for hours. Together, they would work long hours, day and night, slowly, and as the work progressed, the art reaching completion, Yaniahara would seem to disappear into the creation.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Life Models in History: Audrey Munson #americasfirstsupermodel #silentfi...

On June 8th, 1891, Audrey Marie Munson was born, a woman that would become famous as 'America's first supermodel" yet unknown, however, she is quite visible still in the streets of New York City, if you know where to look. In her prime, she worked as a film and theatre actress, an 'art' model, and was known colloquially as Miss Manhattan, Panama-Pacific Girl, Exposition Girl, and and American Venus.

"What becomes of the artists' models? I am wondering if many of my readers have not stood before a masterpiece of lovely sculpture or a remarkable painting of a young girl, her very abandonment of draperies accentuating rather than diminishing her modesty and purity, and asked themselves the question, "Where is she now, this model who was so beautiful?"

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How Many Times Do We Have To Say Be Nice? #nohate


How Many Times Do We Have To Say Be Nice?

Jacqueline Pollock, CNA, A.CE, B.CL.

Well dear readers, it’s been quite a while since I’ve written something or have been on a
podcast associated with this particular blog; so I thought we’d do come catching up. I was
terminated from my CNA employment back in March of 2023 and in June 2023 I took a job in
Social Services. I was literally unemployed for exactly three months between my leaving my last
CNA position AND then starting the new position in Social Services.

Although I don’t really want to do something about my own life, just thought you’d be
interested in what’s been going on lately. Anyhow, lately I see a lot of hate and bigotry coming
to be accepted more and more in our society. Several States: Oregon, Washington State,
California, ILLINOIS (where I live), and others have great laws that protect people whose Sexual
Orientation and/or Gender Identity are different while others: Florida, Texas, INDIANA (where I
went to college, briefly), GEORGIA (where I was born and raised), Idaho, and more are more
concerned about what genitals one was born with because “Oh you were born that so you are
that” instead of caring about the person. Fear, hate, ignorance, all of the unknown dear readers
are the cause.

Speaking of that in reality our problem is as it always has been, fear of the unknown.
There is also the problem of what my partner calls “Anti-Christian Christians.” Another problem
is ignorance and choosing to remain ignorant. I recall two television actors who were completely
opposite of their most well-known portrayals: Carroll O’Connor (known best as Archie Bunker on
All in the Family) and Larry Hagman (known best as “the man you love to hate, J.R. Ewing”
from Dallas). In real life both men were very liberal and very opposite of these characters,
however, it is to be said that both men portrayed another character on a different show either
before or after there best known characters in Carroll O’Connor’s case it was Police Chief
Willam “Bill” Gillespie from In the Heat of the Night-television series (there’s also a movie from
the 1960’s by the same name) and Larry Hagman’s other well-known portrayal is of United
States Air Force Captain, later Major, Anthony Nelson on the series I Dream of Jeannie. I
mention this because Major Nelson was a military man and rather, while not clueless, always
trying to explain Jeannie’s antics, when he couldn’t reveal Jeannie to others, other than his good
friend United States Army Captain, later Major, Roger Healey. (Note: neither “Jeanie” reunion
movie had Larry Hagman in the role of Anthony Nelson; in the first reunion movie “I Dream of
Jeannie Fifteen Years Later Wayne Rogers, yes as in the actor who played Trapper John from
the television series M*A*S*H* portrayed retiring Colonel Anthony Nelson, and in 1991 Ken
Kercheval, best known as Dallas’ Cliff Barnes portrayed Jeannie’s “master”; I obtained that
information from the Wikipedia article on I Dream of Jeannie).

Right about now you might be asking what my point is. It is simply this: we need to quit
fearing the unknown and start educating ourselves. Now Lord knows I want nothing to do
with reptiles and this, dear readers, is not because I’m ignorant on the subject, on the contrary, I
am educated enough to know that crocodiles and alligators are basically LIVING dinosaurs as
most reptiles are. I’m also smart enough to know that most reptiles are more afraid of me as a
human than I am of them, however, I’m also educated enough to know how DANGEROUS they
are. One of the things my father used to tell me about his service with the United States Army
during the Vietnam War (where he served in-country in Vietnam from 5 July 1969 to 4 July
1970) is that there is (still to this day to my understanding) this particular kind of snake they
have over in Asia nicknamed a “Two Stepper” (really named the many-banded krait, and
scientifically named Bungarus multicinctus). Daddy used to tell me that if this particular snake bit
someone “you (the person bit) turned east took two steps home and fell over dead and that was
the closest you were gettin’ home alive.” In researching for this column I ran across information
that stated “American troops also dubbed the yellow-bellied bamboo pit viper the ‘two stepper’
because of its lethal venom, which can kill you in two steps.” (Note: I had to Google the actual
name of the “two stepper” and that above information was from something called generative AI;
now I’ve found something that even I need to learn more about). So my fear of reptiles is no
irrational nor is it a fear of the unknown, my fear of reptiles comes from SCIENTIFIC AND
SCHOLARLY studies, articles, and other academic content (with the exception of that above
mentioned quote that came from “generative AI.”) I’ve often been accused of being an idiot, I’ve
been accused of being prejudiced, however, um no, I’m not either yet as I’ve often said to my
friends “Reptiles aren’t pets those things belong in the wild.” I have a friend that always says “X
cat or dog ain’t no dope” and neither am I.

