Saturday, February 10, 2024

Wokeism: The New Fundamentalism #woke #gotwoke #fundamentalism #fundie #fundamentalist


Full transparency, I am, what would be considered by many, a woke feminist (fun fact: a guy I was seeing once referred to me chidingly as a 'feminist', even more fun, I stayed linked to him for three more years...yikes, enough about MY SHAME!).  Overall, I find the original context of woke to be powerful and meaningful in living an empowered, authentic, forward moving life.  

Originating from African American Vernacular English since the 1930s, woke found resurgence in the 2010s, used as a means of encouragement to awaken to the injustices everywhere with the hopes that speaking out would impact change.  Such has been the positive influence of the term, "woke" within the last decade, such as the rise of awareness of mistreatment of Black Americans and police brutality, the uprising and seemingly approval of white supremacy by certain government leaders, to the 2020 election of Biden v. Trump, among many.  Thus, woke, in its original meaning, is powerful and one of which I will continue to practice with pride.  I will, in fact, work to 'Stay Woke'.

However, as in anything positive, a darker side has emerged, such that seems to be nearing a similarity with the organized religion it claims to disagree.  It would seem that woke has become misinterpreted and misused in order to shame into silence those who may not follow the acceptable status quo of who and what is in and who is out (see: cancelled) and use the appropriate lingo and language depicted by society.  Those who would seem to speak out against this new version of "woke" are chastised, chided, cancelled, just look at Dave Chapelle and Ricky Gervais as an example.  Liking or viewing that which has spoken against, used the wrong terminology, thus been cancelled and called 'anti-woke bigots' are attacked as a kin to such.  This inability to listen to one's intent over the correct word usage and terminology, lack of critical thinking skills, and increased focus on substituting individuality over conformity is startling me into recognizing the traits of this new woke with that of Fundamentalism, specifically that of Christian from my own personal experience.

Once again, I spent 7, maybe 8 years, of my life as what I now deem a fundamentalist Christian, what society and active believers describe as 'evangelical Christian'.  Yet with the meaning behind evangelical to be 'sharing of good news', I would rather not give such term to a fundamentalist Christian, or any fundamentalist, as such there does not appear to be any sort of good news or good energy being shared, contrary to what they would think.  That said, as a Fundie, I found myself falling into the trap of those around me of using select words and phrases, Christianeze, not understandable to those outside.  However relatable this is to an enclosed, exclusive, controlling worldview such as present day conservative Christians, what is more insidious is the damage within.  If one within the church's confines does not use the correctly prescribed word, phrase, or description of scripture, he or she is met with a declaration negative and made to feel shame, that said, the intent of what is being said is not being heard.  (Sound familiar?) Personally, I recall an experience where I shared with a friend what I had learned during a bible study from a pastor of the same denomination whose description of scripture differed from the status quo, of which was declared incorrect, no discussion granted, and the friend quickly exited the conversation.  Furthermore, this hyper-fixation on one's prescribed literal translation lends itself to disagreement, downplaying, and even strife between other conservative Christian churches, although their basic doctrine and belief in Jesus would appear the same.

It is important now to state that I have no issue with organized religion, Christianity, or the Woke culture if such is done within the true nature and purpose of its origins.  However, to me, my past history as a fundie Christian, seems increasingly more apparent within the woke culture of which has now become ridicule from the Christian Right and governmental leadership seeking to destroy.  The ironic reality is that fundamentalist Christians and the Woke-ists are following the same standards within the context of their own inner beliefs, yet both blinded by what their own exclusivity.  

The answer then for either the Woke or the Christian is to look within, understanding one's own benefits and biases, working through one's own struggles and using such as a foundation to impact change without, not wanting others to conform but seeking healing and individuality for all.  Basically, seeking all to be awakened, rather woke, to themselves first, then to the rights and needs of society.  For healing within is what guides to true peace without.

This article is more than 2 years old We need to discuss the word ‘woke’

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