I say, what adventure shall we have today?
Jessica Jae Unker as Peter Pan in
Wanderlust Theatre Company's Neverland
We spend an exorbitant amount of our days going through the motions. We check off our lists one by one as we finish our daily chores, after dragging ourselves sleepily from our beds in the morning, groaning. Then, as the day continues lagging forward, we count the minutes until we can head home, tear off our 'glad rags', curl up in our pajamas, and drift happily into mindlessness as we numb ourselves out before the television or mobile devices, seeking to forget the dreariness of our daily existences.
Is this the life we dreamt about when we were children, anxious to grow up and experience all that life had to offer? Is this truly what life has to offer?
Most of us do not have the fabulously glamorous lives of Hollywood movie stars or IG influencers, but we can recover the magic of our lives if we would allow it.
Last summer, I participated in the amazing production of "Neverland", a debut production from Wanderlust Theatre Company. Each morning of our Neverland adventure, our Peter, played by the talented Jessica Jae Unker (see above photo) would address myself and the other Lost Boys with this question, "I say, what adventure shall we have today?" In the play, we'd always come up with some truly outlandish and child-like imaginative adventures, such as hunting the fattest Neverbeast to the greatest make-believe meal you could ever imagine!
But, one day during the production, a thought flitted across my mind as I was bouncing across the "stage" (it was outside migratory theater) as my character,Tootles. Why can't I make every day an adventure regardless of the activity? Why indeed?
Children are like this. Each day they awake with the magical wonderment of the excitement of the newness of each day. It's only as they age and continue through life, having more and more responsibilities thrust upon them, that they begin to lose that joy. As we all grow, we lose sight of the magic of life.
The next question is, can we reclaim it? And if so, how?
I think it starts by daily deciding to make every day an adventure. Perhaps, we can ask ourselves as Peter Pan did, "I say, what adventure shall we have today?" Then, as we go about the business of checking off the to-do list, we can look at each moment, each experience, whether minute or trivial, as a little adventure. As we do this, the magic of life will return in abundance.
That said, what adventure will you have today?
The next question is, can we reclaim it? And if so, how?
I think it starts by daily deciding to make every day an adventure. Perhaps, we can ask ourselves as Peter Pan did, "I say, what adventure shall we have today?" Then, as we go about the business of checking off the to-do list, we can look at each moment, each experience, whether minute or trivial, as a little adventure. As we do this, the magic of life will return in abundance.
That said, what adventure will you have today?
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