Dear readers, I encourage educating a person’s self on different subjects. I don’t care
what your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) regardless of the subject, and if you happen to have
someone you personally know that says “I’m too old to learn X” and I say “No, Sir/No ma’am
you’re NEVER too old to learn, never, it’s only too late to learn when you’re dead!” I then
sometimes think to myself something an elderly friend of mine told me “You CAN teach an old
dog new tricks it just takes more time.” So regardless of how old you are, how old you feel, how
old you are, whatever, you can learn and it’s time to embrace education and not ignorance.
After all, in their song Hurting Each Other The Carpenters said it best “We can’t go on hurting
each other.” So dear readers I encourage you to embrace diversity; love your neighbor as
yourself; and show compassion to all.

K. Jacqueline Pollock, former Seattle resident, forever a Seattleite at heart, currently lives in Macomb, Illinois, continues to work with Community Radio Station WTND-LP 106.3 FM Macomb, Illinois (a 501c3 Non-Profit, all monetary donations tax deductible), as well as a CNA, and now also serves as Treasurer of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Macomb, Illinois, where ALL are welcome regardless of any status.

Whatever You Call Me:
 Always remember that what Kathie Lee Gifford once said of herself is true about me too:  
"It's no secret that I love to talk, but the real secret is I love to listen, too."  Kathie Lee Gifford

Saturday, May 4, 2024



All right, I got your attention with the title, so let me explain why it's not for me, at least, not right now. 

I came of age in a world where AIDS was the BIG illness, not Covid19, condoms were the mask to protect, abstinence was preached in my public school health classes, as a viable option in deterring any STDs or pregnancy mishaps.  The basics of how to prevent such alongside a brief description of adolescent changes were all that were given, while Hollywood and Disney spoon fed the illusion of the perfect romantic union.  Sex was then something to be both feared yet a very real necessity for romantic relationship.  As I watched Dylan woo Brenda on Beverly Hills, 90210, then later Donna give it up to David in a romantic rose petal strewn bedroom complete with the safe sex moment, I longed for, imagined almost to the detail, my own perfect moment. 

What I got, time and time again, was, although at times beautifully fulfilling and special, was also, at other times, sorely lacking and besought with devastation.  

Okay, don't get me wrong, I am not gonna launch into an article on why the purity culture is pretty darn amazing and we all should become born-again fundie, that time of my life is way far behind me and as much as I can say that the idealism of longed-for romantic sex unrequited broke me, the toxicity of purity culture helped not either.  Actually, becoming a fundie born-again virgin, rather abstaining from sex, was the only part of that mindset that was acceptable by me, a demi-grey-sexual, who doesn't require or desire sex on the regular anyway.  The devastating part of purity culture, rather, was the overly emphasis on the female need to cover in modesty her body in order to assist the male's need not to stumble, the male who could not resist his natural urges, thus it was the female's fault for his stumbling, purity culture equal rape culture!

Thus, during my time as a fundie-Christian and the years of deconstruction, I suffered with extreme body dysmorphia, hatred, and shame for any part of my physical that represented sexuality or seemed alluring.  Moreover,  carrying into my chosen path of fundie christianity days was the shame of not truly 'waiting', of giving it up before I 'said the sinner's prayer'.  Despite the pulpit's championing that being a 'born-again virgin' was good enough, it never truly was, I remained always 'damaged goods', more shame poured upon by an already controlling organization.  ("Get outta my uterus!" my current self screams to them on behalf of my younger self.)

Alongside this, there are the years previous to fundamentalist, then the years after, relationships that turned sexual, in one way or another, that left me lacking, to say the least.  The physical exoticness' of the event overall was enjoyable but the act itself at times left me empty, causing more of an increase of my love addiction brain to further desire the intimacy, the closeness, yet never to be received fully.  Sex, in all its dimensions, seems only transactional, two bodies, at least for me, coming together for the sole purpose of the physical, leaving me feeling addled.  

Furthermore, in an allosexual world, I have felt increasingly lonely in my lack of sexual desire, not feeling understood until finally finding my place upon the asexual spectrum.  Demi-Sapio-Sexual, baby, and proud!  But, this loneliness also extends to the emotional intimacy and romantic intention lacking in past sexual experiences, (not all, mind you, current or former partners who may be reading this), that which wounded either due to not fulfilling my dream being modeled to me on the set of "Beverly Hills, 90210" and the like, or even the male partner's intention to just get down to brass tacks, with no sensuality whatsoever.  

Thus, all of this included with my first year of recovery from love addiction, leads me to the open decision to currently abstain for a season, not forever, such that I focus on the establishment of true, healthy intimacy with a romantic partner in the daily life as well as special events, while fully healing, becoming to understand and express my core values, my needs as well as red flags in a relationship of any sort, and laying down the boundary of self-respect overall.

I don't want to play this game no more 
I don't wanna play it 
I don't want to stay 'round here no more
 I don't wanna stay here Like rain on a Monday morning 
Like pain that just keeps on going on 
Look at all the hate they keep on showing 
I don't want to see that 
Look at all the stones they keep on throwing
 I don't want to feel that Like Sun that will keep on burning
 I used to be so discerning, 
oh In my recovery 
I’m a soldier at war 
I have broken down walls 
I defined
 I designed
 My recovery