Thursday, September 16, 2021

Purely FanFiction from the 90210 Fan Girl

 The following is the exerpt from Brenda Walsh-McKay's journal:

Here's how it went down.  So, Dylan and Kelly got married in 2002, together they had Sammy, an adorable little child.  However, as much as the two loved each other, they found that marriage was not meant for them.  They continue to work to co-parent their beautiful child.  

After the marriage dissolved, Dylan took to the road for awhile to find himself through traveling, as he always had been.  I hadn't heard or seen him since I left Southern California way back in the nineties, preferring to put that time out of my life.  My brother, Brandon, had kept me in the know as much as possible, but I never insisted, only wanting to know what was pertinent to our family.  However, at the death of our father, who passed shortly after our mother two years previous, I did ask Brandon for updates on all my former high school classmates.  Kelly was still living in Beverly Hills working  as a life coach, Steve was happily married with Janet and with several children.  Donna and David were still going strong.  Andrea was happily divorced and pursuing her career as a screenwriter.  Dylan, although he kept in regular touch with his son, was whereabouts unknown to the rest.  Hearing his name brought back a pang to my heart, surprising to me that after all these times he still had that affect  upon me.

I went back to England where I have been working within the theatre and art world.  One day I was busy at my administrative job at the art studio when my assistant informed me I had a visitor in the front.  I asked her the name and she replied simply, "A Dylan McKay".  Shocked, I hurried down the stairs unbelieving that it could actually be him.

But, there he was, standing in the foyor, looking around and when I walked in, he turned to face me.  I took him in then, once again.  Although time had passed over his face, well-worn it was with the history of his life, he was still my Dylan, still the smoldering charm I had fallen for so many years ago, but somehow that demeanor had softened.   Upon seeing me, his arms opened and into them I ran, smelling the warmth of him as he embraced.  The above selfie was taken in that happiest of moments.  We agreed to meet after I finished my shift for dinner.  As he walked out the door, he turned, with a twinkle in his eye, and marveled at how I had grown to be such a metropolitan Londoner, he still considered himself the rough and tumble bad boy on the motorcycle.  Laughing we recalled the bad blonde job I had had when he and I chatted on that street nearby my Beverly Hills home.

Later at dinner, we caught each other up on the recent news from home.  He was heartbroken over the loss of Jim and Cindy, who he had always considered parents' of his own, stable, loving, always there, and full of nonjudgment.  After dinner, we walked arm in arm through the city catching each other up on all our times personally in recent years.  Surprisingly, we found each other both single at that time and suddenly in that instant realized why relationships had always found themselves going sour, it was each other we were meant for.

We spent three beautiful months basking in the warmth of rekindled love, of which I wish not to give too many details, for this at once I wish to keep private, not on display for the world's eye to capture.  Close to the end of that third month, Dylan expressed his desire to 'make me an honest woman' and capture me forever as 'his little woman'.  Knowingly, Dylan this was meant in jest but the desire to wed was simply both something we wanted.

It was a small affair.  Due to my father's demise, it was Brandon who walked me down the aisle towards my forever love, Brandon who gave me to Dylan, which feels so exactly right when I think upon it.  Kelly and Donna were there and the night previous we had a quiet girl's night similar to old times, yet the years had weathered any bad blood between us and we found in each other the wisdom of maturity that enhanced our love and friendship.  Steve and Andrea, unable to get away from their work in time, watched by zoom call.  All the modern times.

We had four wonderful years together, filled with much growth of our souls personally and united.  We enjoyed having Sammy into our home for holidays as well as welcomed Kelly, an untraditional happy little family.  

However, in the fifth year of our wedded bliss, my Dylan was diagnosed with colon cancer and at the time too far gone, not caught in time.  Dylan and I had six months together before he breathed his last, laying beside me in bed, holding my hand until the last.

I wish to share this not to wound with such sad tidings, but only to express the reality that true love is a reality, is not what I had dreamt and believed as a young teenager, and is expressed far beyond what is visible within our scope of reality.  My union with Dylan continues even though his physical absense and I still see him everywhere, as well as feel him with me at all times, as I always have.

Believe in love, not merely the romantic, but the true power of it all, that will sustain throughout all the hardships and heartbreaks of life's journey, that which is brought upon by our own frailties and also the needed lessons to help us evolve to our most highest selves. 

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